@commander said:
@appariti0n said:
@Dark_sageX: Of course not. No matter how many times he's proven wrong by numerous people, he'll continue to just move the goalpost, twist words, try to find fault with your evidence, even tho he himself used the same site when he erroneously thought it supported his case.
how did I move goalposts? you said they were comparable, they're not. end of story
Oh not just goalpost moving.
As far as this discussion goes, you have displayed at least one, if not more examples of every type of intellectual dishonesty we have a term for.
1. backpedalling
You wen't from this:
"It will be a cold day in hell before the 7700k comes close to 8600k performance"
"It will be significant enough to put the 8600k in whole different range of performance"
"the two extra cores on the I5 8600k will dwarf the two extra threads on the I7 7700 and blow it out of the water."
"The I5 8600k has 50 percent more cores, the I7 7700k 50 percent more threads. That's 50 percent vs the half of 15-30, so that's like what 8-15 percent.
Sure it narrows the gap a bit, but the I5 is still about 35-42 percent faster."
"But it does get murdered..."
to this:
"when I5's hexacores become more mainstream the differences are going to get bigger."
"Sure the I5 8600k won't give that much performance difference today when you compare average benchmark results"
"I don't need benchmarks to know this"
"50 percent more cores is 50 percent more cpu power, it might not translate directly into real world applications like games"
"I may have exagerrated a bit when I said murder"
As if one would EVER compare CPUs on anything besides average performance spread across as many games as possible. And as if we were talking about anything other than the fucking REAL WORLD PERFORMANCE IN GAMES.
2. Strawman
"@appariti0n also thinks 20 percent performance difference is comparable , which is ridiculous."
combined with a backpedal for bonus points
"You didn't think it would be 20 percent, but that's doesn't change the fact that you called it comparable."
3. Being a massive hypocrite
First, you post a chart from eurogamer.net, showing a substantial difference between the 7700K, and the 8700K, instead of the 8600K. oops.
Yet when I posted a chart from the same site, in the exact same format, using the same fucking games, showing the 7700K within a few fps of the 8600K, suddenly you switched your evidence to a random youtube guy with cherry picked multi-thread heavy benchmarks.
Then, you post a chart showing lost planet at 480p, showing the difference between the 7600K (instead of the 7700K) and the 8600K. Which predictably performs about 50% faster.
I post the same damn chart, from the same damn website, on the same game, with the same settings, with the 7700K instead, and it's 50% faster. Suddenly this benchmark is also irrelevant now that it doesn't back up your argument.
Then later, when I posts results from userbenchmark.com, you respond with this gem.
"They don't show the benchmarks seperately as well, what are they using to test all this, lost planet at 480p?"
Did you forget you tried to use that exact benchmark against me or something?
"The problem with this site when you want to do a proper comparison is that it isn't in a closed environment, warping the results. The users could be running all sorts of stuff while doing these tests, this while the pc hardware apart from the cpu differs completely."
And random youtube guy, your only evidence is a closed environment? How many times did he run the test? The 7700K and the 8600K can't even run on the same motherboard. How do you know he wasn't running shit in the background as well?
With no straws to grasp at, you try....
4. Pedantics
"that's doesn't change the fact that you called it comparable."
- (of a person or thing) able to be likened to another; similar."flaked stone and bone tools comparable to Neanderthal man's tools"
synonyms: | similar, close, near, approximate, akin, equivalent, commensurate, proportional, proportionate; |
And of course, you focus on the one synonym out of 9 that allows you to convince yourself I'm wrong, rather than the other 8.
equivalent: equal in value, amount , function
try again...
And the best part of all of this, @ronvalencia whom you expected to come in and rescue you, comes in and echos the sentiments of myself, and @04dcarraher to a T. But you're still not convinced.
You go for the:
5. Change the subject
"so he must be right about 1070 performance then?"
I guess using some sort of Commander logic that if Ron is correct about one thing, he must be correct about all things, so at least you're right about a completely separate argument!
6. Moving goalposts
"well it's the only benchmark that compares the two overclocked so unless you got any other benchmarks you got no case"
oh, so only overclocked benchmarks count, even though earlier you said:
"Most people don't go for max overclock and even if the quad core is able to dish out a couple of 100 mhz, it will still get murdered by the hexacore."
Which is it then?
and finally
"You will get a lot of benchmarks with older games and older synthetic benchmarks that brings the I7 7700k close to the coffee lake chip because of the hyperthreading.
But games that scale well across 6 cores will take advantage of that extra cpu power, like you've seen in games like watch dogs 2, crysis 3, gta V and this is only going to be with more games in the future."
And now you JUST posted this, which is contradictory:
"Games tend to prefer cpu speed over cores/threads"
Gotcha, so I'm wrong, because you were secretly only talking about new games in the future that benefit from the extra cores. Older games, or new games that are focused on lower thread counts don't count. Except when you're arguing in favor of the X1X CPU. Then it's different.
Also, suddenly you're downplaying synthetic benchmarks, which you were using earlier on to make your case.
Overall gaming performance always uses as many games as possible, from all types of genre. Both new and slightly older. Overclocked, and non overclocked. On a variety of systems. Both single core heavy, and multi-thread heavy.
When you're talking about X1X enhancements, why aren't you limiting yourself to only new games optimized for X1X then? Older games receiving enhancements shouldn't even be discussed by your logic.
Goalpost move confirmed.
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