While I agree with you, your numbers are off. Gears 1 and 2 sold 6 million, and Uncharted 2 sold 4.7 million. :o teh difference! :roll:. Like you said, I have no idea where the lemming arrogance comes from reguarding Gears sales. They act like this game does Halo numbers, or like they are expecting Black Ops numbers from Gears 3. If the game does outsell it, it will be by 1 million TOPS.
And since lemmings are comming up with every excuse in the world to justify these numbers, let me do the same. Gears 1 and 2 were BOTH pretty much the biggest games of each of their respective holidays. Meaning they had basically NO relevant competition. No Halo to compete with. No Super Mario. No Metal Gear Solid 4. No Call of Duty (Gears 2 had COD:WaW but it was no where near as relevant as it is now with MW2 and Blops.). Gears 1 and 2 basically won the holidays by default. Not to mention it was the first high profile AAA release for the 360.
Now fast foreward to Uncharted. Uncharted 1 launched in the same quarter as Halo 3 AND Super Mario Galaxy, and Assassins Creed.
Uncharted 2 launched in the same quarter as the beast known as Modern Warfare 2 (gears has NEVER faced a giant that big before), Assassins Creed 2, Halo: ODST.
I'm giving you "REASONS" as to why the Uncharted 3 beta surpassed the Gears 3 beta. If the Gears 3 beta had been open we wouldn't have had this conversation.
Instead. You'd probably be praising UC3's graphics for the millionth time or something. It will be interesting to see what happens when the games launch what will be said then. Oh I can see it now.
"Well the only reason Gears 3 had more played time was because lemmings had nothing to play all year!" :lol:
Lol, you assume im a PS3 fanboy because I pointed out FACTS that favor PS3 over 360? Why wasnt I a PS3 fanboy when I bashed Uncharted 3's visuals? Oh, wait, you didnt care then, because I made your system look good :roll:.
You are not giving me "reasons" you are giving damage control. The whole "open beta" arguement is irrelevant. Uncharted players spent more time PER PLAYER playing the Uncharted 3 beta. That is not argueable. If you disagree, then please explain to me the difference that Gears 3's beta being open would have on total time spent PER PLAYER. If anything, Gears 3 players had more incentive to keep playing it since they PAYED to play it, they would get the most out of it. 1.3 million players were in the gears 3 beta. that is STILL 1.3 million players. Open beta or closed beta has NOTHING to do with how much time those 1.3 million people spend PER PERSON playing the game.
You are not saying anything but repeating your damage control like a broken record.
*waits for you to cry "its an open beta!!!" again*
Don't be mad that one was and OPEN BETA and one was a CLOSED BETA, which could have a huge impact on total number of players participating. I wouldn't want it to bother you if I mention that one was and OPEN BETA and one was a CLOSED BETA.
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