I can live without TitanASS in 720p.
Really The foot? ok....
Either way game still basically has 9 months of dev time left from e3
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I can live without TitanASS in 720p.
Really The foot? ok....
Either way game still basically has 9 months of dev time left from e3
someone confirmed to me that Titanfal is also on x360, so what's the point going out buying X1 for Titanfall when you can buy the same game on the system you already own, both versions will run in 720p.
someone confirmed to me that Titanfal is also on x360, so what's the point going out buying X1 for Titanfall when you can buy the same game on the system you already own, both versions will run in 720p.
That individual wants an X1.
Yep. Not to mention the 360 version will have a much larger community. Looks like I'm playing Titanfall after all.
Now why do I need an Xbox One again?
Just like it is a x1 exclusive?
Uncharted games are on Vita and PS3 while TitanFall are on MS Windows PC and Xbox.
Not surprised by this.
EA has NEVER hinted any possibility it was ever coming to the PS4 in any shape or form to begin with.
Uncharted on the Vita isn't even the same game. Both the PS3 and Vita have their own exclusive Uncharted.
Titanfall on the PC doesn't even count since Microsoft sees no royalties for PC games since its an open platform. And since Sony has PC hardware, I guess you could play Titanfall on a Sony machine as well. I mean if you are really trying to spin It that way.
TCHBO, no go out and buy a PC with Microsoft OS on it to play bf4 please. Microsoft wants your money and tears.
"life of the title" =/= "life of the franchise". Titanfall 2 will probably be better and multi-platform
But it's already mulit plat anyways and no advantage for Xbone here. :)
Greatness waits.
You sound like a Lem. Thought you were a Hermit. Jump Out.
"life of the title" =/= "life of the franchise". Titanfall 2 will probably be better and multi-platform
But it's already mulit plat anyways and no advantage for Xbone here. :)
Greatness waits.
You sound like a Lem. Thought you were a Hermit. Jump Out.
you sound mad. lol waitstation 4 lol
"life of the title" =/= "life of the franchise". Titanfall 2 will probably be better and multi-platform
But it's already mulit plat anyways and no advantage for Xbone here. :)
Greatness waits.
That guys post is always consistent with the Sony Dogma, i would admit, i find his persistence and consistency kind of hilarious lool
Thats Heil for you, Sony born and raised. :P
Wait..what, You are telling me Sony has something to do with his birth? O_o
Uncharted on the Vita isn't even the same game. Both the PS3 and Vita have their own exclusive Uncharted.
Titanfall on the PC doesn't even count since Microsoft sees no royalties for PC games since its an open platform. And since Sony has PC hardware, I guess you could play Titanfall on a Sony machine as well. I mean if you are really trying to spin It that way.
I was referring to the Uncharted franchise. The performance gap between Vita and PS3 requires special treatment for either platform.
PC does count since PC's game exclusivity for particular OS destroys/degrade other PC OS platforms e.g. AmigaOS/AROS, MacOS, BeOS, Linux/GNU, QNX and 'etc' .
"life of the title" =/= "life of the franchise". Titanfall 2 will probably be better and multi-platform
But it's already mulit plat anyways and no advantage for Xbone here. :)
Greatness waits.
You sound like a Lem. Thought you were a Hermit. Jump Out.
So, so mad iKingBob.
720p Brink clone with mechs. Wowee. Gamechanger. Xbox Won and so on.
Don't year old ports typically not sell very well (Bioshock, Resident Evil Revelaitons etc.)? Seems like Microsoft throwing good money after bad as usual.
Yet if Titanfall was a multiplat, Lems would be talking about it even less than Destiny. The only reason Lems won't STFU about it is because its "Exclusive".
This. What else do lems have to look forward to next year? Project Spark? "Oooooh but Hola 5!!!!!" which doesn't have a release date and could be pushed to early 2015.
It's the simple, glaring fact that Xbone has no games and MS is terrified about that permeating into the general culture. It would be the death knell for the Xbone.
LOL at everyone who believes this, we're talking about EA here.
Look at what they said about the first mass effect. "Bu bu...it will never come to PS3." LOL
LOL at everyone who believes this, we're talking about EA here.
Look at what they said about the first mass effect. "Bu bu...it will never come to PS3." LOL
If it comes 4 years later like ME did then you can have it, who cares.
LOL at everyone who believes this, we're talking about EA here.
Look at what they said about the first mass effect. "Bu bu...it will never come to PS3." LOL
If it comes 4 years later like ME did then you can have it, who cares.
The sequals will come to PS4 too.
really dumb move on ea's part. take one of their best new ip's and throw into onto a vcr that plays at 720p/30fps = typical ea stupidity.
ahhh... so glad i'm on PC. i don't have to worry about trying to game on one of these piece of garbage clunkers disguised as a next gen console.
LOL at everyone who believes this, we're talking about EA here.
Look at what they said about the first mass effect. "Bu bu...it will never come to PS3." LOL
If it comes 4 years later like ME did then you can have it, who cares.
The sequals will come to PS4 too.
Doubt it. With any luck this game and Ryse will bomb and we'll be freed from third parties making terrible exclusives for the Xbone.
Game is developed by a group of ex COD developers and is online only. For that reason I'd never be interested in a game like this. It does however fit perfectly into the casual gamer market so most Xbox fans will love it and will enjoy playing it. I however am not a big COD fan and prefer story driven games with a bit more depth so even if by some miracle Titalfall did come to PS4 I can honestly say without hesitation that I would never, ever play it.
It is however a strange decision by a new studio to agree to an exclusive like that and alienate 50% of console gamers. Not a good decision by Respawn in my opinion. Sometimes a big money payoff to remain exclusive can really harm a franchise. Just how many PS4 owners do they expect to but Titalfall 2 without being able to play the first? That being said it is just a multiplayer shooter so I guess story wont really matter.
lol I remember all the fuss lems made over this franchise and when I played it...on xbox360 no less the game was broken crap with bad gameplay. Would have been a better experience if it was a david cage game because the cut scene dialog was the only thing the game had going for it.
The overhype for this game is funny, lems always do this...says something that the most hyped games they talk about aren't even exclusvie. If I wanted to play Tinfail I could do it on my gaming PC or my 360, but this game has 0 interest for me. anyone could play this game and won't need a x1 to do it. No one is going to pay $560 (online only so buying xbl is mandatory for this game) for xb1 when they could just play it on their 360, graphics on any level are not impressive.
@casharmy: Lemmings gonna be lemmings. They'll hype any exclusive. When Mass Effect 2 went to PS3. Lemmings were all like "Mass effect went down hill after the first"
Us cows own high end gaming PC. So we do not care if this doesn't come to PS4. We just want it to come to PS4 to watch lemmings cry.
Well, considering how much cows were bagging the game anyway, this shouldn't change anything.
they would be going on and on about how great it is if it was coming to ps4
Wow, the damage control is strong in this thread. You sony fanboys gotta be getting pretty dizzy byt now with all the spinning you all are doing.
Poo poo on Titanfall all of a sudden even though it had highly acclaimed at just about every game show.
This just in. Cows don't care about Titanfall; look forward to Titanfall 2 coming to ps4. Lol
Wonder Woman wipes her brow. "Whew! Thank the gods. Please keep that CoD with robots off of my glorious PS4."
I bet you will still happily play Killzone though despite it being a CoD clone LOL!
Superior versions of BF4 and CoD: Ghosts + Killzone Shadowfall >>> Titanfail
Why do you think the PS4 has the superior versions of CoD and BF?
the fact is that bf4 is 900p,higher fps, more details on ps4. and xbox1version is 720p lower fps, and lack of details. ps4 > xbox1. just accept it.
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