[QUOTE="latinrage69"][QUOTE="Antwan3K"][QUOTE="latinrage69"][QUOTE="Antwan3K"][QUOTE="fuzzysquash"] [QUOTE="OhSnapitz"]Looks damn good.. However not $600 good.. Antwan3K
such a lame argument.
Who buy a $600 console for one game? :|
exactly.. that argument has been dead for quite some time now.. and it was buried with the announcment/release of the nearly $500 Xbox 360 Elite (that still doesnt have HD movie playback or built in WiFi)...
i mean, at this point, what new 360 buyer wouldnt purchase the 360 Elite over the half-finished alternatives?.. they might aswell discontinue the Premium and Core like Sony is potentially doing with the 20gb PS3 and end this 3-tier confusion...
the 360 does have HD movie playback out of the box. it's called xbox live video marketplace. as for the wifi, touche. the premium and core weren't half-thought out or half-finished, ms thought that 20gb would've been enough for this gen (they thought wrong). the core was introduced to lower the "sticker shock" of the next gen console. the core hopefully will be discontiuned because at this point the premium is a better deal and the elite is the best of the three, hence the name "elite".
"renting" HD movies for download is cool.. but i prefer the option of "renting" my Blu-ray movies through Netflix and actually making a permant purchase when buying my favs in high-def rather than being limited to a temporary download purchase.. personally, i cant wait to pick up the trilogies of the Pirates and Spider-man series on Blu-ray... 8).. i mean can you routinely get all the new releases through XBL's download service the same day as the DVD release?... many of the new Blu-ray movies are being released on the same day as their DVD counterpart.. even if you could get all the new movies on the same day as the DVD releases (which is unlikely), last time i checked, they were still temporary purchases..
heck, even if they were permanant purchases (which is still a flawed logic since even with 120gb HDD you'll still have to feasibly and eventually erase some data if you want to "permantly" keep every movie you purchase), you're still not putting down $500~ for an Elite because of the additional hardware costs of including an HD-DVD drive.. you've already got that download service even with a 360 core (you just cant take advantage of it due to the lack of a HDD).. the PS3's price tag is pretty well justified with a built-in Blu-ray drive and built-in WiFi plus the included 60gb HDD and built-in HDMI.. how is the "Elite's" pricetag justified?.. i mean $180 for a 120gb HDD?.. the PS3 is compatible with any PC standard SATA HDD..you can probably get a 160gb HDD for like $80... :?..
and yea, by admitting that Microsoft "thought wrong" about the 20gb HDD when their primary means of HD movieplaback is HD movie downloads just proves my point.. atleast 20gb PS3 owners have a built-in HD movie drive and dont have to worry about shuffling around HDD space for HD downloads.. beyond that, they can get any PC standard SATA internal HDD at value instead of Microsofts heavily inflated $180 pricetag.. but even with that, all signs point to Sony discontinuing the 20gb unit.. M$ should do the same thing.. i mean why would i pay $50 a year if i'm not going to take full advantage of the service due to an inferior 20gb HDD?...
after reading your entire quote, i do fully agree with you. i too prefer to have a physical medium rather than a digital download. not all bd's are day and date releases witht their dvd counterpart but they're getting there, same with hd dvd. $180 for a 120 GB HDD is excess and pure stupidity on ms part. they should've dropped the 20Gb from the shops and replaced it with the 120 Gb version for $100.
you have to admit that while it is great to have an HDM format in a console by default, that it does have a 50-50 chance of losing the format war. pr bs from both sides aside, the software sales of both sides are about equal with bd having a slight, near negligble lead while on the hardware front hd is leading by 4:1 (in standalone units only if ps3 is included, then bd leads by 10:1).
while ms made a great console, they didn't think it out as much as they should have or they purposely did things this way to save money and put their product on the market first.
well, it's good to see that we both agree (a very rare sight here in SW).. both Sony and Microsoft have made some mistakes so far, but the bottomline is that right now Microsoft is in the lead.. and in my opinion, Sony's biggest mistake was to price their product $100-$200 higher than the direct competiton.. hopefully Sony will prove the rumors true and drop the price of the 60gb PS3 by $100 while discontiuing the 20gb PS3 all together.. this would be the best time to do so since Microsoft would have just released the 360 Elite and would be hard-pressed to justify a price drop so soon after it's release.. this would place the prices of Microsoft's and Sony's console's at $480 and $500 respectively and would really even out the playing field...
well the ps3 20gb has been officially disconituned in north america and it never even set foot in europe. japan i'm not too sure about. sony would be crazy to drop the price this year as they are still losing $200 per unit sold not to mention sony is introducing an 80gb version of the ps3 in korea that may or may not make its way to the states. ms is making money for each premium sold and a price drop is inevitable. the price may drop this fall by about $50. if ms drops it by $100, nintendo could forget about sales this holiday due to the lower cost of the 360 and the heavy hitting titles coming this fall. but i do agree with you. sony's price caused them to fumble the ball in their own territory.
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