"But seriously. Sony never lied, assuming the second of the three IGN articles was a misunderstanding. They said 3.8 million copies sold, and that's what it was. Sold in is still sold, and as I've said all day long, Sell in data from the publisher/platform holder is the only acccurate sales data anyway. Sell through is always an estimate."
This is still not gonna fly. This argument is not some default reasoning that will excuse blatant lies that went on here today, nor will it let Sony faithful feel they have some type of Halo, Gears type of accomplishment with this game. Saying "they all sell to retailers" is BS. Look, when HALO 3 sold more then any other game in existence at 3.3 mill there were accolades and articles praising this. And not one of them question was it sold or shipped because it was sold thru. If you went on xbox live there were millions of people playing.
Same with Reach, same with COD.What Sony did was ship a bunch of Uncharted to retailers and tried to brag about it. If you go on uncharted servers I bet you anything there is not a fraction of this supposed 3.5 online because its sitting on shelves.
If they really outsold these other games they would of crowed about it as I've been saying all day. It would of outsold every exclusive this gen using shipped, sold, or what ever kind of nonsense tracking method you claim all these companies use. Don't try to duck behind "well the store bought them". With HALO, COD, GEARS, people buy the game hence Micro comes out boasting about sales and can back it up. Sony is always lying like this.
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