I no longer have a Playstation 3 to play Persona 5. So this excites me.
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@Stevo_the_gamer: I concur. This is a kick to the lower mid section for anyone who has already been a PS gamer.
speak for yourself.
This is great. I think it's great because this kind of competitive might motivate Nintendo to get their VC on track. Nintendo has a rich history and they could be doing a much better service than what they're offering now. So this move from Sony might show Nintendo how important this kind of service is, and how much better their service can be.
I don't necessarily think Nintendo should do it the way Sony are, but I'm just saying that this could show the importance of getting a large library of old games available on multiple systems, and doing it in a sensible way. A good example is right now Super Mario Bros. 3 is on the VC. It just came out. And it's available for both Wii U and 3DS. I want this game, but I don't know which one to purchase. I'm refusing to purchase until they unify the VC experience. I want to buy SMB3 once and then I should be able to play it on both my 3DS or Wii U.
@texasboi98: I'm sure I speak for many of PS gamers who have discs already purchased for PSX, PS2, and PS3. I mean Sony can't throw us a bone and give us software emulation of the PSX and PS2 in the PS4? Or give is an addon with the unique hardware needed?
Again I find this completely lame as a huge fan of the last three PS consoles, I'm not paying for a service when I can see local versions of the games a few ****ing feat away from where I sit.
hopefully the subscription will be included in the PS+ price, with a separate cost for those who don't have playstation hardware.
Remove PS3 BC to sell a service to play PS3 games.
BC is not worth the trouble for them with the CELL in PS3 and its been shown that it only really gets used for the first year from what I remember. Xbone had even easier and they still didn't.
@texasboi98: I'm sure I speak for many of PS gamers who have discs already purchased for PSX, PS2, and PS3. I mean Sony can't throw us a bone and give us software emulation of the PSX and PS2 in the PS4? Or give is an addon with the unique hardware needed?
Again I find this completely lame as a huge fan of the last three PS consoles, I'm not paying for a service when I can see local versions of the games a few ****ing feat away from where I sit.
I disagree, I own tons of PS games across all platforms but not all of my games work. They didn't get scratched or anything but its just from overusage that some of my games don't work like they should. My main example is Legends of Legaia, it freezes right around the half-way point. Guess how much a new copy sells for,...$150. If they put this game on Playstaion Now then I'm subscribing in the blink of an eye and I'll be one happy gamer.
@Stevo_the_gamer: only morons get rid of previous systems, which leads them unable to play previous titles. wake up.
I've owned a vita since launch and love it. This could be great. I don't need to stream to my vita though, just let me download the games!! As for SW material, a lot of lost exclusives as this will be available on non Sony platforms. Its still Sony's stuff. The definition of exclusive evolves.
In a couple of years the tech will be good enough to stream Ps4 games to your TV. Then you can throw your Ps4 in the bin.
To sum it up... People are excited to pay a subscription in return for games requiring constant internet connection. And the games are also coming from the cloud. And it's on a Sony system.
The ability to play Deus Ex:HR, TLOU, All Bioshocks and Ni No Kuni on my Vita is very exciting. Can't wait myself. Interesting to see how they handle the control schemes for them. Using the back touch pad for L2 + R2 is a bit cumbersome.
Also what's the craic if you only have a bravia TV? Will you have to buy a dedicated controller?
I love how rattled the Lem Scum Army are about this. Five, six years this could be big. Guess MS should have gone for streaming over computational crap for their servers.
I love how rattled the Lem Scum Army are about this. Five, six years this could be big. Guess MS should have gone for streaming over computational crap for their servers.
720P in 5-6 years will look awesome on 4k tvs
Sorry, are you talking about PS Now or Halo 7?
Guess this will turn into company wars, although for many it already was. PS now will be available on non Sony devices, so those games will no longer be exclusive. Its a potentially strong revenue for Sony.
I was thinking the same thing. It's all going to come down to price and how well the service works in the game. How many of the PS3, PS2 & PS1 games will be on the service? That's important as well. Will it only be Sony's 1st party games? How many 3rd party companies will agree to put their games on this service? A lot of big questions for Sony to answer before it's released.
The only losers here are Gamefly and Gamespot, and that's only if the lag isn't terrible, the gaming line-up is strong, and the price isn't outrageous. We always knew both Sony and MS will do cloud based gaming on older games and TV. But saying what you are going to do and then delivering is quite a different story. All of it looks good on paper alone.
I love how rattled the Lem Scum Army are about this. Five, six years this could be big. Guess MS should have gone for streaming over computational crap for their servers.
720P in 5-6 years will look awesome on 4k tvs
Sorry, are you talking about PS Now or Halo 7?
Ps Now.
I see myself using Playstation Now as a rental service instead of Gamefly. I have no intention of getting rid of my physical Playstation collection as it's rather large and there are no guarantees that my favorite PS titles will be available on the service. Sure, the big named ones will be, but what about games like Lost World Jurassic Park (PS1), Resident Evil Outbreak (PS2) or Unreal Tournament 3 (PS3)? Those aren't mainstream and may never be up on the PS Now service. Plus, I'm just not ready to go all digital.
Of course, everything depends on pricing. If they charge too much for rentals, I'll probably just let it slide.
What would be great is if they could detect which games you have and give you access to those on the streaming service. Such as what you've bought over PSN over the last generation.
expected. personally wont be using this service anyway just going to re-buy my ps3 so many games yet to play.
@Couth_: Yeah I know lol.
I hoping this comes with ps+ subscription, but I'm guessing not since Sony invested so much in Gaikai. I'm also hoping I don't have to buy games I already have.
I'd take a 5 dollar bump in a PSN subscription to get this. As long as it featured the most prominent PS3 games and a whole lot of PS2 and PS1 libraries
..well they would either charge you for the service or for the games. I just hope it's not unreasonable. I missed out on quite a few PS3 titles and I would rather not buy a discounted PS3.
You pay for the service & it gives you access to play all the games.
So gamers will have to PAY AGAIN to play the games they already own? Is that what Sony is telling us? Will this feature mean all the PS1, PS2 & PS3 games released on Playstation Now are non-exclusive? I think the biggest question is what kind of price structure will they have. Will we be able to play the games we already own for free. Can we insert a PS3 or PS2 disc into our PS4 and Playstation Now will recognize that we already own the game and can freely stream the game from Playstation Now and play. it? Is this service US only? What about Europe, Australia, Japan, UK, etc...? Those are the questions we want answered Sony. The lag is pretty bad. No fighting or FPS games will play well on this with that lag.
So gamers will have to PAY AGAIN to play the games they already own? Is that what Sony is telling us? Will this feature mean all the PS1, PS2 & PS3 games released on Playstation Now are non-exclusive? I think the biggest question is what kind of price structure will they have. Will we be able to play the games we already own for free. Can we insert a PS3 or PS2 disc into our PS4 and Playstation Now will recognize that we already own the game and can freely stream the game from Playstation Now and play. it? Is this service US only? What about Europe, Australia, Japan, UK, etc...? Those are the questions we want answered Sony. The lag is pretty bad. No fighting or FPS games will play well on this with that lag.
hahaha when u bought a ps3 game (assuming u have ever owned the console) did it say 'compatible with future consoles'?, entitled much? of course u gona have to pay servers cost money, its coming out everywhere. lag will obviously depend on connection sony are not harry potter
So gamers will have to PAY AGAIN to play the games they already own? Is that what Sony is telling us? Will this feature mean all the PS1, PS2 & PS3 games released on Playstation Now are non-exclusive? I think the biggest question is what kind of price structure will they have. Will we be able to play the games we already own for free. Can we insert a PS3 or PS2 disc into our PS4 and Playstation Now will recognize that we already own the game and can freely stream the game from Playstation Now and play. it? Is this service US only? What about Europe, Australia, Japan, UK, etc...? Those are the questions we want answered Sony. The lag is pretty bad. No fighting or FPS games will play well on this with that lag.
It's NA first then rolled out to Europe after.
So you're essentially asking for free server space and the ability to play a game without a disc potentially on PC, TV, PS Vita and PS4 despite the PS3 disc you bought only being guaranteed to work on a PS3? You're asking for a hell of a lot for no extra charge. If it irks you so much then keep your PS3, just don't pretend more options are a bad thing, it's not like the PS3 has suddenly disappeared and you're force to pay.
That's a slow motion gif, pretty misleading, you could do the same for most regular games and see some input lag.
The original source it's from shows it better: http://instagram.com/p/i4c7TvhqvB/
Not nearly as bad and he seemed fairly happy, top that up with many critics all concluding it plays well and i know i won't be believing the FUD. Gizmodo, gamespot, IGN and even Polygon all gave it good write ups.
One of the gamespot guys said he didn't believe what he was playing was being streamed.
It seems like a good idea. I worry about input latency, though. Also, I'd still like the option to buy the games. I hope sony doesn't eliminate the psx/ps2 store from the ps3 psn.
It sounds pretty neat. I just wish there were a way to use it on my Vita without having to be connected to my wifi. If it is included in PS+ and there aren't issues with the streaming quality, I will pick up a PS4 for this. Something tells me that there will be issues with streaming quality, though, given how long it takes me to download updates on PSN.
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