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They're waiting for everyone else to post their reviews so they can give it the lowest score on Game Rankings. 8)
that would be very un-professional
you just wait till you've finished galaxy. it honestly gets better and better every minute.I say it gets a 9.5 here on gamespot.
After playing Mario Galaxy and Uncharted for a few hours each, I would have to say that Uncharted is as good if not better than Galaxy.
After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!0rin
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
[QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!Koalakommander
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!BioShockOwnz
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Way too many flaws to get AAA. Despite how badass it is, AC is a AA game, and the even lower scores are understandable.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!BioShockOwnz
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Unless Aaron Thomas reviews it, then expect a "ZOMG Identity crisis.....7.5". Besides that it will probably get at least a 8.5. I mean come on even Heavenly Sword got a 8.0 and Uncharted is a lot better then HS.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!Shadow2k6
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Unless Aaron Thomas reviews it, then expect a "ZOMG Identity crisis.....7.5". Besides that it will probably get at least a 8.5. I mean come on even Heavenly Sword got a 8.0 and Uncharted is a lot better then HS.
And technically only 2-3 hours longer than HS. It will get 8.5. I'm regretting my bet..
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!Koalakommander
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Way too many flaws to get AAA. Despite how badass it is, AC is a AA game, and the even lower scores are understandable.
Every AAA game has some sort of issues/flaws. Assassin's Creed is no more flawed than Oblivion was.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!BioShockOwnz
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Way too many flaws to get AAA. Despite how badass it is, AC is a AA game, and the even lower scores are understandable.
Every AAA game has some sort of issues/flaws. Assassin's Creed is no more flawed than Oblivion was.
Yeah but not as big as what AC has. The majority of reviews all point to poor A.I, and extremely repetitive gameplay. The main assinations arn't as epic as expected and the "free-roam" that was so heavily touted isn't near what was hyped.
Now Bioshock, I know you love games no matter what the score (you said you got Lair and Blue Dragon), but I'm just trying to be fair here. AC is a great game and I will get it -- but when it comes to scoring I don't think this game is as polished as other deserving AAA titles.
If AC was such a sure hit, than I wouldn't be seeing multiple 6's and 7's on gamerankings. There's something wrong with the game.
No, Assassin's Creed is definitely AAA quality. It's just as repetitive and flawed as Oblivion, GTA, and Saint's Row. For your information, I have not had any problems with the 360 version except for pop-in every once in a while, but it's not nearly as bad as Oblivion. I'm going with Gamespot and GameTrailers on this one. AAA game all the way.
And onto the "free-roam" part. Are you kidding me? The world is much larger than they ever touted it to be.
R&C got some very bipolar reviews. Does that decrease the quality of the game? Hell no. Take a look at the overall user rating on Gamespot. Gamers are loving it. Some critics are just flat out wrong.
No, Assassin's Creed is definitely AAA quality. It's just as repetitive and flawed as Oblivion, GTA, and Saint's Row. For your information, I have not had any problems with the 360 version except for pop-in every once in a while, but it's not nearly as bad as Oblivion. I'm going with Gamespot and GameTrailers on this one. AAA game all the way.
And onto the "free-roam" part. Are you kidding me? The world is much larger than they ever touted it to be.
R&C got some very bipolar reviews. Does that decrease the quality of the game? Hell no. Take a look at the overall user rating on Gamespot. Gamers are loving it. Some critics are just flat out wrong.
So you disagree whole heartedly with these statements?
" must complete a number of investigations before striking at the target.
And these, frankly, become a bit dull. Eavesdropping involves sitting on a bench, locating the source of the gossip, targeting them and pressing Y. That's it. Pick-pocketing involves much the same, except you have to follow someone for a bit and press B when your hand's within grabbing distance of their back pocket. It's sleuthy, but also a bit one-dimensional. If you get spotted, you hide until the heat's off, then go back and try again. The same's true of interrogations - listen to some chatter, follow them for a few seconds, then punch them until you get a cut-scene. That's not simplification on our part; that's literally what you do."
"Which is to say that the actual assassinations are a bit ropey. You might imagine that you stalk carefully through heavily guarded hallways, keeping to the shadows, climbing across ceilings, and eventually steal into your target's presence and hold a dagger to their throat like a sort of medieval Leon. But the truth is, again, closer to Crackdown. You do indeed stalk a bit, but only by virtue of the guards being too thick to spot you at more than about 40 feet. There's no clever hiding or skulking. There are no interesting approach tactics. You just get close, watch a cut-scene, and then strike. You seldom do this without alerting the target and his guards - instead you either give chase before planting a dagger in his throat, or you get into the usual sort of block-and-counter fight and go at it until you've stabbed him enough to get the final cut-scene."
"It's a fitting end to a game that starts off brightly, wriggling elusively as you try and grasp what's going on, delighting in the mechanics and beautiful visuals, before sinking into a pattern that, while fairly gratifying, never evolves and ultimately becomes a bit boring, and quite amazingly repetitive. After each briefing, you travel the same route to the Masyaf border with no way to skip the journey, and it takes five minutes. You will play to the end anyway, I imagine, because it's not very frustrating, it looks nice and the low-level mechanics are engagingly fluid and spectacular to watch. And you certainly want to know what's going on. Or will do, until it stops dazzling to deceive and goes a bit Dan Brown. But while there's no end of potential to the foundations Ubisoft Montreal has set, the game built upon them is ultimately disappointing, and leaves you unfulfilled."
The Eurogamer review is a great read: (9/10)
If Sony or 3rd partiescan release another 5 or 6 games of this level of quality, then I might just consider adding a PS3 to complete the trifecta.
Well done Naughty Dog. But I fear it'll probably get a 8.5 here. That'll be a massive pity.
The Eurogamer review is a great read: (9/10)
If Sony or 3rd partiescan release another 5 or 6 games of this level of quality, then I might just consider adding a PS3 to complete the trifecta.
Well done Naughty Dog. But I fear it'll probably get a 8.5 here. That'll be a massive pity.
Eurogamer is always a great read
[QUOTE="mruurds"]The Eurogamer review is a great read: (9/10)
If Sony or 3rd partiescan release another 5 or 6 games of this level of quality, then I might just consider adding a PS3 to complete the trifecta.
Well done Naughty Dog. But I fear it'll probably get a 8.5 here. That'll be a massive pity.
Eurogamer is always a great read
that review has pretty much sold me the game
To be honest, im bored of waiting for the review now. I was quite interested to see what GS would give it at first, but now most of the other credible review sites have come in, the consensus is already quite clear. Its a great game that deserves a look at least, if not a definate purchase.
The only reason the GS review matters now is for SW, if that.Im far more interested in the success seen in Eurogamers review, since they seem tohave been the most harsh on PS3 games (although it was all well thought out,reasonable criticism at least)
*Looks under bed* *looks under dresser*
Still no 7.5 :? People have beaten the game already b4 the review is out :lol:
[QUOTE="GarchomPro"]Where the hell is the review?0rin
i'm currently playing it on hard first time through, getting my ass handed to me :D
i mean it's pretty much a given at this point in the game (chapter 14) that i'll die 2-3 times or more before i figure out a way to win each battle
i smell another flop here... it might get an AA score (8 probably) but for what i had read weeks ago cows are really hyping it AAA, GOTY etc... though i really think this game is amazing i will surely get one when i finally buy a PS3heaven_in_hell
GotY? No. AAA? It's a mix. Personally I'm saying AAA to AA since it's actually a pretty good game and knowing Gamespot, it's most likly AA. Besides, the majority voted for AA, no need to look at the minority. ;)
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!Koalakommander
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Way too many flaws to get AAA. Despite how badass it is, AC is a AA game, and the even lower scores are understandable.
Flaws such as???
I played through the entire game and there are no "flaws". There can be things you don't like, but there are not "flaws" in this game. No bugs, no visual problems, no sound problems, the enemy is challenging, the combat is fun and satisfying, the platforming is exhilharating, the puzzles are fun, the story is awesome, the soundtrack is perfect, the voice work is excellent. Even the friendly AI is good, which is shocking.
So, what are these flaws that would take 15% or more off of this games score?
[QUOTE="the_new_neo"]Why are people saying flop? The game is hyped AA and I guarantee it won't get any lower that 8.0.ExilRockratchet? That was guaranteed AAA :lol:
Gs's Credibility was hurt because of that review
The World says AAA or high AA deny it all you want.
Oh god @ the Gametrailers review.
What a crock. Reading some of the stuff at Neogaf really makes me consider what *value* is, especially to Game Reviewers. ::Shrug:: I dunno. Either way, after playing the demo and actually seeing the reviewer grilled I gotta say I give that review lulzy/10.
Conflicting opinions on Mass Effect reviews/impressions. I've gotta say though, I'm actually interested in buying the game now however. I'll read GS' review first.
[QUOTE="the_new_neo"]Why are people saying flop? The game is hyped AA and I guarantee it won't get any lower that 8.0.ExilRockratchet? That was guaranteed AAA :lol:
How was Ratchet guaranteed AAA? It was hyped AA aswell.
[QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!D_Znuhtz
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Way too many flaws to get AAA. Despite how badass it is, AC is a AA game, and the even lower scores are understandable.
Flaws such as???
I played through the entire game and there are no "flaws". There can be things you don't like, but there are not "flaws" in this game. No bugs, no visual problems, no sound problems, the enemy is challenging, the combat is fun and satisfying, the platforming is exhilharating, the puzzles are fun, the story is awesome, the soundtrack is perfect, the voice work is excellent. Even the friendly AI is good, which is shocking.
So, what are these flaws that would take 15% or more off of this games score?
enemy AI is stupid, you need to do the exact same thing for each assassination, the free roaming was not all it was cracked up to be. the game is just super repetitve. anyway this isnt an AC thread so lets stop trolling
lol at the gt review, do they even no how to play the game.
and who the hell is the new guy reviewing the game? wtf
i take it that the score dissapointed you?
[QUOTE="Always-Honest"][QUOTE="G10mgs4"]lol at the gt review, do they even no how to play the game.
and who the hell is the new guy reviewing the game? wtf
i take it that the score dissapointed you?
you forgot your answer.
I was reading through the Neogaf thread as well and I can see why people would be upset with the review and then angered by his comments.Oh god @ the Gametrailers review.
What a crock. Reading some of the stuff at Neogaf really makes me consider what *value* is, especially to Game Reviewers. ::Shrug:: I dunno. Either way, after playing the demo and actually seeing the reviewer grilled I gotta say I give that review lulzy/10.
Conflicting opinions on Mass Effect reviews/impressions. I've gotta say though, I'm actually interested in buying the game now however. I'll read GS' review first.
Wth at two specific things mentioned in the GT review...1. Bad AI and 2. No replay value
Props for them calling it the best looking console game though. Would of been AAA there(actually scored 8.975 calculate the score yourself), but it got an 8 in the "design" category cause its core gameplay isn't original. Even if it just got 8.1 in design, it would of been 9.0 :|. I feel they weigh originality too much(if it's still fun what does it matter?), but w/e what can you do...
This review is so overdue. turgore
It's heading towards one big anti-climax. Most people have finished the game alraedy.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Koalakommander"][QUOTE="0rin"]After watching GT pick the game apart and nit-pick every single feature of the game apart, I am believing more and more that Gamespot will give this game a 7.5 or 7.0. The worst part is, I am really liking the story, and the game is just awesomely fun. And no replay value? are you kidding? Going back and unlocking all the sweet costumes, guns, and other stuff is totaly worth it!Shadow2k6
GT is garbage. Have you watched their AC review? They bash the game throughout the entire review and then give it a 9.1.
Then I come to GS and they don't even have the most obvious issues in the "bad" section.
I'm telling you, Eurogamer nails it everytime. I love that site.
First, AC deserved its score and GameTrailers is one of the best reviewers out there.
Second, Uncharted will atleast get an 8.5 on Gamespot. There is no way any sane person could score it any less.
Unless Aaron Thomas reviews it, then expect a "ZOMG Identity crisis.....7.5". Besides that it will probably get at least a 8.5. I mean come on even Heavenly Sword got a 8.0 and Uncharted is a lot better then HS.
Very true if this game doesnt score more then HS, then something is wrong with GS and R&C is a fantastic game no matter what GS says.
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