Poll Tomb Raider fans how long would you wait for a PS4/PC version? (97 votes)
What you guys think? Tomb Fans you tell me
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What you guys think? Tomb Fans you tell me
People need to remember something here, this game is timed for an undisclosed period, it could be 3 months, it could be a year. But aside from that you need to consider one thing, just because this is a timed exclusive does not mean it will release on another platform.
People need to remember one thing, there are lems like this guy with moronic "it could" excuses, when we all know microsoft "timed exclusives" never stay "exclusives" for more than 6 months and square enix obviously will make ps4 and pc versions to bring all the money they can regardless of what moronic fanboys wish.
You are such a douche, my god, you have to turn everything into an argument when the derived point of the original comment isn't even something which should produce one...
Where's the "whenever it comes out" option? I'm not going to buy an Xbox One for it, but I'm also not going to do something stupid like try and boycott it if it comes out a few years late.
People need to remember something here, this game is timed for an undisclosed period, it could be 3 months, it could be a year. But aside from that you need to consider one thing, just because this is a timed exclusive does not mean it will release on another platform.
If there were no plans to bring it to other platforms, they wouldn't call it a timed exclusive. It would just be an exclusive.
Of course, things can change, and maybe unforeseen problems could occur that prevent the game from releasing on other platforms, but that can happen to any game.
True Tomb Raider fans only play the old ones that stick to the classic formula, the recent so called Tomb Raider that was released in 2013 have nothing in common...
i heard true morons pass on great games for some moronic fanboyish reasons.
Tomb Raider have became just a boring third-person shooter. A few days ago I replay the TR4 (from 1999) and I enjoyed 100x more than the recent Tomb Raider that was released in 2013.
I would prefer that actually and hope that Crystal Dynamics could get to work on an IP THEY CREATED instead of being used to whore out TR to keep their jobs. Poor bastards. They have become like Bungie and Treyarch, stuck making the same genre and games over and over and over. Bungie broke free and I hope one day Crystal does too.
Bring back Blood Legacy Single Player CD developed games.
I own an Xbone but I'm not buying this game at all. I wouldn't wait though if I cared since I own the machine, but I simply never liked TR. Timed exclusives are so very lame though.
CD/Eidos were smart to hire a prominent Sony developer/director to help with the 2013 reboot TR, but he's back at Sony now presumably directing a new Sony IP.
Something tells me if Sony had made it an Exclusive you would have cared about TR. lol
I guess you can't read. I covered that exact point in my first sentence.
TR was exclusive once upon a time to PS (after TR1)
How does this myth keep on persisting?? All the Core made games were on both Playstation AND PC, with the first game having made its debut on Dreamcast. Angel of Darkness might have been only on PS2 with no PC release, not entirely sure about that one. And after that with Legend, the TR series broadened it's multiplatform availability with the Xbox platform. This doesn't even cover handheld ports.
So really, Tomb Raider in it's greater history has always been multiplatform. It was never a Playstation exclusive to begin with, not even before CD became the developer, as some short sighted apologists assert.
On point; I'd wager that ROTTR will come to the other platforms no later than Mar 2016 (possibly even Feb) and I'll be fine waiting that long, or even a couple months more, to get it on my PS4.
True Tomb Raider fans only play the old ones that stick to the classic formula, the recent so called Tomb Raider that was released in 2013 have nothing in common...
i heard true morons pass on great games for some moronic fanboyish reasons.
Tomb Raider have became just a boring third-person shooter. A few days ago I replay the TR4 (from 1999) and I enjoyed 100x more than the recent Tomb Raider that was released in 2013.
Did you actually play TR 2013?
True Tomb Raider fans only play the old ones that stick to the classic formula, the recent so called Tomb Raider that was released in 2013 have nothing in common...
i heard true morons pass on great games for some moronic fanboyish reasons.
Tomb Raider have became just a boring third-person shooter. A few days ago I replay the TR4 (from 1999) and I enjoyed 100x more than the recent Tomb Raider that was released in 2013.
Did you actually play TR 2013?
I did, back in 2013.
True Tomb Raider fans only play the old ones that stick to the classic formula, the recent so called Tomb Raider that was released in 2013 have nothing in common...
i heard true morons pass on great games for some moronic fanboyish reasons.
Tomb Raider have became just a boring third-person shooter. A few days ago I replay the TR4 (from 1999) and I enjoyed 100x more than the recent Tomb Raider that was released in 2013.
Did you actually play TR 2013?
I did, back in 2013.
oh well, i guess to each his own, i really liked it and while i would change the shooting/exploring ratio for more exploring it didn't prevent me enjoying it.
PC isn't really in the situations where it needs to buy an overpriced doorstop to play the worst version of Tomb Raider. Has tons of quality games.
PS4 can't really say the same, it's in a Drought as usual. You can only play BloodBourneStation4 so much.
PC isn't really in the situations where it needs to buy an overpriced doorstop to play the worst version of Tomb Raider. Has tons of quality games.
PS4 can't really say the same, it's in a Drought as usual. You can only play BloodBourneStation4 so much.
what games do you play?
I would prefer that actually and hope that Crystal Dynamics could get to work on an IP THEY CREATED instead of being used to whore out TR to keep their jobs. Poor bastards. They have become like Bungie and Treyarch, stuck making the same genre and games over and over and over. Bungie broke free and I hope one day Crystal does too.
Bring back Blood Legacy Single Player CD developed games.
I own an Xbone but I'm not buying this game at all. I wouldn't wait though if I cared since I own the machine, but I simply never liked TR. Timed exclusives are so very lame though.
CD/Eidos were smart to hire a prominent Sony developer/director to help with the 2013 reboot TR, but he's back at Sony now presumably directing a new Sony IP.
Something tells me if Sony had made it an Exclusive you would have cared about TR. lol
I guess you can't read. I covered that exact point in my first sentence.
TR was exclusive once upon a time to PS (after TR1
How does this myth keep on persisting?? All the Core made games were on both Playstation AND PC, with the first game having made its debut on Dreamcast. Angel of Darkness might have been only on PS2 with no PC release, not entirely sure about that one. And after that with Legend, the TR series broadened it's multiplatform availability with the Xbox platform. This doesn't even cover handheld ports.
So really, Tomb Raider in it's greater history has always been multiplatform. It was never a Playstation exclusive to begin with, not even before CD became the developer, as some short sighted apologists assert.
On point; I'd wager that ROTTR will come to the other platforms no later than Mar 2016 (possibly even Feb) and I'll be fine waiting that long, or even a couple months more, to get it on my PS4.
Yes, I know this but like the upcoming Street Fighter 5 (and many other instances, like Final Fantasy 15 and many others), Sony doesn't view the PC as a threat and the PC ports of TR weren't an issue to Sony. I've already had this discussion for what seems close to 2 decades, I don't need to go over it again to play System Wars "semantics" (console exclusives, etc). Yes, the TR series was a console exclusive at one time and this upcoming Rise TR game is also a timed exclusive (for 360 and Xbone, so playing SW semantics, Rise TR isn't exclusive! Don't tell M$ though, they keep saying exclusive...). So, Tomb Raider was not always multiplatform when talking consoles, but when including PC, yes obviously it was multiplatform. However, I wasn't talking about PC because that other user trolling me wasn't talking about PC when he initiated this encounter that you inserted yourself into to play "SW word games". I don't have time to write an entire book in SW. People have to put the rest together. I'm glad to clarify the Playstation console exclusive TR games with you though, because it happened.
If we can disregard handhelds, we can disregard PC too, because I was talking of the console exclusive TR games.
You are right about short sighted apologists, they need to stop spreading the myth that TR wasn't a console exclusive franchise at one time. As much as they wish it wasn't true, the reality is it was a series exclusive to the Playstation 1 consoles, a console exclusive. The PS2 came along and the very first Tomb Raider in 2003 Angel of Darkness was ONLY for PS2 (not GC/Xbox). That TR Angel was MORE than a console exclusive, it was exclusive and only for PS2. You discounted the handheld games which I'm fine with, but the TR handheld games were exclusive too.
The three handheld TR games also prove you wrong (TR, TR Curse, and TR prophecy) with the statement "ALWAYS been multiplatform". The three handheld games weren't multiplatform. PS2 TR Angel wasn't on GC/DC/Xbox. TR2 and TR3 were console exclusive to PS1 with PC ports. I also am taking this time to clarify I was speaking of consoles exclusives (the PC market wasn't what it is today btw) and TR2 and TR3 were both only for PS1 at that time (disregarding the PC ports, hence console exclusive). I know SW frowns on such a term, but I'm speaking about reality right now (the industry has called these games exclusive in articles all across the net, because they aren't playing the SW Semantics game). The user Xhawk used the term exclusive and I obliged him simply to inform him I didn't like TR when it was found on the PS systems nor do I care for the upcoming TR 360/Xbone/more platforms either.
I was talking about consoles which TR2 and TR3 were for only PS and not Saturn and N64, although TR1 was for Saturn. Obviously though, the EXCLUSIVE PS2 Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness followed after the multiplatform PS1/DC TR Chronicles.
How does the myth persist that TR didn't have console exclusive entries? TR2 and TR3 were console exclusive and TR: Angel was only for PS2 (not GC/Xbox). Every now and again, I catch short sighted apologists trying to rewrite history. Either way, this is far off base from my point which is I don't care for Tomb Raider.
It's not a matter of waiting for it for me. I loved the last one. But it's not a system seller, there are almost no games which are. Get exclusivity on GTA 6 or RDR 2 and I might have to buy your system.
It's like, I'll wait, and if it comes out, I'll check it out, and I wont lose any sleep about it.
How does the myth persist that TR wasn't exclusive, because it was. I see people trying to rewrite history.
OK, so that was a big chunk of your post too big to quote, but the end line pretty much sums up your fallacy.
I mean I can't believe you are actually making the argument for "console exclusives". Really? I mean... REALLY?? You've been here long enough to see how much this has been beaten to death, and certainly to know that it's been repeatedly overruled by the community as a completely misguided fabrication on the weakest of strawman arguments.
PC isn't dismissed just because it's inconvenient to your position. How many times have we heard, "you don't need an Xbox 360 to play such and such game because it's also on PC". Same applies here for the TR games, new and old. And one single installment out of 9 doesn't make an entire series (or even half it) exclusive. I said that the greater part of the series was multiplatform when only 1 release wasn't is a very small fraction of the overall franchise.
Oh so Sony didn't think PC mattered to the gaming market? How nice for them. Because as far as the gaming consumers were concerned, it mattered plenty. How Sony "felt" about PC then and now is irrelevant, as is your notion of "console exclusive". You're a SW vet around her so do I actually need to bring up that this board isn't called "console wars"? Do I?
The only one trying to rewrite history is you, SolidTy, by applying your own narrow definitions to exclusive (as a matter of convenience), which as it's been reiterated time and again, doesn't hold water. How ever you personally choose to remember TR history, is just a minor voice drowned out by the chorus of factual history.
Yes, I know this but like the upcoming Street Fighter 5 (and many other instances, like Final Fantasy 15 and many others), Sony doesn't view the PC as a threat and the PC ports of TR weren't an issue to Sony. I've already had this discussion for what seems close to 2 decades, I don't need to go over it again to play System Wars "semantics" (console exclusives, etc). Yes, the TR series was a console exclusive at one time and this upcoming Rise TR game is also a timed exclusive (for 360 and Xbone, so playing SW semantics, Rise TR isn't exclusive! Don't tell M$ though, they keep saying exclusive...). So, Tomb Raider was not always multiplatform when talking consoles, but when including PC, yes obviously it was multiplatform. However, I wasn't talking about PC because that other user trolling me wasn't talking about PC when he initiated this encounter that you inserted yourself into to play "SW word games". I don't have time to write an entire book in SW. People have to put the rest together. I'm glad to clarify the Playstation console exclusive TR games with you though, because it happened.
If we can disregard handhelds, we can disregard PC too, because I was talking of the console exclusive TR games.
You are right about short sighted apologists, they need to stop spreading the myth that TR wasn't a console exclusive franchise at one time. As much as they wish it wasn't true, the reality is it was a series exclusive to the Playstation 1 consoles, a console exclusive. The PS2 came along and the very first Tomb Raider in 2003 Angel of Darkness was ONLY for PS2 (not GC/Xbox). That TR Angel was MORE than a console exclusive, it was exclusive and only for PS2. You discounted the handheld games which I'm fine with, but the TR handheld games were exclusive too.
The three handheld TR games also prove you wrong (TR, TR Curse, and TR prophecy) with the statement "ALWAYS been multiplatform". The three handheld games weren't multiplatform. PS2 TR Angel wasn't on GC/DC/Xbox. TR2 and TR3 were console exclusive to PS1 with PC ports. I also am taking this time to clarify I was speaking of consoles exclusives (the PC market wasn't what it is today btw) and TR2 and TR3 were both only for PS1 at that time (disregarding the PC ports, hence console exclusive). I know SW frowns on such a term, but I'm speaking about reality right now (the industry has called these games exclusive in articles all across the net, because they aren't playing the SW Semantics game). The user Xhawk used the term exclusive and I obliged him simply to inform him I didn't like TR when it was found on the PS systems nor do I care for the upcoming TR 360/Xbone/more platforms either.
I was talking about consoles which TR2 and TR3 were for only PS and not Saturn and N64, although TR1 was for Saturn. Obviously though, the EXCLUSIVE PS2 Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness followed after the multiplatform PS1/DC TR Chronicles.
How does the myth persist that TR didn't have console exclusive entries? TR2 and TR3 were console exclusive and TR: Angel was only for PS2 (not GC/Xbox). Every now and again, I catch short sighted apologists trying to rewrite history. Either way, this is far off base from my point which is I don't care for Tomb Raider.
OK, so that was a big chunk of your post too big to quote, but the end line pretty much sums up your fallacy.
I mean I can't believe you are actually making the argument for "console exclusives". Really? I mean... REALLY?? You've been here long enough to see how much this has been beaten to death, and certainly to know that it's been repeatedly overruled by the community as a completely misguided fabrication on the weakest of strawman arguments.
PC isn't dismissed just because it's inconvenient to your position. How many times have we heard, "you don't need an Xbox 360 to play such and such game because it's also on PC". Same applies here for the TR games, new and old. And one single installment out of 9 doesn't make an entire series (or even half it) exclusive. I said that the greater part of the series was multiplatform when only 1 release wasn't is a very small fraction of the overall franchise.
Oh so Sony didn't think PC mattered to the gaming market? How nice for them. Because as far as the gaming consumers were concerned, it mattered plenty. How Sony "felt" about PC then and now is irrelevant, as is your notion of "console exclusive". You're a SW vet around her so do I actually need to bring up that this board isn't called "console wars"? Do I?
The only one trying to rewrite history is you, SolidTy, by applying your own narrow definitions to exclusive (as a matter of convenience), which as it's been reiterated time and again, doesn't hold water. How ever you personally choose to remember TR history, is just a minor voice drowned out by the chorus of factual history.
How does this change or alter my point TO THE OTHER USER THAT WAS TROLLING ME with the word "exclusive" that I didn't like Tomb Raider when it was created or now? A user said that I don't like Rise because it's coming to 360/Xbone and called it exclusive when clearly Rise is not exclusive. I didn't want to play semantics with him as I understood what he meant. My rebuttal was that I didn't like TR when it wasn't on Xbox/GC/N64/Saturn, etc...but I would have possibly lost the user, so I used the term the user used, "exclusive". That's when you came in. I'm explaining to him that TR releasing on a platform has no bearing on me liking or disliking it. You are trying to argue SW Semantics on how to use the word exclusive. Totally irrelevant. I didn't like TR when it started as a multiplatform game. I didn't like TR when it was a console exclusive. I didn't like Tomb Raider when it it had handheld exclusives. I didn't like TR when it was an EXCLUSIVE PS2 game. I didn't like TR when it was multiplat again.
Line two? Covered it SW Semantics regarding console exclusives. Really. Get over it. I was never talking to you and making a simple point to ANOTHER USER who brought up "exclusive" incorrectly. I went with his mentality and explained it on his terms. I'm not playing SW word game, I'm talking reality to a user with misconceptions that you weren't involved in. The reality was TR started as a mulitplatform game and shifted to PS1, CORE ditching the Saturn and N64 when TR2 released. I'm just repeating myself because you want to play SW semantics, but it is pointless. You got your clarification ON WHAT I MEANT TO THE OTHER USER on a very minor point that I was saying to the other user and you now want to argue Semantics still? Really? After I clarified the A+ B conversation? Pointless.
PC is dismissed, done (because the person I was talking too dismissed it when he referred to exclusives)...just like handhelds were dismissed which was a matter of convenience for you. Especially considering how tiny the PC market was then...not that should affect the fact that TR2/3 wasn't on Saturn or N64 at the time (there was no XBOX in existence). I was talking about TR2, TR3, and the very specific and you can't pretend it doesn't exist PS2 TR: Angel of Darkness (not for GC/Xbox). If we let in PC, we should let in Handhelds. Handhelds then wouldn't be dismissed either which were exclusive. Who cares? I simply said I don't care for the games. The industry, btw, refers to the PS exclusive era all the time and many times in previous EGM, Next Generation, Game Pro, and more magazines I own. Too bad those magazines don't post in SW either. It's an industry term, an term the user who quoted me was making a point that I would have enjoyed PS TR console exclusives which existed. I did NOT enjoy them, and I wanted to point out he was wrong about what I enjoy.
PC and handhelds were dismissed when I was talking to the other user because the other user dismissed a possible PC port of Rise of the TR in this thread. I was playing Devi's Advocate and the 'console exclusive' game with him and you interrupted for whatever reason.
Let me refresh his statement which you conveniently sidestepped to protect on his behalf:
"Something tells me if Sony had made it an Exclusive you would have cared about TR. lol"
To reason with users, you have to be willing to explain things on their level, but you failed to see the big picture. He made a quick point about exclusives clearly disregarding Rise is coming to both the 360 and Xbone, and has been announced as a timed exclusive. Instead of arguing semantics with him, I opted to go to his world and explain it simply...and that's where you came in, butting into a conversation started by a trolling comment where I explained to him I never cared for TR. Semantics aside.
Again, you are so lost in your diatribe you missed the person who quoted me and what the discussion was about, generally I said I don't care for the TR games.
YOU, Adobeartist are simply trying to rewrite history and hide behind SW semantics to pretend there was a time TR was NOT console exclusive. Deals were struck back then, much like Street Fighter 5 for PC/PS4 and Rise of the TR for 360/Xbone/future platforms.
I've clarified my stance and arguing semantics won't change reality that TR2 and TR3 games did not release on the Saturn and N64 after TR1 things changed. PC ports aside because I WAS TALKING to the other user about a different era BECAUSE that same user considers the upcoming TR game to be "exclusive" even though it's already been announced for two platforms (360/Xbone) and more platforms in the future. I understood what he meant and I explained on his terms. You interfering with that convo/process doesn't change my point that I didn't like the TR series when it was console exclusive to PS nor do I care when it's console exclusive to the Xbox brand.
Also, I specifically cited TR Angel of Darkness which was a PS2 exclusive not for GC/Xbox. Even furthermore, the handheld games ARE included in SW and they were exclusive.
What's your point in the end?
You inserted yourself into a situation you didn't fully comprehend, where users and a particular user made a silly statement.
You want it to be acknowledged that the PC/PS1 TR2/TR3 games existed? I did that. Doesn't change my point AT ALL those games did not come to the popular and relevant consoles of the time, Saturn and N64. Which was my point when the user references Rise of the TR being"exclusve" when it's not.
You failed to address PS2 TR Angel of Darkness was not on GC/Xbox.
Still, pointless since ridiculous semantics arguing is NOT related to my point. My point being, when TR was console exclusive to PS (TR2, TR3) with PC ports available, I didn't give a damn for TR.
When TR released only for (TR Angel) PS2, I didn't give a damn.(Which would mirror the original users point as he claimed I would have enjoyed that TR title by comparison to this Rise of the TR 360/Xbone deal).
When TR exclusive handheld games released, I didn't care.
When TR was multiplaform, I still didn't care.
When Rise of the TR was announced for my 360/Xbone machines with a timed deal announced, I still didn't care.
I can wait indefinitely. No way I'm buying an Xbone to play TR at 720p.
TR has never been that big for me anyways. The last one was good but it wasn't "OMG!!!" good that I can't live without the sequel.
@SolidTy TR: Angel of Darkness was released on PC, just like all major TR releases. Also, we can't disregard the PC versions of any of the games. The early games in the series were far superior on PC. I remember playing the original TR on PC with a 3DFX Voodoo 2 3D acceleration card. It was one of the first games I had experienced with 3D acceleration and it blew me away. The PSX version looked like ass compared to it.
Quick question as I did not bother to read all of your posts as they are quite long... Have you played through TR 2013? It is quite different and more refined/polished than previous games. It truly is a reboot of the franchise. I highly recommend you give it a go. Especially if you like Uncharted.
I'm not required to do so as per forum rules. Brb GTA V 4K ultra awaits.
Per forums rules lol? If you say you own something and refuse to provide proof of it, you don't own it, rules of the internet bud... Also what kind of moron would buy a 4K monitor right now? 60hz refresh rates and abysmal performance even with the best hardware you can buy, stupid decision.
2K 144hz > 4K 60hz
I still haven't played the 2013 reboot, or whatever year that was. There are a few Xbone games I'm considering picking up black friday this year if they drop down to $20 or less- Tomb Raider, Alien Isolation, Shadow of Mordor
Per forums rules lol? If you say you own something and refuse to provide proof of it, you don't own it, rules of the internet bud..
OR what? The internet police is gonna git me? BRB, GTA at ultra awaits.
nah we'll just keep calling on your bullshit and ignoring anything you say while you will keep evading the point.
Per forums rules lol? If you say you own something and refuse to provide proof of it, you don't own it, rules of the internet bud..
OR what? The internet police is gonna git me? BRB, GTA at ultra awaits.
nah we'll just keep calling on your bullshit and ignoring anything you say while you will keep evading the point.
Exactly, burden of proof falls to the person making the claim, if you do not provide evidence there is no way to know if what is being said is the truth so it must be disregarded.
Haven't seen gameplay of the game yet so I'm undecided, I mean I doubt it will amaze to the point of me actually getting excited for it since the first one was nice and all but ultimately forgettable. If the sequel is actually about exploring tombs then maybe I'll consider it.
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