Hm, you guys are correct to be fair (how many times have someone uttered these words at System Wars? :lol: )
I'll rephrase:
I believe Sony's 1st party contingent overall outdoes Microsoft's. Reasons are probably because Sony, seemingly or even evidently, are far more supportive of their 1st party studios than Microsoft are. Microsoft have scaled down on their 1st party studios to the point of ridiculum. There's a reason lemkids are crying out for new IPs that are exclusive to 360 and perhaps take advantage of the hardware in ways that the Sony counterparts do.
The 1st party Sony devs aren't necessarily more talented or anything of the sort, however I believe the entire contingent is better in terms of output (probably a result of more developers in terms of numbers), overall quality in their games and visual fidelity of said games (which can be attributed to money, resources, yada, yada, provided for by Sony).
I think it's fair to say that in terms of first party support by the respective companies, Sony >>> Microsoft; I feel the latter have been pathetic this gen in that regard. They've been heavily reliant on 3rd party studios instead.
And I would agree with you.
It's just a shame (from a gamer's perspective) that Microsoft's over-reliance on third parties to sell their system worked as well as it has. That being said though, with the quality of third party games being as they are, I haven't really minded.
I've minded though :(As an owner of a gaming PC there has been very little incentive for me to purchase a 360 since so many of the top-tier games on the console are availible on PC. I think the console needs more exclusives to help define the console and set it apart from the competition. The console would also benefit from having more developers that had the time and resources - backed by Microsoft - to fully exploit the console and what it has got under the hood. Much like what has been going on in the Sony camp for years now.
I'm hoping Microsoft does things differently next generation. But my hopes are fairly subdued because, quite frankly, Microsoft's formula this gen has proved to be very successful. Xbox 360s are selling like hot cakes and Microsoft are making beaucoup bucks in the process. Why would they suddenly pool their resources into new 1st party developers?
Things did look good initially early on in the generation. A lot of fresh and interesting new IPs aside from the Halos, Gears games, Forzas and Fables. There was Kameo, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Too Human. Some of thesegames fell flat on their faces (i.e. Too Human), but hey, you've got to start somewhere! I enjoyed those exclusive outputtings and wanted more of that. But the frequency of these types of outputtings sort of faded.
Many of the games above aren't really 1st party titles, but they were financially backed by and published by Microsoft, rendering them 2nd party titles (similar to Gears of War).
Ah well, time will tell.
All of this is also reflected in the fact that the best looking and technically astute 360 games are, naturally, its 1st party titles.
The very same is true for PS3. But since Sony have more and better supported studios at hand.......
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