"I'm having a good time here. My beef is that some people are talking about cows getting owned, because its shipped not sold, and saying Sony lied and downplaying it as meaning nothing because they aren't sold. Sony didn't lie. They referred to sell in as sold, which is what all companies do, unless they are specifically making a point of saying sold through. Those copies were sold. Sony can't just willy-nilly ship them out and say "Oh, we sold 4 million!" They sent out what retailers bought, based on how fast they expect it to move due to preorders, market research, etc.People always laugh at sales discussions, saying sales only matter to Sony/MS/Nintendo; if that's true, sell in is what matters. Those 3.8 have been bought and paid for, and the revenue added to Sony's books. If the only people that sales should matter to are the companies, then the only people sell-through should matter to are Walmart, Best Buy, Gamestop, etc.
3.8 million day one sell in on one platform is great, and puts it on track to be amongst the years best selling games, which is exactly what Sony said. Someone posted a link about Batman a bit ago, that said it had 4.6 or something sell in, and 2 million sell through in one week, on two platforms, making it one of the industries best seling games. We don't know the sell through for Uncharted yet, but anyway you look at it, 3.8 million day one sell in for a single platform is huge. How many games, outside CoD, have been higher than that on 360 or PS3? Halo games, GT, maybe Gears? Possibly GTA? Less than a dozen games altogether? I mean, we don't know, but I'd say it's pretty safe to say it's less than 5% of games released, which puts Uncharted in a pretty elite club."
Uncharted is not on the same level as Gears and Halo in sales. Its just a fact. All Sony manged to do was sell 3.8 games to stores. "Lems" never bragged about this number they bragged about the number of units sold to the end user. This is why when Microsoft comes out and states Halo is the biggest launch in history etc they are not talking about units shipped sitting in a store somewhere. They are saying that 3.3 people bought the game and are playing it online. You are delusional if you think that "stupid lems "argument" about Gears outselling all PS3exclusives finally" has been put to rest.
This game has not sold close to Gears numbers to actual consumers, if it did Sony would of bragged about the biggest exclusive launch in this generation...that did not happen did it? Use yur common sense. When Micro said Gear sold 3 mill in a week, 3 mill people were online and the NPD reflected 2m GEARS SOLD TO CUTOMERS. in the USaloneYou guys are too desperate. How is this series , which had ok to lackluters sales in the past launches just gonna shoot up to Halo COD numbers overnite?? No midnight launch party, no hype, not mentioned on any news channels anywhere, and it just out sells other games who had that level of hype in the past years? NPD is coming and I would be shocked if this game breaks a million over here must less the rest of the world. Bragg about selling to stores if you want, cant argue that. But dont try to say it sold Gears levels to cutomers cause its not close
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