[QUOTE="SUD123456"] [QUOTE="Vandalvideo"] You say its unfair, I say its only proper. You can't hide behind a console and use it to pretend that it is somehow an AAA worthy RTS game. You have to measure it up with the other modern conventions as a whole, and it definitely ain't up to AAA snuff.stiltzsy
The Wii is the runaway sales leader and darling of the vg industry.
It has motion sensing.
Motion sensing is therefore the new modern standard.
Ergo, all games without it are phail.
Or, the PC has the highest game resolutions. It is therefore the modern standard by which all games on all platforms should be measured for graphics.
Ergo, the Wii is phail, and so is the PS3 and 360.
DS and PSP games don't have the same _______(fill in blank) as console games/PC games.
Ergo, all DS and PSP games are phail.
The modern standard for speed/acceleration is a Bugatti Veyron, McLaren F1 or similar $1M+ exotic.
Ergo, all other vehicles are phail.
Or maybe your logic is phail.
I vote for the last option...his logic is phail.therefore I win!!!!! (since i debated with him)
halo Wars should be judged on its own merits and should not be held up to PC standards as they are standards it naturally cant match.
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