This topic is locked from further discussion., wth are you on? Destiny: Open world loot driven MMOfps. Plot about humans trying to retake earth after they were nearly wiped out in space. Titanfall: Regular FPS, with at least (and likely not more) 32 players in a relatively small, confined maps. Plot about soldiers who call giant robots from the sky to fight their wars. How are they similar even in concept?Destiny = TitanFall (same concept)
We all know it will be superior on consoles because it's designed for the xbox and cod always is better on consolesXxR3m1xInHDn3D
[QUOTE="Gaming-Planet"]It's not really the graphics that make X1 better than the PC. Its the calculations, physics, AI, dedicated computing with MS Azure platform. Lag free. Better experienceThe graphics looks last gen, unless they need cloud features.
They can already do that on pc.
Titanfall is a 60fps game on the xbox one right? That means they have 16.67 milliseconds to render an entire frame. Offloading things like graphics or any sort of physics that would normally be done client side at full framerate to the cloud would require the server ping to be below that since the xbox has to incoporate the cloud info into the pipeline. Â So lets say to integrate full fps physics with the cloud you would need a ping of 10ms or below (being optimistic here).Â
Now, MS isn't going to have a server on every street corner so that is pretty unrealistic. If they have physics done in the cloud it will be something unrelated to gameplay so lag won't affect the game. AKA things that would have been done server side regardless of whether the game had "teh cloud" or not. Or i guess they could use it to do something entirely cosmetic, like physics for a building collapsing off the map or something where gameplay would have no effect and lag wouldn't matter. It is possible they could do some Physx style special cosmetic effects for explosions and whatnot, but it will still probably be sluggish or jerky and easy to tell it isn't done client side.
Using the cloud for AI? AI done server side is extremely common in games. Nothing new.Â
Titanfall is so unique it needs the xbox one cloud for it perhaps without it the xbox one version would be shit cause the console can't handle the game the way they wanted it.
  Google Search  Google Translate  Wikipedia  Search YouTube  Search Amazon  Share Share:Google+FacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ÂTLDR, we couldn't make a crippled game on the PC due to the quality standards so we decided to give you a fundamentally incomplete game on a console instead where we have near absolute power.Â
Probably still going to buy this game because I think it looks fun, but only on the PC though. The less cloud garbage the better!
Behind the scenes video. Looking forward to this game more than BF4 :o
Cannot wait! even tho the PS4 version wont be outt ill 2015 i still really looking forward to it.. knowing EA i expect some awesome extra content to come our side.. make me proud EA! :D
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