Now there was a lot of talk going around about the mgo beta basically people trashing it the graphics suck it's boring a snore fest ect ect.
Now let me start with saying this game has its own unique and good look to it, its crisp its solid is smooth its also a beta so there's still going to be touch ups with frame rate issues and stability but so far Kojima actually presented it very well.
First the graphics are at a solid frame rate where it feels smooth not jerky and completely fluid so I'm guessing its higher then 30 my guess would be 40 if I would have to say one but there's not a way of telling but just by the feel it feels over 30 FPS.
Second the game looks very good a lot better in motion then it does in the pictures the aa is crisp no jaggies textures actually look pretty well compared to the screenshots, and the character models is where kojima shines and that looks great. Overall I wouldn't say it looks like uncharted or gears of war but it is a lot better then what people are pointing it out to be I can a sure you that id put it in the top 10 of great graphical games so far.
now third the game play takes a little learning curve and understanding to enjoy it, if you go in there blindly play for 5 minuets say wtf and leave you're not going to like the beta. There's many things you can do for instance you can pick 4 skills out of a list of about 20 and that's what you adapt to and how you play the game. For example if you pick rifle mastery grenade mastery enhanced cover and say sniper rifle mastery. From that set up your going to be ranged and your going to be hiding behind cover and firing at enemy's in a gun fight. Now if your like me for instance and like CQC(Close Quarter Combat) I picked pistol mastery knife mastery CQC mastery and enhanced speed so my type of game style is going to be sneaking and flanking them from behind to get close grab them choke them out or sneak up behind them and slice them. Now you're probably thinking that's all great but you pick your 4 skills and that's it? No from talking to people and playing with people the more you use your skills and play that type of style the more they rank up and there's 5 ranks and as you rank up you unlock more things like for me I become better in closer combat I do more damage different close quarter moves quick knife strikes to quickly finish off my opponents and there's a lot more.
Now the game modes are Team Death Match and control point like you've seen in games like battlefield and there's also a few others I really don't pay attention to, basically these are the only ones I play. Now the game gets funnier when you play your role and do your job and work as a team. In good team games are rifle men go into a gun fight hide behind a wall or a dumpster ect and fire as they engaged in a gun fight. Then there's CQC people like me we usually stick together sneak around and take them out from behind either slicing them with are knife or choking them out or even giving them a quick flip to knock them out then shoot them in the head with are pistol.
Overall the game is great the graphics are very nice smooth and fluent the game play is very fun once you get into it and I'm actually addicted to it right now.
I'm giving a fair review I'm sure I'll hear lemmings saying it's because you have it that's why you like it so much because you are a PS3 Fan boy. No it's because the game was good I didn't smash Mass affect or lost odyssey I thought they where great games and I liked them.
But overall id say an 9/10 it has a great feel and that something to it where it makes you wanting to keep on playing a lot of diversity and difference, in my opinion it makes it something truly special.
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