Great idea on paper. I just really dont have the desire to play old games that aren't Nintendo's
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It's definitely interesting, but I remain skeptical it will amount to anything major. We'll see how it turns out.
I want to know
-price is it subscription or on demand
-bandwidth requirement
-how smooth is it and can i play it in hd
-and why there is no pc client you sold vio laptop for god sake
i would love to have it on pc that would be awesome. from what im hearing pricing is on demand or u can subscribe to a monthly fee
It very well could be a game changer. It depends on how good the service is (quality, latency) and how much the subscription/rental prices are.
If Chris G, Diago Umehara, and Justin Wong test out the latency and say it gets THEIR approval...the service will be a show-stopper.
I hope this forces Microsoft to implement a similar technology this generation because there were some 360 games that came out from 2005-2009 that I'd love to play again. But I sold my 360 to get a One and now I can't play them. Also, I miss Halo CE, Ninja Gaiden Black and some others from the Xbox years.
But yes, PlayStation Now...PS1/2/3 games on any tablet, Vita, smartphone or even television...presumably unified across all devices you own by a single subscription (like Netflix) would be pretty huge....provided tablets, smartphones and televisions get proper controllers made for them. To this date, all smartphone and tablet controllers suck ass.
the only 3 games worth playing on x360 are halo ce, halo 3 and gears 3. the rest like alan wake are on pc anyway, knowing m$ if they did a service like this they would charge ridiculous prices. i just want them to port halo ce hd to steam damn it
That's your opinion, of course. I'd want to play:
Halo CE
Ninja Gaiden Black
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Fable 2
Gears 1/2/3 (single player)
Prince of Persia
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Geometry Wars 1/2
Burnout Revenge
That's my list and I'd love to revisit all of them.
I want to know
-price is it subscription or on demand
-bandwidth requirement
-how smooth is it and can i play it in hd
-and why there is no pc client you sold vio laptop for god sake
i would love to have it on pc that would be awesome. from what im hearing pricing is on demand or u can subscribe to a monthly fee
It very well could be a game changer. It depends on how good the service is (quality, latency) and how much the subscription/rental prices are.
If Chris G, Diago Umehara, and Justin Wong test out the latency and say it gets THEIR approval...the service will be a show-stopper.
I hope this forces Microsoft to implement a similar technology this generation because there were some 360 games that came out from 2005-2009 that I'd love to play again. But I sold my 360 to get a One and now I can't play them. Also, I miss Halo CE, Ninja Gaiden Black and some others from the Xbox years.
But yes, PlayStation Now...PS1/2/3 games on any tablet, Vita, smartphone or even television...presumably unified across all devices you own by a single subscription (like Netflix) would be pretty huge....provided tablets, smartphones and televisions get proper controllers made for them. To this date, all smartphone and tablet controllers suck ass.
the only 3 games worth playing on x360 are halo ce, halo 3 and gears 3. the rest like alan wake are on pc anyway, knowing m$ if they did a service like this they would charge ridiculous prices. i just want them to port halo ce hd to steam damn it
That's your opinion, of course. I'd want to play:
Halo CE
Ninja Gaiden Black
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon
Fable 2
Gears 1/2/3 (single player)
Prince of Persia
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Geometry Wars 1/2
Burnout Revenge
Alan Wake
That's my list and I'd love to revisit all of them. Were MS to offer a PSNow-like service where I could, I'd love it.
Get ready for PS++
PS+ = play your PS4 games online and get some free games every so often.
PS++ = play every single PS1, 2, 3, PSP? Vita? game ever made, plus the PS4 stuff I mentioned on any "smart" device you own.
if sony want me play it on vita/smart phone they should make their service playable on 3g speed if it can't then i think it will be flop because most people in the world doesn't have 4g
99% sure they will require AT LEAST WIFI and/or 4G for Playstation Now.
3G is too slow for everything.
Could be cool for the Vita but until Controllers take off on Phones/Tablets (They still haven't yet) then it simply won't work for them. Not to mention the possibility of lag, would really need to see how the service fairs in the real world.
On a side note that guy's Tweet is hilarious. Although if they won't be offering third party games (Like the Final Fantasy series on PS1 for example) then I could see some weight being given.
Download >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stream.
Seriously. I hate that this is where technology is going.
This is great news and the IPTV makes xbone even more pointless.
Gaikai and Twitch on PS4 before xbone can even livestream at all...LMAO!!!
Download >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stream.
Seriously. I hate that this is where technology is going.
They are replacing the effort of putting retro games on the market and limited them to those with good internet connections. if I remember correctly, I live in a place called America, if you don't like in the areas or New York City or Los Angeles (or insert city here), you have a chance of being with a terrible internet provider and offers terrible internet and DATA CAPS, like myself. I have free internet periods from midnight to 5am, that's when i do my downloads, while during the day I use up the 10GB of data I get each month.
Now, these retro games and PS3 games are never going to reach the PS4 PS Store to download. So, lets say I did have a good internet provider. I would stream these games, but still be tethered to places that have internet. So, my Vita? Only can play the game at home, defeating the purpose of it being a handheld.
We've known about Gaikai for ages now, not sure why people are surprised.
But still ... you're streaming games lolz no thanks. Also, so many lost PS3 exclusives. Oh dear
This post reeks of frustration.
I'd rather have my games run locally rather then being at the mercy of an internet connection. And why does the PS4 not have a ps1 + ps2 + psp emulator? why on earth would you want to stream those games. PS4 is plenty powerful enough to emulate those and run from ISO or whatever they want to provide. Sure PS3 and Vita are off limits for now and possibly forever due to the emulation overheads.
IPTV makes a lot on sense though, better than the poor effort Microsoft put in where it's useless almost everywhere outside the US. Still wondering how they are going to fix the 50hz problem...
I'd rather have my games run locally rather then being at the mercy of an internet connection. And why does the PS4 not have a ps1 + ps2 + psp emulator? why on earth would you want to stream those games. PS4 is plenty powerful enough to emulate those and run from ISO or whatever they want to provide. Sure PS3 and Vita are off limits for now and possibly forever due to the emulation overheads.
IPTV makes a lot on sense though, better than the poor effort Microsoft put in where it's useless almost everywhere outside the US. Still wondering how they are going to fix the 50hz problem...
I don't think you understand how software emulation works....
This will be really cool for most PS4 users. I still have my PS1,2 and 3 hooked up so it's not that big of a deal for me. It will be cool to stream games to the Vita though. As long as it works better than remote play between ps4 and Vita does now.
Polygon seem pretty happy with how it plays in their review of it. Gaikai also holds the record for the most widespread cloud gaming network iirc so the odds of getting a good experience are the best you're going to see.
I wouldn't think data caps would be a massive issue, you're just streaming video to your console and your movements back to the Gaikai servers. That shouldn't be too much more than what you're doing with Netflix now.
Also lol at the lost exclusives, who cares? Lems went on about library size all of last gen and now the PS4 is looking like it'll have the largest.
MASSIVE REVENUE? Sure whatever you say pal.
hahahhahahaha u still shook up from 4.2m news? haha i said 'potentially', key word
Yes, that news really ruined my day. Kinda like how mad all those millions of people were when they found how bad the PS4/10 sucked.
Isn't this what an emulator is for?? I mean it's nice to go back and play games that I loved as a kid, I have the entire NES, SNES and Genisis game catalog on ROMS for emulators and I played around with it a few times but in the end is just kinda meh, rather play the new stuff.
MS cloud just got destroyed
Why? They have two different purposes.
Given the choice i'd rather have the one concerned with this gens games.
I know that this isn't going to happen, but it would be awesome if we could stream games that we already own from the PSN. Why should I pay to stream The Last of Us when I purchased it directly from Sony? Plus my PS3 is right next to my PS4. In order for them to get me on board they need to offer some sort of playability for titles already purchased over PSN imo.
@ghostwarrior786: I'd rather pay for the service and be able to download the game to my PS4 and play it for as long as I want. I would never rent a streaming game for days or a week. I'm not fond of streaming services. OnLive was a disaster. If that even around still? We'll see what pricing Sony comes up with for this service.
Yes, it's a game changer. In many ways as well.
And for the skeptics, Gaikai was streaming high fidelity PC games just fine. PS1, PS2 and even PS3 games won't be an issue. The best part is that they aren't going to strip down the games either. Full online support, trophy support etc. on any platform. It's great news for PlayStation.
all PS1,2,3's games library in history available for Sony to put playable on the PS4. That's a massive game changer. Any game series that is across multiple PS's can all be played on the PS4 once Sony makes them available. Anyone can go back and play games they've been wanting to.
I just hope MS does not do this too, waste of time and resources in my opinion. Why don't you guys just keep your PS3 close by, you would prefer to play a laggy version of a game?
Rather than concentrating on the future, this feels like a step backwards to me, but to each his own there must be a market for it if they are doing it.
I really doubt they'll be laggy. The PS4's online is tons faster than on PS3. I'm sure the games will be downloaded to HDD like with the PS4s disc games which will make it load way faster & make the streaming simpler & keep the games running smooth.
Sounds cool I guess but it kind of sounds like a downgrade in SOME aspects. Do PS4 users still have the option of downloading ps classics as emulations, instead of just renting and streaming them for a monthly subscription? I'd rather just play them on my old systems instead of paying to play them over the web. Also, is this how they are going to create more appeal for the Vita? Why not more new games.
Destructoid also saying it works really well and a few more details are out:
"With PS Now, you can rent by title for specific games, or you can choose a subscription that delivers additional value with a wide variety of genres. For example, you can try out a game by rental first, before deciding to actually purchase the full game and download it to your console."
I hope this could be the return of rentals if they offer a service for PS4 titles. Titles i want instantly or i think might have short single player modes would be ideal to rent.
"We recommend a 5MBPS+ connection. In our internal tests, users with this bandwidth or greater have been enjoying a low latency, high-quality gaming experience. PS Now tests your connection of each game and optimizes for quality if you are above the minimum requirements."
Guess this will turn into company wars, although for many it already was. PS now will be available on non Sony devices, so those games will no longer be exclusive. Its a potentially strong revenue for Sony.
I just hope MS does not do this too, waste of time and resources in my opinion. Why don't you guys just keep your PS3 close by, you would prefer to play a laggy version of a game?
Rather than concentrating on the future, this feels like a step backwards to me, but to each his own there must be a market for it if they are doing it.
I really doubt they'll be laggy. The PS4's online is tons faster than on PS3. I'm sure the games will be downloaded to HDD like with the PS4s disc games which will make it load way faster & make the streaming simpler & keep the games running smooth.
It's all good if it works like that, I'm just under the impression that playing a game off the cloud might have more input lag than just playing the game locally, I guess we'll see.
Hands on video. Looks impressive.
Here's a quote from this article:
"The game's loading time left a bit to be desired, but once it was running, things went on without a hitch. Yes, there's a slightly perceptible lag between button presses and the corresponding action onscreen, but we still managed to slay numerous enemies in God of War's brutal style without it being a problem."
The extra loading is not such a big deal, but games that already had long loading times could become much worse with this. No, the real deal-breaker for me is this input lag. Why would I want to play a game with input lag, when all I would need to do is take out my 360(or in this case the PS3) and play the game I want. I never sell my games so I still have them all. I imagine this being worse in real life with a more congested network. I guess for some people it is a nice feature, I just don't see has value, but it's nothing too appealing for me.
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