[QUOTE="blues3531"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="E_x_i_l_e"][QUOTE="Legendaryscmt"]Lets see, what games now use over the space of a DVD?
It isn't needed right now, not saying that it shouldn't be used for gaming. If I have a DVD player that works and is old as hell, why should I spend more money for a new one that does the same exact thing? If I have a TV that's over 10 years old that works, why should I spend more money for another TV when it does the same exact thing? Sometimes more advanced technology isn't needed.
Lair is 25GB, The Gamer's Day demo of Uncharted was larger than 10GB, .. ya..
Factor 5's Julian Eggebrect
GZ: How many hours of gameplay do you anticipate this game will have?
Julian:It depends on how good you are as a player. Some missions you might get on the first go and some you may take 10 go's and it will last much, much longer. We are saying, in general, 12 hours, and that is without a lot of the replay value.
25GB's for a 12 hour game? What is this some sort of joke?
no the game has huge levels, i think the demo level of kz2 was 15 minutes, yeah 2gb, not fitting that whole game on dvd9 and its mainly cuz these levels dont use backdrops everything is actually physically rendered in objects with textures and such
Uh huh and so why doesn't a game like Crysis take up 25GB hmm? Is it because it takes place in open area environments? The high level of detail that destroys Killzone 2 and Lair? The advanced Physicas and destructable enviroments? Please explain to me how a game that isn't on the same graphical level takes up 25GB while Crysis doesn't. I'd really love to know. I mean PC's have generated huge worlds forever because of that thing that every PC has. What is that thing again....darn what's it called oh yeah a Hardrive. Wait doesn't every PS3 have a Hardrive too? Well then hell if PC doesn't need Blu-Ray then why does PS3? They chould theoretically just equip it with a large HDD and not use Blu-Ray. It would be cheaper and just as effective.
yea but first of all u dont know how big crysis is, it could possibly be 2 or 3 dvds doubtful but u never know, and 2 pc games are installed completely on the harddrive the disc is just needed to verify the game and load it up, console games cant do that they play the game off the disc because the harddrives are no where near big enough to be storing every game u own for your ps3 or 360
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