Un-offical Review of the MGO online

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#1 Nolan16
Member since 2006 • 4022 Posts

Now there was a lot of talk going around about the mgo beta basically people trashing it the graphics suck it's boring a snore fest ect ect.

Now let me start with saying this game has its own unique and good look to it, its crisp its solid is smooth its also a beta so there's still going to be touch ups with frame rate issues and stability but so far Kojima actually presented it very well.

First the graphics are at a solid frame rate where it feels smooth not jerky and completely fluid so I'm guessing its higher then 30 my guess would be 40 if I would have to say one but there's not a way of telling but just by the feel it feels over 30 FPS.

Second the game looks very good a lot better in motion then it does in the pictures the aa is crisp no jaggies textures actually look pretty well compared to the screenshots, and the character models is where kojima shines and that looks great. Overall I wouldn't say it looks like uncharted or gears of war but it is a lot better then what people are pointing it out to be I can a sure you that id put it in the top 10 of great graphical games so far.

now third the game play takes a little learning curve and understanding to enjoy it, if you go in there blindly play for 5 minuets say wtf and leave you're not going to like the beta. There's many things you can do for instance you can pick 4 skills out of a list of about 20 and that's what you adapt to and how you play the game. For example if you pick rifle mastery grenade mastery enhanced cover and say sniper rifle mastery. From that set up your going to be ranged and your going to be hiding behind cover and firing at enemy's in a gun fight. Now if your like me for instance and like CQC(Close Quarter Combat) I picked pistol mastery knife mastery CQC mastery and enhanced speed so my type of game style is going to be sneaking and flanking them from behind to get close grab them choke them out or sneak up behind them and slice them. Now you're probably thinking that's all great but you pick your 4 skills and that's it? No from talking to people and playing with people the more you use your skills and play that type of style the more they rank up and there's 5 ranks and as you rank up you unlock more things like for me I become better in closer combat I do more damage different close quarter moves quick knife strikes to quickly finish off my opponents and there's a lot more.

Now the game modes are Team Death Match and control point like you've seen in games like battlefield and there's also a few others I really don't pay attention to, basically these are the only ones I play. Now the game gets funnier when you play your role and do your job and work as a team. In good team games are rifle men go into a gun fight hide behind a wall or a dumpster ect and fire as they engaged in a gun fight. Then there's CQC people like me we usually stick together sneak around and take them out from behind either slicing them with are knife or choking them out or even giving them a quick flip to knock them out then shoot them in the head with are pistol.

Overall the game is great the graphics are very nice smooth and fluent the game play is very fun once you get into it and I'm actually addicted to it right now.

I'm giving a fair review I'm sure I'll hear lemmings saying it's because you have it that's why you like it so much because you are a PS3 Fan boy. No it's because the game was good I didn't smash Mass affect or lost odyssey I thought they where great games and I liked them.

But overall id say an 9/10 it has a great feel and that something to it where it makes you wanting to keep on playing a lot of diversity and difference, in my opinion it makes it something truly special.

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#2 Nolan16
Member since 2006 • 4022 Posts
im guessing people dont agree with me lol.
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#3 dru26
Member since 2005 • 5505 Posts
I agree the framerate is good, the gfx on the other hand are not much better then avg imo. I didn't spend time looking around at the textures but it was not very pretty. After playing for a few hours, I went and played R6V2, and it's like night and day in terms of visual quality and an overall experience.
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#4 TMontana1004
Member since 2007 • 4537 Posts
Sounds like an interesting game.
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#5 aDDiKt24
Member since 2006 • 1265 Posts

Personally, I thought it was pretty average. The online component is going to get slammed in reviews. The game doesnt make the transition to multiplayer very well at all. On your comment on it being in the top 10 games graphically. NO WAY. Seriously I think GRAW 2's multiplayer looks better then the MGS Beta. Control Scheme is pretty terrible too.

MGS BETA - 6/10

Hopefully the singleplayer makes up for it though!

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#6 Wave360
Member since 2007 • 1017 Posts

im guessing people dont agree with me lol.Nolan16

I really hope your right. I got into the beta too late :( Is there a way i can get a user from someone who doesent like the beta?

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#7 hip-hop-cola2
Member since 2007 • 2454 Posts

how do you use cqc! lol.... i have tried SO hard to use it but the game never registers, i punch kik, i hold down for grabs.... nothing, they just auto-aim me away... i know it works because i have done it in training. theres defiantly lag in mgo, and theres a whole range of things which need to be fixed. if they can do it before release il be stunned and enjoying something dam original.

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#8 deactivated-57a12126af02c
Member since 2007 • 3290 Posts

how do you use cqc! lol.... i have tried SO hard to use it but the game never registers, i punch kik, i hold down for grabs.... nothing, they just auto-aim me away... i know it works because i have done it in training. theres defiantly lag in mgo, and theres a whole range of things which need to be fixed. if they can do it before release il be stunned and enjoying something dam original.


They switched it to R1.

Anyway, I think they run so slow, and it is buggy and laggy at times.

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#9 EmperorSupreme
Member since 2006 • 7686 Posts
I didn't like it at first at all in fact I turned it off after an hour. A few hours later I forced myself to give it a second chance. After playing a bit more I can see this becoming a really great team game to play online after playing the base matches and capture matches. Those by far were the funnest. The game has a very different pace to any other online game of recent memory and it takes awhile to realize you can't just run and gun. It reminds me a bit of Rainbow Six Vegas that way. I'm really starting to get a grasp on the game now and am really really enjoying beta.
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#10 Mordred19
Member since 2007 • 8259 Posts

I like it. It's refreshing.

Oh yeah, it's redundant to say "MGO online"

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#11 onewiththegame
Member since 2004 • 4415 Posts

Is it like MGS3:sub online? that was pretty fun, but overall the MGS gameplay doesn't fit well online

you can never find people who really want to play the game and not run and gun

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#12 Nolan16
Member since 2006 • 4022 Posts

Personally, I thought it was pretty average. The online component is going to get slammed in reviews. The game doesnt make the transition to multiplayer very well at all. On your comment on it being in the top 10 games graphically. NO WAY. Seriously I think GRAW 2's multiplayer looks better then the MGS Beta. Control Scheme is pretty terrible too.

MGS BETA - 6/10

Hopefully the singleplayer makes up for it though!


this is your openion and i respect it not every one is going to lke the game but i want to ask as question what is it about the graphics you dont like?

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#13 allnamestaken
Member since 2003 • 6618 Posts
The beta is really fun. You'll find yourself in some interesting situations and it seems to have enough depth to allow for competitive play. Headshots and kills are satisfying too. This along with the MGS4 singleplayer will make for a great combo.
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#14 Nolan16
Member since 2006 • 4022 Posts
when people dont like the graphics i guess its just me its an aquirried taste? but i find it very clean and good looking.
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#15 f50p90
Member since 2008 • 3767 Posts
It's alright, could be better. But thats what betas are for. I'll wait for the full thing to make my review, you really should too
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#16 skirlnik
Member since 2004 • 909 Posts

I don't think the graphics are amazing, especially when you stand still and look around. However, once you see the thing in motion it's actually pretty slick.

This game seems to offer a ton of possibilities for combat and stealth, and I really like the link-up system. I also love that you can real-time switch your fire rate between burst, semi-auto, and automatic. I'd like more maps, but obviously it's just a beta. I could see myself getting into this when it comes out officially.

And to anyone playing this - get a headset! You can go to Buy.com and get a free bluetooth headset when you sign up for Google Checkout right now.

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Member since 2004 • 484 Posts
Anyone who says the online portion will get tore up online has no idea what they are talking about. Reviewers loved Metal Gear Portable Ops's online which even lead to a different release of Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + which was basically only for multiplayer. There is obviously a love for the online if the psp game has 2 versions one being for multiplayer solely.
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#18 sam280992
Member since 2007 • 3754 Posts
I love the game, its so addicting and I get so much satisfaction when I'm hiding in a cardboard box and they don't even notice me (I'm surprised it actually works) or when I feint my own death and sneak up behind them and stun them with my knife:)
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#20 SHuN_G0Ku
Member since 2008 • 480 Posts


only thing i didn't like about the game is being slow.

btw, magazine love FTW!

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#21 Sully28
Member since 2003 • 5097 Posts

I agree 100%. The graphics are more about detail to the maps, and character models. Its good enough graphics to immerse you in the game thats for sure. Also how you talked about how you can play how you desire is the most truthful, and possibly the best part about MGO. When i first played i was a rifle man with extra speed, better zoom, and pistol skill. So i would shoot guys from medium range, run up take out more, than usually end up with just my pistol. Than i played as a sniper and sat back and helped guys out from a distance. Than today i tried CQC and was more of a experience you get from the singleplayer, i was running around behind enemies, stabing, shocking, choking, grabbing, blowing up. Just basically sabatoging the Sh** out of them.

The thing about me playing all those different things was each one acompletelydifferent feel from the other. Each one was very intense, but you still feltcompletelydifferent and had to think in a different way for each. Its really a great game, and possibly giong to become my new favorite.

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#22 Nolan16
Member since 2006 • 4022 Posts

I agree 100%. The graphics are more about detail to the maps, and character models. Its good enough graphics to immerse you in the game thats for sure. Also how you talked about how you can play how you desire is the most truthful, and possibly the best part about MGO. When i first played i was a rifle man with extra speed, better zoom, and pistol skill. So i would shoot guys from medium range, run up take out more, than usually end up with just my pistol. Than i played as a sniper and sat back and helped guys out from a distance. Than today i tried CQC and was more of a experience you get from the singleplayer, i was running around behind enemies, stabing, shocking, choking, grabbing, blowing up. Just basically sabatoging the Sh** out of them.

The thing about me playing all those different things was each one acompletelydifferent feel from the other. Each one was very intense, but you still feltcompletelydifferent and had to think in a different way for each. Its really a great game, and possibly giong to become my new favorite.


yes it is a very great game with many things to offer and i think the graphics look very well but thats just me.

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#23 Luxen90
Member since 2006 • 7427 Posts
I love the movement of this game and glad it's not faster otherwise there would be more run and gunners.
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#24 Ragashahs
Member since 2005 • 8785 Posts
i felt alittle disappointed when i first played it but now that my friends are also playing it and i've got teh controls down the game can be very fun
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#25 deactivated-57a12126af02c
Member since 2007 • 3290 Posts
SVD all day, and that one map, the initials are BB, cant remeber the name.
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#26 deactivated-619c4c1a1a382
Member since 2005 • 4956 Posts

Well this review seems prety fair to me you hit all the right spots except the graphics. the graphics look more or less like Resistance but with better character models and animation but i love the way the guns are each have their own way of working

Hit me up inside the game my character is Wdave Ill be the one with a shield and a knife (best way to get the RPG fast)

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#27 Xbox360_4_Me
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#28 Cicatraz_ESP
Member since 2006 • 1993 Posts
Sounds fun. For my PS3, I'm really looking forwards to this and SOCOM.:D
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#29 thrones
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5/10 Xbox360_4_Me

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.

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#30 Xbox360_4_Me
Member since 2008 • 636 Posts

[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 thrones

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.

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#31 deactivated-619c4c1a1a382
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[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 Xbox360_4_Me

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.


eso es lo que yo queria averinguar

But i love how OP the Knife is

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#32 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 wdave92

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.


eso es lo que yo queria averinguar

But i love how OP the Knife is

If you get close, yeah, I normally just walk backwards in TP and kill knifers who try and run at you.

Though I did just have an awesome custom game where it was knives only, it was awesome :D

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#33 deactivated-619c4c1a1a382
Member since 2005 • 4956 Posts

[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 thrones

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.


eso es lo que yo queria averinguar

But i love how OP the Knife is

If you get close, yeah, I normally just walk backwards in TP and kill knifers who try and run at you.

Though I did just have an awesome custom game where it was knives only, it was awesome :D

haha i should Try that out

Hey you dont mind if i add you in PSN?

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#34 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 wdave92

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.


eso es lo que yo queria averinguar

But i love how OP the Knife is

If you get close, yeah, I normally just walk backwards in TP and kill knifers who try and run at you.

Though I did just have an awesome custom game where it was knives only, it was awesome :D

haha i should Try that out

Hey you dont mind if i add you in PSN?

Yeah, sure! :)

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#35 deactivated-619c4c1a1a382
Member since 2005 • 4956 Posts

[QUOTE="Xbox360_4_Me"]5/10 thrones

'Xbox360_4_Me' No comments. NOT A FANBOY!

Anyway, personally I tend to use Assault Rifles. Other times I use shield and a pistol, I use this when I'm with a real friend so I up the shield and they use the first person mode where they can lean in order to shoot around me.


eso es lo que yo queria averinguar

But i love how OP the Knife is

If you get close, yeah, I normally just walk backwards in TP and kill knifers who try and run at you.

Though I did just have an awesome custom game where it was knives only, it was awesome :D

haha i should Try that out

Hey you dont mind if i add you in PSN?

Yeah, sure! :)


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#36 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts
Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.
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#37 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions


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#38 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19737 Posts

Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions
Not me :D I rike it.

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#39 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.thrones


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

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#40 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

Well, the other MGSs KMP games are like this and they get praised :|

I like it myself, don't need it any faster. And Sneaking Up is fun, hide behind a rock then jump out and stab to death! :D

The controls work all right, and the maps I thought was the best part (After the cardboard box and feign death thing)

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#41 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.thrones


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

Well, the other MGSs KMP games are like this and they get praised :|

I like it myself, don't need it any faster. And Sneaking Up is fun, hide behind a rock then jump out and stab to death! :D

The controls work all right, and the maps I thought was the best part (After the cardboard box and feign death thing)

It will not be reviewed positively. Just telling it like it is.

Every online multiplayer game out now > MGO.

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#42 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

Well, the other MGSs KMP games are like this and they get praised :|

I like it myself, don't need it any faster. And Sneaking Up is fun, hide behind a rock then jump out and stab to death! :D

The controls work all right, and the maps I thought was the best part (After the cardboard box and feign death thing)

It will not be reviewed positively. Just telling it like it is.

Every online multiplayer game out now > MGO.

Except, they're totally different stile of games from what is out now. Anyone comparing it to Halo 3 or CoD4 is just acting silly :|

And how come Portable Ops, Subsistence was reviewed well with great online? :|

MGO is an improvement over all those, I'm sure it'll do great. It's not a game for everybody that's for sure, it's like the first MGS3: S online but better :D

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#43 CR00K
Member since 2006 • 2657 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

How good are you at MGO? Just wondering. Most people that claim it sucks have more deaths than kills. Keep in mind that it's a beta. They'll fix things.

And about you not being able to kill people in one clip, it depends on your weapon and "skill". Skill being like perks from COD4. I might have a level 3 Assault Rifle Skill soon which means that I'll have it maxed out. At level 2 now, it barely has any recoil so most of my bullets are hitting.

Basically, the more you play, the better your weapons get.

P.S.-Aim for the head.

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#44 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.CR00K


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

How good are you at MGO? Just wondering. Most people that claim it sucks have more deaths than kills. Keep in mind that it's a beta. They'll fix things.

And about you not being able to kill people in one clip, it depends on your weapon and "skill". Skill being like perks from COD4. I might have a level 3 Assault Rifle Skill soon which means that I'll have it maxed out. At level 2 now, it barely has any recoil so most of my bullets are hitting.

Basically, the more you play, the better your weapons get.

P.S.-Aim for the head.

They said the same things about other games in the past. Ones that flopped.

And how much do you expect them to be able to fix in less than a month?

This game sucks. It will get little play, IMO. I can think of no less than 8 or 9 other online games that are much better that I'd rather play.

bring on MGS4. and if MGO never existed, nobody would miss it. it fails.

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#45 Nike_Air
Member since 2006 • 19737 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Dreams-Visions


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

Well, the other MGSs KMP games are like this and they get praised :|

I like it myself, don't need it any faster. And Sneaking Up is fun, hide behind a rock then jump out and stab to death! :D

The controls work all right, and the maps I thought was the best part (After the cardboard box and feign death thing)

It will not be reviewed positively. Just telling it like it is.

Every online multiplayer game out now > MGO.

You probably said the same thing about Warhawk , you weren't too crazy about it right ? Dream's personal opinions and his latching onto all negative opinions does not mean MGO won't be reviewed positively.Just telling you like it is.

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#46 thrones
Member since 2004 • 12178 Posts

They said the same things about other games in the past. Ones that flopped.

And how much do you expect them to be able to fix in less than a month?

This game sucks. It will get little play, IMO. I can think of no less than 8 or 9 other online games that are much better that I'd rather play.

bring on MGS4. and if MGO never existed, nobody would miss it. it fails.


The people who are still enjoying Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops MP to this very day would miss it, so would the MGS3: S online players (there were like 20k of them at it's highest point, and that was with PS2 online :D). And so would I. I found it to be a great MP game, the best I've played since CoD4.

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#47 c02z
Member since 2005 • 1840 Posts
how do i join the beta?
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#48 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts
I actually really started to enjoy MGO today. I tried it last night and just wasn't having any fun. Today I gave it a second chance and as soon as I got the controls down it started to be really fun.
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#49 Dreams-Visions
Member since 2006 • 26578 Posts

[QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"]Everyone else is saying it's HORRIBLE.Nike_Air


just about. common complaints are:

-Make it so one can move faster.
-Fix the crappy aiming
-Make the controls better
-Fix the slowdown
-Just make it more fun.
-It's like a slower version of army of 2
-People don't talk
-Sneaking up is useless
-Chocking someone is useless, as everyone is alerted to your action and you'll get shot
-Perfect Dark Zero-sty!e killing (headshots are only way to kills, you can unload a full magazine into someone's chest and they'll keep coming
-Standard MGS control ****doesn't work well in multiplayer
-Map designs are horrible

when people struggle to find the silver lining and see all of these flaws, something is very wrong.

Chances are this add-on drags down MGS4's overall scoring. :(

Well, the other MGSs KMP games are like this and they get praised :|

I like it myself, don't need it any faster. And Sneaking Up is fun, hide behind a rock then jump out and stab to death! :D

The controls work all right, and the maps I thought was the best part (After the cardboard box and feign death thing)

It will not be reviewed positively. Just telling it like it is.

Every online multiplayer game out now > MGO.

You probably said the same thing about Warhawk , you weren't too crazy about it right ? Dream's personal opinions and his latching onto all negative opinions does not mean MGO won't be reviewed positively.Just telling you like it is.

I didn't have any issue with a fixed Warhawk. They fixed it and it was fine. Before they *fixed* it, it was a mess.

Had they not fixed it, it would have flopped. Telling you like it is.

If they don't fix this one, it'll also flop. Given the short amount of time they have to fix the issues, it will probably not get fixed before the reviews roll out.

Again, just telling it like it is.

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#50 Mordred19
Member since 2007 • 8259 Posts

I like the customization aspect, and the add-ons to the guns.

The large amounts of health are balanced out by the fact that health does not regenerate and there are no health pickups. (Though this game really needs to have assist points, because assists happen a lot)

How is the slow speed a problem? There is a perk-type ability that makes you faster.

The auto-aim is really wierd. I don't know how I'm supposed to register a target, it seems to work at random. :?

I understand that Konami doesn't "get it" as well as Infinity Ward when it comes to mulitplayer (no multiple slots for different classes or configurations, that **cks), but MGO offers a different style of gameplay that I won't shoot down so quickly.

Oh yeah, DV, only Bloodbath is a bad map. Groznyj Grad is a great map. 8) Bloodbath isn't much different from the crappy, small, arena-type maps in other shooters. They all have at least one that's small, has a basement level, and is full of stupidly placed doodads for cover.