Was reading around on the VGC forums and heres something i came across
According to GfK Chart-Track, since 31 Jan 09 to 27 June 09, PS3 sold 300k (2.2 mil LTD) whereas the 360 600k (3.9 mil LTD).
The Wii? It sold 300k in the same period.
Now offcourse, there are many reasons being thrown around which includes pricing and current economic factors, but the way the Wii is marketed, it simply cannot be competed against. The story in Japan is similar, as we all know, their market has shrunk considerably and while the Wii may be doing better than the rest, its only selling in the teen thousands.
In fact, Wii Sports Resorts released last week and only managed to get Wii hardware to 20k. So yes, its only the UK, but the UK is a HUGE region, crazy hardware numbers for its size as well as sky high attach rates for all systems. It may be a stretch, but UK is almost half of Western Europe.
Does anyone see this happening elsewhere?
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