[QUOTE="Banjo_Kongfooie"] Nintendo caused the Perfect dark team to leave you know what I mean and of course Rare wanted to stay with Nintendo when their games PDZ and Kameo were allready in dev for it... Nintendo ruined Dinosaur Planet making them turn it into Starfox Adventures...and they refuse to advertise Conker, Killer7, Resident 4 etc. This is why dev's do not make M games as much for the Wii...Banjo_Kongfooie
Again, nintendo's contract with rare was up and they didn't re new it, that's all the was to it. As for the PD team oh noez, some members left, you act like that is rare in this industry.Don't know about the SF thing so no comment. As for advertising RE4, its not their game and they paid capcom to have the game, why should they now pay for advertising especially when capcom ported it to thePS2? Killer 7 again is not their game nor did it have sales potential. Not marketing conker is their own decision, not sure why its a big deal. devs don't make m games for the wii because they don't think they can sell them, its ridiculous to say its because nintendo won't market them for them, that's not their job.
One the Perfect Dark team left because of how Nintendo rushed them and treated them and went on to make TimeSplitters FP for the Xbox.And it wasn't some members it was alot of members.
Their contract wasn't up the two founders offered their shares of Rare to Nintendo (who refused to buy even though it would give them full ownership of Rare. Rare now belongs to MS of course and the Banjo team is intact. Nintendo refused to let Golden Eye go to VC and XBLA btw.
Oh and Dinosaur planet was a game Rare was working on and Miyamatto was impressed with how it came out and wanted Starfox to be in it (obiviously so he gets credit) this made what could of been Rare's improved version of Oot get delayed to the GC and have last minute airfights inserted.
Advertising Conker and Eternal Darkness is their job as the PUBLISHER.
Also console makers need to advertise their exclusives which Nintendo obviously did not do with Red Steel 2
What are you on about? TS was on the PS2, TS 2 and 3 were both on the PS2, Xbox and GAMECUBE. And again, members of a team leaving is hardly something new to this industry regardless of the reason.
On this point okay the contract was not up. It doesn't change the fact that Nintendo did not want rare. They didn't buy the shares dispite getting full ownership becaus ethey didn't see worth in the company. That isn't rare leaving Nintendo, that's the other way around. As for goldeneye, that's just business, frankly.
Nintendo di advertise Eternal Darkness howver, conker I am unsure of. And I was metioning the third party games they didn't advertise because IT IS NOT your responsobility to advertise someone elses product. I repeat. IT IS NOT YOUR RESPONSIBLILITY TO ADVERTISE THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS. Yoou also don't advertise games with no sales potential which RS2 really didn't have.
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