Honestly, how can you leave the wii out of the discussion? The wii is offering gameplay experiences that you simply could not get last gen. To me it seems that you're basing everything about the wii around some blurbs about the controls and of course the screenshots, which are probably the main reason you think the wii is last gen. You put your "true next gen" game in and it looks really pretty and that is enough for you to think its next gen. Well thats' not true! Previous gens were huge leaps in gameplay, a leap which is sorely missing in the ps3 and 360. I hear things like "better AI, bigger worlds, better physics" but none of that has translated into a significant leap from last gen gameplay. Some of it is blantantly false, ie bigger worlds.
Not convinced? Well how about this argument.--- every gen previous has been a significant enough leap that not only did mechanics and aesthetics improve, but whole new GENRES of games appeared. The nes/ms allowed a truly refined platformer genre. The snes/genesis refined that, but allowed for fighters and rpgs to be fully realized. By that I mean that there were fighters and rpgs in the previous gen, but they were really insignificant. They were 'invented' in the snes/genesis gen. The ps1/n64 brought 3d gaming, which I believe is enough in itself- ie 3d platformers aredifferent genre than 2d platformers. The gc/ps2/xbox allowed for truly developed 3d worlds to be constructed, allowing open gameplay like GTA3. The N64 dabbled in alive worlds in games like pilotwings64, but it wasn'treally anything until games like GTA3. So what about the ps3/360? What are the new genres?Littlebigplanet I guess...
When the wii fails, it looks really bad because it is last gen in every way. However, when it suceeds, it really shines. Wiisports is really new. Trauma center is really new (although it could be duplicated with kb/m). The changes to old genres are good refinements, on par with the graphical enhancements of the other consoles (im thinking RE4 here). So i guess the real question is can you get over the graphics?
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