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I'll be playing it on PC, not in barely HD thank you very much.
Good for you, bet you spent more than $500 on you PC, hope it was worth it.
Considering I built it and it's lasted me for around 6 years now maxin and relaxin, oh hell yeah.
Enjoy paying $500 for 360 grade performance.
Until Titanfall 2 of course. I mean I do remember a time when Mass Effect (EA) would "Never" be on the Playstation.
Titanfall won't, but Titanfall 2 will.
MS's tanks full of money will squash this idea. lol
TitanASS is going to tank alright.
I LOVE Angry MS. When Sony gets angry they can only pout. When MS gets angry. They call their friends Benjamin Franklin, Andrew jackson, George Washingington for backup. Expect more exclusives timed and permanent from the Mighty MS. Hell yes!
lol timed exclusives
This must be devastating to some PS4 buyers who were convinced it was going to come out on their console a few months after the X1 release..... pretty much won every award at E3, with many gaming sites praising it as the next big thing like this gives me no pleasure, a good game is a good game and I would want as much people as possible to experience it, so the franchise lives on. This will have to do , should be very successful on the X1.
I LOVE Angry MS. When Sony gets angry they can only pout. When MS gets angry. They call their friends Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, and George Washington for backup. Expect more exclusives timed and permanent from the Mighty MS. Hell yes!
Who are they bribing with one dollar bills?
Oh crap don't forget we got EPIC secretly developing the next Gears of War. Should make Ryse graphics look like the NES.
That doesn't seem like an entirely difficult outcome honestly.
Titanfall won't, but Titanfall 2 will.
MS's tanks full of money will squash this idea. lol
TitanASS is going to tank alright.
Why? seems from all the conventions that people liked it
The XB1 version at least. Kindergartens don't have the budget to buy anything else besides the annual Call of Duty.
Superior versions of BF4 and CoD: Ghosts + Killzone Shadowfall >>> Titanfail
Slightly less superior BF4 CoD, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Titanfall and Ryse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BF4, CoD:Ghosts + BoreZone
Is slightly less superior code word for inferior? LOL
Lems are full of colorful vocabulary:
Exclusive = timed exclusive
Slightly less superior = Inferior
Cloud = bullsh!t
Also, TF isn't a lunch title buddy
Titanfall won't, but Titanfall 2 will.
MS's tanks full of money will squash this idea. lol
TitanASS is going to tank alright.
Why? seems from all the conventions that people liked it
The XB1 version at least. Kindergartens don't have the budget to buy anything else besides the annual Call of Duty.
Don't be so mad dude. Go play it on PC. Make sure you gotta a copy of MICROSOFT Windows. lol
Titanfall won't, but Titanfall 2 will.
That's probably 2 years away and by then Respawn will have mastered the Xbox One hardware and it will run at 1080P @60fps on the XBox One. Have fun waiting and waiting and waiting.
I'm not even excited about Titanfall. It looks and plays like COD. But have fun paying $550 for a 720p console that crashes and crashes and crashes.
You can watch my gameplay clips on Twitch. lolol Not even cows should be left out of the Titanfall revolution.
titanfall Sigma, titanfall Goty edition loophole incoming?
I remember team ninja stating similar shit before, just saying.
Superior versions of BF4 and CoD: Ghosts + Killzone Shadowfall >>> Titanfail
Slightly less superior BF4 CoD, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Titanfall and Ryse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>BF4, CoD:Ghosts + BoreZone
Is slightly less superior code word for inferior? LOL
Lems are full of colorful vocabulary:
Exclusive = timed exclusive
Slightly less superior = Inferior
Cloud = bullsh!t
Also, TF isn't a lunch title buddy
I'm lovin it" Dooo doo do dod o.
Can you even see the difference between 1080p and 720p? Not in the living room you can't.
I LOVE Angry MS. When Sony gets angry they can only pout. When MS gets angry. They call their friends Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, and George Washington for backup. Expect more exclusives timed and permanent from the Mighty MS. Hell yes!
Who are they bribing with one dollar bills?
Although weak alone, in great numbers, can prove extremely deadly against any adversary.
Maybe it was too much of a hassle to upgrade the graphics for the PS4 version
Or the PS4 couldn't handle them,LOL
That makes zero sense mademoiselle.
Lol, truly epic damage control here. A game that won over 75 awards at every single gaming con it was shown at is now something COWS don't want, lol. PRICELESS! And now the BS moves to Titanfall 2 being multiplat. Like Gears of War, if TF takes off and moves consoles it will never be on a PS system. MS has the deep pocket to do it. As for being on 360 and PC, lol, when advertising starts I bet you may see 15% 360 Titanfall, 85% Xbox One and not a single commercial or add that its coming out on PC. Of course PC gamers will know, but not the general public. I'm willing to bet behind closed doors even EA had a price. :)
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