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[QUOTE="Vaasman"]That's true, but it will still be similar to the final product.It's like this shot from gears 2.Everyone can calm down now, these are bullshots. How do I know they're bullshots? Depth of field added in. Unless you like blurry enemies and what would be considered an awful draw distance were it real, then it's a bullshot. And if they're willing to do that, who knows how much else is fake.
I win.
Gears 2 almost looks that good, but it's still obvious that they touched a few things up.
Cell Shading art style ... you mean the prerended artists drawings 0_o seriously are you that new to gaming to not realize EVERY GAME has those predrawn pictures of what they idealize teh game to look like before going in and making the 3D models of it???i hate the cell shading artstyle.
looks good though
HAHAH @ the haters, man I swear Lems getting desperate and hating on anything they can. Bu bu teh jacket looks better!!11
Bu bu teh RE5 looks betterz!!!!1111
2 much colorz!!!111
And my favorite its teh bullshots!!!!111
Please keep crying these tears are wonderfully delicious.
HAHAH @ the haters, man I swear Lems getting desperate and hating on anything they can. Bu bu teh jacket looks better!!11
Bu bu teh RE5 looks betterz!!!!1111
2 much colorz!!!111
And my favorite its teh bullshots!!!!111
Please keep crying these tears are wonderfully delicious.
Uhh... 'cause its true.:roll:
some people are saying x360 can do uncharted2 graphics, so where are they?
enough is enough, ps3 is more capable than x360 and that is the end of it.
[QUOTE="XturnalS"]HAHAH @ the haters, man I swear Lems getting desperate and hating on anything they can. Bu bu teh jacket looks better!!11
Bu bu teh RE5 looks betterz!!!!1111
2 much colorz!!!111
And my favorite its teh bullshots!!!!111
Please keep crying these tears are wonderfully delicious.
Uhh... 'cause its true.:roll:
Prove it.
For all of those that find it hard to believe the PS3 has the power to run this level of AA, perhaps you should check out this vid of KZ2. IF these screenshots are indeed touched up, KZ2 has already proved to me that it will be possible for them to get pretty freakin close... as it is hard as hell to find jaggies in KZ2 vids. Just look at the freakin weapon models... the point is that anyone hating on these screenshots are just screaming for self-ownage when the game releases. Much the same way KZ2 haters have been owned for the last few months ;)... quit hating and just enjoy good gaming.Sgt_Halei think they learned to use the spe's to run AA, this was said about the cell that it was capable to do before ps3 launched, it did take time but its great to learn now that its all true.
[QUOTE="crazy-player"][QUOTE="XturnalS"]HAHAH @ the haters, man I swear Lems getting desperate and hating on anything they can. Bu bu teh jacket looks better!!11
Bu bu teh RE5 looks betterz!!!!1111
2 much colorz!!!111
And my favorite its teh bullshots!!!!111
Please keep crying these tears are wonderfully delicious.
Uhh... 'cause its true.:roll:
Prove it.
:lol: Open your eyes, and check my posts a page before this, consoles cant do 19xMSAA or watever you call it.[QUOTE="noswear"]Hmmm, someone has not seen vids of Killzone 2.... Look at the AA in that game and then come back to discuss. Or don't and just admit that you fail at life. Either way, noswear FTL. Well, KZ2's AA is rather low if it has any at all. Just look at some of the screens. Even with jaggies, the game would still look excellent. It's a contender for console graphics king that's for sure.Wow, I had no idea the PS3 could do 16xAA (!)
Bullshots FTL.
There are still quite a few jaggies in KZ2 (not bullshot, still looks great though).
You wished !!! Sucks not having a PS3 doesn't it??[QUOTE="S3CR3T_SPY2"][QUOTE="daveg1"]touched up bullshots.Nagidar
Actually, I think he's right, they do look like bullshots or cut scenes.
Uncharted uses in engine cutscenes, they look just as good as the actual gameplay, just play the first one and see for yourself. Trust me, the final game will look like this, uncharted matched its screenshots as well, so will the sequal.
[QUOTE="Sgt_Hale"][QUOTE="noswear"]Hmmm, someone has not seen vids of Killzone 2.... Look at the AA in that game and then come back to discuss. Or don't and just admit that you fail at life. Either way, noswear FTL. Well, KZ2's AA is rather low if it has any at all. Just look at some of the screens. Even with jaggies, the game would still look excellent. It's a contender for console graphics king that's for sure. The old screenshots lems use to try to bash the game do not count for much... check out the actual vid in the link above.Wow, I had no idea the PS3 could do 16xAA (!)
Bullshots FTL.
[QUOTE="XturnalS"]Prove it.agentfredUse common sense, open your eyes, and stop trying to ignore the precedent for this type of thing.
yes but will this game sell well?naruto7777The first one did, so hopefully, this will too. :)
Nice response, so basically you have none, and basically dodging the question entirely. Thanks abunch, at least crazy player provided some small evidence from one dev.
The shots look great and I can say confidently that when it comes out that it will look like those shoots despite all the hate it gets.
But by all means keep hating.
Nice response, so basically you have none, and basically dodging the question entirely. Thanks abunch, at least crazy player provided some small evidence from one dev.The shots look great and I can say confidently that when it comes out that it will look like those shoots despite all the hate it gets.
But by all means keep hating.
Hating? You've got me all wrong. This is what I posted in this very thread intially:
That does look pretty great. I'm not sure if I would go all the way and say it the console graphics king, but it certainly does look good.Agentfred
Anyway. I'm not sure what you're specifically looking for here, a written admission on the part of ND that these shots have been touched up perhaps? Well, obviously that isn't going to happen.
Now what I can tell you is that there has recently been a trend in game marketing in which developers touch up official screenshots before releasing them. There is a precedent for this, and it happens all the time with just about every single major game on the market. Again, I'm not picking on U2 specifically, I just point this out whenever I see it, which is with most games. I don't understand why everyone in this thread is taking this so personally.
Oh, and I can practically guarantee our answer will come when we start getting unofficial screenshots. Seeing how I've really failed to deliver any proof of my claim thus far, you probably don't believe me, which is understandable. Now, I've seen several poster already claim that U2 will meet the SSs just like the original did. However, the original Uncharted shots were also touched up, and the final product never lived up to them in terms of Anti-Aliasing. Don't believe me? See for yourself.
Official shot:
Unofficial, almost a year and a half later:
Now frankly, the second shot looks better. However, in terms of Anti-Aliasing, it's quite clear. The first shot has practically no aliasing to speak of, something that can't be said about the latter shot.
What I'm saying is this: These shots provided by ND are certainly good looking, but they've been touched up to look even better, as are most official screenshots from any developer. This is not hating on the game, the developer, or the PS3, this is simply a critical analysis.
[QUOTE="crazy-player"]Open your eyes, and check my posts a page before this, consoles cant do 19xMSAA or watever you call it.agentfredDon't you mean 16x? :P Yeah, whatever. :P
[QUOTE="XturnalS"]Nice response, so basically you have none, and basically dodging the question entirely. Thanks abunch, at least crazy player provided some small evidence from one dev.The shots look great and I can say confidently that when it comes out that it will look like those shoots despite all the hate it gets.
But by all means keep hating.
Hating? You've got me all wrong. This is what I posted in this very thread intially:
That does look pretty great. I'm not sure if I would go all the way and say it the console graphics king, but it certainly does look good.Agentfred
Anyway. I'm not sure what you're specifically looking for here, a written admission on the part of ND that these shots have been touched up perhaps? Well, obviously that isn't going to happen.
Now what I can tell you is that there has recently been a trend in game marketing in which developers touch up official screenshots before releasing them. There is a precedent for this, and it happens all the time with just about every single major game on the market. Again, I'm not picking on U2 specifically, I just point this out whenever I see it, which is with most games. I don't understand why everyone in this thread is taking this so personally.
Oh, and I can practically guarantee our answer will come when we start getting unofficial screenshots. Seeing how I've really failed to deliver any proof of my claim thus far, you probably don't believe me, which is understandable. Now, I've seen several poster already claim that U2 will meet the SSs just like the original did. However, the original Uncharted shots were also touched up, and the final product never lived up to them in terms of Anti-Aliasing. Don't believe me? See for yourself.
Official shot:
Unofficial, almost a year and a half later:
Now frankly, the second shot looks better. However, in terms of Anti-Aliasing, it's quite clear. The first shot has practically no aliasing to speak of, something that can't be said about the latter shot.
What I'm saying is this: These shots provided by ND are certainly good looking, but they've been touched up to look even better, as are most official screenshots from any developer. This is not hating on the game, the developer, or the PS3, this is simply a critical analysis.
Lems calling these bullshots proves how good the game looks since they are all ingame.EVOLV3Sir your ps3 can't do 16xAA,those've been touched up in photoshop..
[QUOTE="EVOLV3"]Lems calling these bullshots proves how good the game looks since they are all ingame.McdonaIdsGuySir your ps3 can't do 16xAA,those've been touched up in photoshop.. Nope, but it'll come close to... the Uncharted 2 trailer and KZ2 single player vids have already established that. No need to fool anyone, the shots are in-engine & having compared the GI shots to the new trailer, those shots come pretty close. They serve the purpose of giving gamers a good idea of what to expect from the final game... Plus, there will be plenty of gameplay vids & screenshots as we approach closer to the release date. And I'm pretty sure ND is saving this for either a summer or holiday release... which means plenty of more polish left to add ;-)
[QUOTE="S3CR3T_SPY2"][QUOTE="daveg1"]touched up bullshots.Marka1700You wished !!! Sucks not having a PS3 doesn't it?? It's a perfictly resonable claim. Considering almost all screenshots for console games have been touched up this gen. it's unreasonable, son. have you never played the first uncharted?
[QUOTE="McdonaIdsGuy"][QUOTE="EVOLV3"]Lems calling these bullshots proves how good the game looks since they are all ingame.Sgt_HaleSir your ps3 can't do 16xAA,those've been touched up in photoshop.. Nope, but it'll come close to... the Uncharted 2 trailer and KZ2 single player vids have already established that. No need to fool anyone, the shots are in-engine & having compared the GI shots to the new trailer, those shots come pretty close. They serve the purpose of giving gamers a good idea of what to expect from the final game... Plus, there will be plenty of gameplay vids & screenshots as we approach closer to the release date. And I'm pretty sure ND is saving this for either a summer or holiday release... which means plenty of more polish left to add ;-) It doesnt change the fact that those are touched up sir :|, i work with photoshop so i can tell easy.
[QUOTE="kingman03"][QUOTE="daveg1"]go and learn what your talking about before you quote me again.world69star69They aren't screen shots taken from a tv. They are NOT bullshots. Get over it, you know it looks amazing. Going quote you just because you got owned just looking at them screens!! You lems are in denial big time. 10000% better then gears and with real looking people not steriod freaks with bucket legs and 4 polys.
I'm confused. How did he get owned looking at the screens and how is he in denial? Or did you just word yourself wrong? Steroid freaks, bucket legs and 4 polys? What does that have to do with the quality of a game? Its obvious the game doesn't have 4 polys, characters like Dizzy and Carmine aren't even big. Those guys are no bigger then NFL lineman. Guys who aren't on steroids by the way.
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