@acp_45 said:
@FreedomFreeLife: Dude if you are going to tell me that COD isn’t repetitive then you are in no shape enter these forums.
If you are actually trying to make repetitive shooters sound better than they are by comparing sales, you are a fool then.
Too many people buy games like COD, firstly they are curious and don’t know anything from the game, or they saw one of the unrealistically explosive teaser trailers even on Call Of Duty standards and then they think it’s going to be the best friggin’ game ever. Sadly, the people who see reason are the minority.
COD died after MW2 and it became a rehash of a shooter and it’s becoming a genre on it’s own. Braindead mindless shooter.
The definition of insanity.
Titanfall could just as well be the same but let’s not hope so.
All you have to do is watch the video and is the same,is COD with robots,the only difference is COD is a more complete game way way more,Titanfall is just multiplayer,and i don't think even dare it will beat COD considering how many modes COD has.
Offline is another matter since Titanfall doesn't even have a single player campaign mode,and COD games also on top of that has specs ops or zombie mode,which many people love,black ops 2 was pretty good and complete game,so was MW3,sure it has become more and more of the same,but very few games have add what COD has to multiplaying.
And Respawn makers of titanfall made that formula,so yeah is easy to see that resemblance between both games.
@kuu2 said:
@Solid_Max13: Can't quote right now, but yes 9/10s easy. The game will be shooter of the year without a doubt. Neither BF or COD are done well any longer, especially BF in the condition it launched. If BF can get an 8 here I fully expect Titanfall to get a 9 or better. An 8 would be a let down for a game that has garnered so much attention. Only Cows under hype games here for fear of ownage. AAA here for sure.
Titanfall is half a game,there are other factors in a game which count toward the score.
This game will carry a full game price $60 but is not a full game,is only multiplayer,in a world where games like COD have 3 modes,single player campaign,specs ops (or Zombie ) and multiplayer,and still this games don't get a 9 warrant,i don't see Titanfall been there,unless it is given to the same moron who reviewed Forza..
But your post has me wonder if lemming have give up hopes on Halo been good already,you say this game will be shooter of the year,and it is say that halo 5 will release this year,so half a game online beat Halo 5 already in your books.?
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