i can only buy one for the next month, which one do i pick right now. i already played the first game for both. your votes decide.
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Imo UC2, the SP is epicly epic and it has great coop and great MP. It's more of a complete package imo.
why would you buy either when there is a bunch of stuff coming out this month?mtradr43
And the chances of this stuff being better than these 2 is pretty slim.
If you don't have these, buy these ASAP!
Even if you want games in the very near future.
2 AAA must have blockbusters!
I am a pretty big Mass Effect fanboy, so I wouldn't trust me if I were you......
Did that make sense to anyone else :?
Rent both they dont take that long to beat. I cant really pick one over the other, both are great games.
Definetly uncharted 2, mass effect felt kinda borring. No contenst.dakan45
No contest? *looks at poll*
Uh huh, riiight...:roll:
Both are so different. I'd decide what kind've game you want to play then pick. EmperorSupreme
Yup, good plan. Both are quality as all get out. Do you want an RPG-lite/Shooter or a Platformer-lite/Shooter?
*looks at poll*
:o does this mean lemspot confirmed? :P
on topic: i've played both but only beat uncharted
and imo uncharted wins but not by much they're both amazing games
Mass effect 2. From what i've played so far, UC2 isnt what people hype it as. I mean its great and all but i just dont like it as much as ME2.
If I had to choose, I'd say ME2. It's a great experience loading in your ME1 save and seeing the difference it makes. U2 is never a wrong choice though!
Both are excellent.
However, I have to give my nod to ME2. Great game, lots of replayability, and if you have Mass Effect 1, it only sweetens the deal.
2 totally different games. BUT I have played both. I have to say UC2 is 100x better then ME2. ME2 is supposed to be something different then a shooter, but thats all it came off to me as. AND I have been playing shooters for over 10 years and tired of them.
Mass effect 2. From what i've played so far, UC2 isnt what people hype it as. I mean its great and all but i just dont like it as much as ME2.
Weird. I can say exactly the same thing about ME2. I'm 25 hours in it and I don't see what all the hype is about.
Mass effect 2. From what i've played so far, UC2 isnt what people hype it as. I mean its great and all but i just dont like it as much as ME2.
Weird. I can say exactly the same thing about ME2. I'm 25 hours in it and I don't see what all the hype is about.
Well with three stars on XBL you would be the one to ask
Mass effect 2. From what i've played so far, UC2 isnt what people hype it as. I mean its great and all but i just dont like it as much as ME2.
Weird. I can say exactly the same thing about ME2. I'm 25 hours in it and I don't see what all the hype is about.
Well with three stars on XBL you would be the one to ask
I got Mass Effect 1 and 2 on PC. You fail kind sir.
2 totally different games. BUT I have played both. I have to say UC2 is 100x better then ME2. ME2 is supposed to be something different then a shooter, but thats all it came off to me as. AND I have been playing shooters for over 10 years and tired of them.
Not a chance. It seems most say otherwise, too.
2 totally different games. BUT I have played both. I have to say UC2 is 100x better then ME2. ME2 is supposed to be something different then a shooter, but thats all it came off to me as. AND I have been playing shooters for over 10 years and tired of them.
Not a chance. It seems most say otherwise, too.
Its a POLL about what each person thinks. That is what I think man. ME2 is nothing more than a shooter PLUS it has no coop, no splitscreen deathmatch, no online, nothing....
AT least UC2 is told better than most Hollywood movies and is different and has online play. Its just my opinion..
i would play ME2 and import your ME1 character
the whole import thing is genius on Bioware's part, the fact that it unlocks extra content depending on what you did in ME1 is a great idea and really helps keep the first game just as relevant as the second (whereas UC2 kinda usurps UC: DF rather than seriously building on it)
UC2 is still a good shooter tho, but if you ask me which you should play first i'd play ME2 first i dunno i just like the game more
ME2 has already won several poles heres one for example http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=27174233
there's other's with more votes. With that said you couldn't go wrong either way.
2 totally different games. BUT I have played both. I have to say UC2 is 100x better then ME2. ME2 is supposed to be something different then a shooter, but thats all it came off to me as. AND I have been playing shooters for over 10 years and tired of them.
Not a chance. It seems most say otherwise, too.
Its a POLL about what each person thinks. That is what I think man. ME2 is nothing more than a shooter PLUS it has no coop, no splitscreen deathmatch, no online, nothing....
AT least UC2 is told better than most Hollywood movies and is different and has online play. Its just my opinion..
I think it's quite clear what the thread is about (hence why he quoted in red), and his point stands your in the minority with your opinion
Not a chance. It seems most say otherwise, too.
Its a POLL about what each person thinks. That is what I think man. ME2 is nothing more than a shooter PLUS it has no coop, no splitscreen deathmatch, no online, nothing....
AT least UC2 is told better than most Hollywood movies and is different and has online play. Its just my opinion..
I think it's quite clear what the thread is about (hence why he quoted in red), and his point stands your in the minority with your opinion
BOth my boys like UC2 better as well. AND im white so im use to being in the minority..:)
It's fairly hard to compare the two (different genres) but ME:2's done more for what sequels SHOULD be like. Hopefully it helped people notice U2's gameplay hardly changed from what the original did and what it did do wasn't well impletemented. Fixed the invisible walls from the first, added a stealthy way to down some guys but baddies ranged from having tunnel vision to hearing a pin drop, adding a heavy weapon feel like games like Gears 2 did with a lather of gfx and that's it.Srry but it's the truth, ME:2 isn't from faults either but at least it took steps to make the immersionimprove from the first one.
As of right now, as we speak,
UNCHARTED 2 is considered one of the best games ever created.
Mass Effect 2, unfortunately, is not.
Enuf said.
I've played both games & the decsion isn't as hard as it appears. Your about to spend $60 & I bet you would like to get your moneys worth. Unless you are 100% sure you will love Uncharted 2's multiplayer then Mass Effect 2 is way better of a purchase. Uncharted 2 has amazing unseen graphics for a console game & is solid in all aspects through its campaign except for time. Uncharted 2 is 8 to 10 hours long & Mass Effect 2 is 20 to 30 hours long. You will want to play both games through a 2nd time. I bought Uncharted 2, but didn't like the MP so after 2 times through the campaign just shy of 2 months owning the game I sold it.
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