Looks like EA wasn't kidding when it said that it would be fully supporting the Wii U. Is this a sign of better third party suppot for Nintendo's next console? EA, Ninja Theory, Rocksteady, Ubisoft, Activision, Irrational, Epic, Crytek, Bioware, Bethesda, Kojima, Konami, Team Ninja, Capcom and Gearbox have all already confirmed an interest in/projects in progress on the Wii U. Are we looking at what will, if handled correctly, become the next generation's PS2?
Next gen PS2? Didnt you say the same for Wii? No, I wasn't even a member of these forums when the Wii released.Well let me remind you then the issue and no , this didnt happen when Wii released .
Were 2 constantly years or more, Nintendo fanboys claimings. Wii is the NEXT PS2 and its almost SURE WILL SURPASS it in sales. That was what most saying. And i was saying "" Dream on "" and i was getting the laughter. Where are they now , Ninties to laugh?
Now about PS2 vs Wii-u .... dream on again! PS2 still sells. Wii almost dead 1 year before Wii-u release. Thats your Nintendo. Why you think Wii-u will be different ? Because it will be better and will compete easily with PS3/X360 , almost 7 years old consoles? Just wait for Ps4/X720 to claim "victory".
Noone will give 300-350 euros or more just to play same games as PS3/X360 with a "bit" better resolutions or whatever. Because thats the issue here. You wont see BF4 ( example ) only for Wii-u.. Youll see BF4 on all consoles and on Wii-u ,IF WONT BE A PORT , youll see a slightly better version. Thats all. But when PS4/x720 release then and only then youll see truly next gen games and guess what Wii-u will be by then??!!! Another Wii outdated console that wont handle most of new gen games.
Quote me here and now if you want.
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