I was arguing with some guy in another topic about how PC gamers boast about how their games aren't all about instant gratification, when the hobby itself contradicts said statement. He went on to say that Dark Souls wasn't at all about instant gratification. I wrote:
I don't get why gamers here have a constant need to defend their hobby. Like when the gamers made some discovery about AIDs, they all took so much pride in actually having something to boast about for once... even though it wasn't actually them doing anything, but I disgress.
I have said many times before that Demon's Souls is my favorite game of all time (I have to wait till Christmas this year to get Dark Souls), but even I can admit that your statement is just silly. Something that goes outside of instant gratification would be like becoming a doctor. You have to put up with losing thousands of dollars and putting a great deal of hours into it and even after you become one for it to pay off.
But I want to really know if other people believe that video games are as deep as this person claims, or if you guys can actually admit that your hobby isn't as deep as as delusional gamers would have you believe.
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