Alot of you seem to be missing the point though, Ocarina of time is the best game ever because it changed so much in video games, alot of new ideas came from the game, it even pushed the current gen technology to a high standard, (Umm I think either PD or Conquers bad fur day maxed out that gen), that's pretty much why alot of people liked the game so much, alot of the stuff nad never been seen before, which is also similar for Halo and GTA since they were big jumps in their directions, Halo Defined Action in Shooters, Fast Melee, inventive weapon (yes there is only one) and regenerating health, GTA redefined sandbox games, also alot of the stuff that came around from zelda is used in alot of other games, context sensitivity targeting system, there is more just not of the top of my head. there that is why, you may like another game more but that game didn't make a gigantic impact, No Final Fantasy PS era did not influence RPG gameplay mechanics enough, IMO Star Ocean was more inventive and individual it was just released too late, and only in Japan.
TP has some new stuff, just alot of people don't notice, the technique that is used to create the anime eyes in zelda should be the standard I'm amazed no-one has really adopted it
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