@foxhound_fox said:
I love when cows resort to ad hominem attacks when their "logic" is called into question. This "lem" hasn't touched his 360 in over 6 months, and is playing Age of Empires II: HD Edition currently.
Sony could have easily put backwards compatibility into the PS4, just like they did with the PS2 and PS3. But, like they realized with the PS3, people (especially cows) love rebuying games they already own, and spending an exorbitant amount of money on that rather than (maybe) a hundred more dollars on a console with full BC.
Nintendo can offer a $300 console that offers full backwards compatibility, including all peripherals. Why can't Sony?
The PS2 had hardware compatibility at first,the PS3 as well,and in the PS3 case it was drop to be able to deliver a lower price point.
In this case emulating Cell on the PS4 will be an incredible challenge,that Jaguar inside the PS4 is not up to the task,not to mention that the GPU is from a different brand as well,remember how MS had to pay Nvidia to be able to emulate some GPU calls on the xbox 360.? I do.
Hell it would be far easier to do it on xbox one,it uses the GPU from the same brand and its CPU wasn't all that,3 core six thread,which i am sure the Jaguar on xbox one could emulate far more easy than cell.
Either way is not like people PS3 got broken as soon as they got a PS4, even less the % of people who own a PS4 and TLOU on PS3 as well,and while i do agree that the game should have been cross buy or at least $15 to $20 your argument hold no water,look at the xbox one and Halo same thing and MS could have also add backward compatibility lets face it this company want to re sell you the same sh** again and that is the reason you see no backward compatibility.
Nintendo is using the same company for both CPU and GPU,and the GPU they are emulating the Wii one is basically as powerful as a 2001 console man,i would be happy if sony add PS2 backward compatibility to the PS4,considering that is what the Wii U did.
But here i am wondering when the fu** you will even mention the xbox one in this,since MS doesn't have backward compatibility with the xbox 360,and will re sell you 3 games on xbox 360 this holiday hell is basically their biggest game of the year Halo remake..lol
Drop the charade dude grow up.
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