In this thread we are going to discuss the REAL reason why alot of PS3 games have mandatory installs. I know this is a tired topic but its simply discussion for the sake of discussion, and alot of people alsoseem to be confused.
Some common false beliefs are that:
-The blu ray drive read speed is slow (irrelevant.)
-Developers need to install to make the game on par with 360 (technically you could say that, but not in the context most people are thinking. this is also false)
-They are doing it to make load times faster, to get an edge on 360 (also false)
The PS3 doesnt have mandatory installs because the read speed of blu ray is has mandatory installations because Sony forces developers to leave the game files uncompressed, including uncompressed audio and video (not fully uncompressed, just forced to use different compression codecs for audio and video, the same ones used in blu ray movies). The problem with this is, that Blu Ray movies tend to take up ALOT of space on a blu ray disk. This means that with this compression codec, games files tend to be very large. (this is why PS3 game files are always so massively large, and games like Killzone 3 were 42gb, others filling up blu ray discs, etc......Fallout 3 for instance was like 7 gigs on 360 and PC, yet it was around 30 on PS3).
The problem with THIS, however, is that Sony has a strict policy of a ONE DISC LIMIT for games on its platform. Meaning that if the developers game file is too big to fit on one disc, then they are required to zip up the file to make it fit, and then UNZIP it to your harddrive.
This is why so many games on PS3 require mandatory installations.
The mandatory installations have nothing to do with the disparity between the PS3 and 360. They are specifically because the game files are too big to fit on a blu ray disk using the compression codecs Sony forces developers to use, therefore they have to zip the file up, and install it on your harddrive. This is also why alot of multiplats are STILL inferior on the PS3 to the 360 versions even AFTER the mandatory install. This is because those differences are attributed mainly to the 360 having better ram and a better GPU. The installations were NEVER intended to change this. They were there so that they could get the game onto one disk without cutting content for the PS3 version.
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