There is a difference between those and loyalty.
A business should not be concerened about loyaltym they should be concerned about the bottom line
if konami weren't so loyal they'dbe making a killing this gen
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There is a difference between those and loyalty.
A business should not be concerened about loyaltym they should be concerned about the bottom line
if konami weren't so loyal they'dbe making a killing this gen
[QUOTE="odin2019"][QUOTE="ReverseCycology"]Kojima and Konami.....Stupidity or laziness?
There is a difference between those and loyalty.
If you want to pick up and play Left 4 Dead on November 18, you need an Xbox 360 or a gaming PC. Simple as that.
Its not gonna be a 360 cause I'm not paying for online play just to play one game online while playing everything else for ps3 for free.
[QUOTE="Hexagon_777"]EA ported The Orange Box to the PlayStation 3, not Valve. standarddamage
Valve was very involved in the process, Hex, and they hated every second of it. Why do you think they had such wonderful things to say about the PS3?
I always thought Valve dumped The Orange Box on EA so they didn't have to mess around with the PlayStation 3 themselves. Why else would Valve let EA do it? It made more sense to me that the comments originated before Valve decided to give EA the rights, thus explaining why EA was doing the porting in the first place.
Valve takes their sweet time in releasing games that no one would even notice.Legendaryscmt
Have you even talked to any PC gamers these past few years?, hell even console gamers now want a peice of Valve, L4D is a hit on X360, and i wouldnt be suprised if console gamers want more from valve.
[QUOTE="odin2019"]There is a difference between those and loyalty.
A business should not be concerened about loyaltym they should be concerned about the bottom line
if konami weren't so loyal they'dbe making a killing this gen
In business those go hand in hand and both are needed.
[QUOTE="odin2019"]There is a difference between those and loyalty.
A business should not be concerened about loyaltym they should be concerned about the bottom line
if konami weren't so loyal they'dbe making a killing this gen
But what a lot of people don't realize is that honor and loyality are two very big factors in the Japanese culture.
So you're saying the developers deliberately asked for a console that would be incredibly difficult for them to work on? This isn't making much sense. No doubt developers would have asked for something very similar to what the Xbox had: powerful hardware, a CPU that can handle unoptimized code, plenty of memory, and good tools. I really don't think anyone asked for a console with a gimped GPU, no tools, and documentation that was delivered in Japanese.Developers don't make business decisions based on whether or not Sony offended their personal pride, they go where the money is. Plain in simple. PS3 being difficult to work with surely didn't help things, but you can bet anything that if PS3 had a PS2-like lead developers would be scrambling to work on it with a smile on their faces. Teufelhuhn
Look Teuf. Here are some facts, just because you don't know them or they don't make sense it doesn't make them not so:
-Sony used to have roundtable discussions with developers during console development. This is a FACT. They did it for the PS1/PS2. what ended up happening is a moot point. maybe developer angst started in the PS2 days, who knows.
-You are showing some incredibly narrow-minded views when discussing business. The lion's share of Sony's business partnerships are Japanese. The Japanese don't do business like you think they do. It's not all about the money, they would be offended if you suggested that in front of them. They are far more personal with business and any bit of direspect, be it a missed communication, an awkward handshake, or say - not having a meeting with developers while making your new console - THEY GET OFFENDED. The Japanes culture is very much a culture of shame, and this is very prevalent in all facets of their business dealings. I do not mean this in any derogatory way - this is coming from my Japanese Culture / Language ****s - it's not mystery their culture revolves heavily around the concepts of personal and public shame. It just means they place more weight on custom and behaviour and how others interpret it. Quite opposite to the North American way.
Are you honeslty going to keep arguing the other side? Do you think the massive shift of Japanese development talent to Microsoft is just because of money? Have you not read any of the articles from developers complaining about the PS3 development process?
If you want to keep arguing this why don't you try using some facts instead of supposition and speculation. I'm talking about facts, you're talking about personal assessments and feelings about the situation.
They're just a useless company.metalgear-solid
And konami is not?..
I dont see them creating the worlds best Digital distrubion Application, or having some of the most successful Online games created.
But i guess because one of there IP's is not "MGS" its a useless company right?
[QUOTE="metalgear-solid"]They're just a useless company.kozzy1234
How are they useless?? Go to gamerankings and check valves resume buddy. They have some of the highest rated games in history.
Your obviously a valve hater.
Don't worry, that's just metalgear-solid. He hates a lot and avoids logic at all cost. For instance, he talked crap about Eurogamer because they didn't give his beloved Metal Gear Solid 4 a 12/10 (they gave it an 8/10 instead). I then made a thread to confront people like him which he made sure to avoid.
[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]Yeah, maybe so. But Valve are worse PS3 haters.Your obviously a valve hater.
Just because they don't want to develop for the more difficult console, they hate it?
If Valve could develop for it, they would. Valve is only like 150 people, and they're busy working on TF2 patches, Left 4 Dead, and Episode 3.
As much as you want to believe, They don't just sit around all day dissing on the PS3, they're actually working.
[QUOTE="kozzy1234"]Your obviously a valve hater.
Yeah, maybe so. But Valve are worse PS3 haters.
It's not called hating. It's called being a business and making wise decisions. Also, check this out.
-You are showing some incredibly narrow-minded views when discussing business. The lion's share of Sony's business partnerships are Japanese. The Japanese don't do business like you think they do. It's not all about the money, they would be offended if you suggested that in front of them. They are far more personal with business and any bit of direspect, be it a missed communication, an awkward handshake, or say - not having a meeting with developers while making your new console - THEY GET OFFENDED. The Japanes culture is very much a culture of shame, and this is very prevalent in all facets of their business dealings. I do not mean this in any derogatory way - this is coming from my Japanese Culture / Language ****s - it's not mystery their culture revolves heavily around the concepts of personal and public shame. It just means they place more weight on custom and behaviour and how others interpret it. Quite opposite to the North American way.
Are you honeslty going to keep arguing the other side? Do you think the massive shift of Japanese development talent to Microsoft is just because of money? Have you not read any of the articles from developers complaining about the PS3 development process?
If you want to keep arguing this why don't you try using some facts instead of supposition and speculation. I'm talking about facts, you're talking about personal assessments and feelings about the situation.
Is Sony stupid or just lazy.
for the first gen ever Sony decided to make a console without meeting with developers first. this is something they always did in the past, got feedback to see what was wanted in the next console from developers. they skipped that this time because they had their own business interests ranked above developers in terms of importance. it's a shame, could have been an awesome gen for all gamers had Sony not been so arrogant.
I don't like to call people stupid, but I've always told everyone that Sony Sucks. I love saying that.
I think you should ask this to Sony. MS jumped on the ball with easy to use dev tools so that no company could ever say the system is too hard to work on. Sony turns a blind eye
I'm sure if they were really guaranteed "millions" of sales they would be more keen on porting it.
Companies like Valve don't make decisions based on which console they like better, or what they feel like doing. They do it based on whether they think they will make or lose money.Teufelhuhn
Good luck on getting system wars to understand basic business concepts...
The PS3 is an embarrassment to Sony. The system is a failure it's a shell of it's predecessor. Valve know they will make a killing on both PC and XBOX 360 this is not a hard concept to grasp just hard for some to except. I am one of the people that bought a PS3 and I love watching Blu-Ray movies on it but as a gaming machine it falls behind XBOX 360. I and the rest of reality do not care what score any of these games receive and the sales prove that. The PS3 may or may not get a port of L4D but as of now there is no word from Valve on the matter!
Valve openly admitted to not liking the PS3 ages ago due to its overly complicated architecture. They can achieve the same and more with far less work on the Xbox 360 and the PC.Hexagon_777
Gabe Newell said exactly the same thing about multicore processors versus single core architecture. And I mean the same damn thing. What's he doing today? Found the next big thing to cry about.
Valve Re-evaluating the ps3
Valve's Doug Lombardi noted that the recent success of the PlayStation 3 has caused the developer to "reevaluate that for what it is." He continued "So whether or not you like developing for that platform, if they've got millions of people connected to that platform and buying their games you have to take it seriously."
This is old but a lot of people seem to have missed it.
lazy EA port am confirmed.BREAKING NEWS
Valve Re-evaluating the ps3
Valve's Doug Lombardi noted that the recent success of the PlayStation 3 has caused the developer to "reevaluate that for what it is." He continued "So whether or not you like developing for that platform, if they've got millions of people connected to that platform and buying their games you have to take it seriously."
This is old but a lot of people seem to have missed it.
With no ps3 port of the game it leaves me to one of question is valve stupid or just plain lazy? You got millions of ps3 owners willing to easily give you $60 for a decent port of the game. Is it that hard to make the game for ps3? Is it not a wise move to make the game for ps3 to make millions more?
I don't think MS is paying to have the game be exclusive for 360 but I'm pretty sure Valve just doesn't like ps3. This is pretty much the only game that I want that ps3 doesn't have.
its simple. they got LAZY they couldnt be bothered to to do some extra work instead chose to sit on their a$$e$ and go the easy route.
if other devs hell ppl like EA and other smaller third party devs can do the extra homework then thats really putting valve at shame who is such a respected company :roll:
its simple. they got LAZY they couldnt be bothered to to do some extra work instead chose to sit on their a$$e$ and go the easy route.
if other devs hell ppl like EA and other smaller third party devs can do the extra homework then thats really putting valve at shame who is such a respected company :roll:
Where does lazy roll in this equation? I am quite sure they base their decision on much more then that, PS3 has been a difficult thing to dev on as amultiplat.. We have seen this time and time again where very few Multiplats have come close to matching the other ones, most are plagued with multiple issues.. Its a shame really The PS3 version probably would have been the second best option after the PC to get it, seeing as it would have supported mouse and keyboard support.. The only time laziness fits into the equation is when they release a buggy game.. I suppose Sqaure Enix and the multipel other top companies who release console multiplats and omit the computer are lazy too?
[QUOTE="superjim42"]its simple. they got LAZY they couldnt be bothered to to do some extra work instead chose to sit on their a$$e$ and go the easy route.
if other devs hell ppl like EA and other smaller third party devs can do the extra homework then thats really putting valve at shame who is such a respected company :roll:
Where does lazy roll in this equation? I am quite sure they base their decision on much more then that, PS3 has been a difficult thing to dev on as amultiplat.. We have seen this time and time again where very few Multiplats have come close to matching the other ones, most are plagued with multiple issues.. Its a shame really The PS3 version probably would have been the second best option after the PC to get it, seeing as it would have supported mouse and keyboard support.. The only time laziness fits into the equation is when they release a buggy game.. I suppose Sqaure Enix and the multipel other top companies who release console multiplats and omit the computer are lazy too?
so are you telling me valve is not up there with the ranks like EA or infinity ward? LOL
valve is apparently the best dev as voted by most ppl on these forums and you are telling me they are finding the ps3 too difficult to dev on?
is just laziness
[QUOTE="anshul89"]What kind of self-respecting gamer doesn't have a gaming PC ?odin2019
I got a pc and I play games on it but the requirements for todays games are too much and my laptop is only a year old. You tell me? I don't wanna pay for a new graphics card along with a new processor just to play left 4 dead on pc when I feel like my laptop outta be able to handle the game seeing as its only a little over one year old.
My 3 year old pc runs l4d on high just fine. Ignorance seems to be your enemy, not valve or sony.
this game will be trash on 360 anyways.
valve games are all about the mod community.
remember how TF2 on 360 turned out?
PC all the way for Left 4 Dead, by the way sweet game.
nope, sorry. hasnt broke a million. Vgchartz pegs it around 700k.
Even so, there arent any other examples.
lol yeah cuz vg charts is soo reliabl
It's much more reliable than a random poster claiming that a game sold Millions without any evidence.
Stupid? Lazy? No, by choice. Valve is a PC developer first and everything else second. Seeing as how the 360 is more or less a PC when it comes to deving on it just makes sense to make the easy port to it.
The way Valve works to me PS3 seems like a waste of time because it doesn't fit into their PC model. All those guys are Pro-PC and working on the PS3 means learning new tools and taking time and all that stuff where as they could be working on HL2 EP3 or something else in the mean time.
About the article everyone is saying that Left 4 Dead is possibly coming to the PS3 was only a sentence in the PSM rumour section saying that EA are making a port.leperphiliac
Regarding the article I posted earlier:
Let me make things clear. The article is not saying that Left 4 Dead is or is possibly coming to the ps3. All it is saying is that Valve might consider the ps3 in the future for their newer IPs.
If you(by you I mean everyone, so don't take it personal) read at the bottom of the article it is stated:
As always, Lombardi's comments don't necessarily mean Valve will be porting Left 4 Dead to the PS3. They simply indicate the company is aware of the return on investment for PS3 development proportionately rising with the increase in unit sales.
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