@R4gn4r0k: no shields for mechs, faster TTK, less customization for mechs, less AI on maps, no hackable turrets on maps, the maps now have lanes that funnel you towards the action and there are less areas to chain wall runs together. They themselves said that for titanfall 2 they set out to make the game less chaotic
But the AI is one of the most hated features of Titanfall 1.
I heard so many people complain about that. How "AI doesn't have any place in a competitive online FPS"
I kinda agree with the lanes though. But I don't think map design is that bad :/
slower overall, no shields for mechs, slower mechs, grappling hook, lower TTK, Poor map design (they went from open maps to maps with lanes), no titan loadouts really (each titan has a theme now with it's own weapon) no burn cards, no AI, no smart pistol (i never used it except attrition though), nerfed anit-titan weapons, no sidearm (you have to choose between a sidearm and anti-titan weapon), no rodeo to down a titan now it's a canned animation. Just off the top of my head
In respawns own words the 1st game was "too hectic" and "too hard to get better at" people were "dying and not really knowing what they did wrong to be able to improve" "it was too difficult when pilots could come from anywhere with the maps we had so we added lanes"
Plus their new game mode is crap, the best tactic is make the enemy team do all the work during a wave then ambush them at the bank kill them steal their money and deposit it for yourself. The 1st TF was all about SPM and staying moving, the new one is about camping and watching lanes aka CoD
Most of the titans have shields. They all have a different shield which is cool.
TBH I like the "boost" system way better than the "burn card" system. I just seem to horde stuff I can only use once, afraid to spend it at the wrong time xD
It's a shame Respawn listened to so many complaints though, complaints from people who were obviously never invested in the game.
you mean complaints from people trashing the game who didn't even have a PC or XB1? The fact attrition was the top played game mode for TF1 suggests otherwise. I was also active on the forums, everyone loved the AI who actually played the game. it gave it a greater sense of skill, and made pilots feel more powerful while focusing on SPM over KD which leads to a better game. the non AI modes were barely played. Especially on PC where after 3-4 months the only way to get in a game fast was attrition, all the other game modes were dead
and now they don't have shields you are thinking of their loadout protection, i was referring to actual regenning shields like the 1st one.
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