[QUOTE="sonicmj1"] [QUOTE="skektek"]Portal is innovative but it didn't take any kind of significant investment (time or money). And it was a pack-in with a bundle of previously proven IP. Portal could have been a complete and utter flop and it wouldn't have made much of a difference.athenian29
Portal was no quick cash-in. They brought in a group of relatively unproven developers (new hires), paired them with a bunch of very talented people on their side, got them good talent, and gave them over a year to polish it. Placing it in the Orange Box package gave it a very good chance to succeed, but the act of creating it in itself (and then choosing to practically give it away, given the value that existed in the Orange Box) shows that Valve is very forward-thinking in terms of game development.
And you didn't address Left 4 Dead, which has also had a very large development cycle, which also involved Valve adding a lot of new people to their staff, and involved the creation of the technology behind the AI Director, which was no simple thing.
Valve, like Blizzard, tends to be very conservative on the technology side, to make their potential userbase as large as possible. But they have taken their share of risks, and it's paid off for them in the long run. Building their own engine from scratch for the creation of Half-Life 2 (one that was notably scalable to older hardware) has given them a stable, expandable platform that they can use for new titles, and update incrementally as technology gets better. Creating Steam as a digital distribution platform, at a time where no such platforms really existed in the industry, gave them a way to reach their community, sell their games, and even get a cut of profit from many of the digital transactions in the PC industry today. Spending eight years on Team Fortress 2 gave them a title with a long sales life that they could bring players back to again and again as they add new content. Just as the success of World of Warcraft gives Blizzard a guaranteed revenue stream that they can keep going as long as they produce some new content and advance things just a little, Valve's earlier risks have given them a lot of guaranteed returns.
They may be somewhat conservative in their stance towards new technology, but that doesn't mean that, as a whole, they are a lazy developer.
Valve and Blizzard seem to be polar opposites in terms of the games they make. Valve leans towards the reflexes-and-twitch-skills medium, while Bliz seems to be more of the thinking man's developer. And to me, that's like Yin and Yang, Chocolate and Mint, PS3 and X360. Alone they are great, but complimenting each other they are incredible.
Seriously, I do mean the PS3 and X360 thing. Competition inspires greatness. They wouldn't try so hard if the other didn't exist.
You got to love the competition.
Sony are working there @ss off to compete with MS in trying to make there online service as great as Xbox Live which in the end benfits ps3 owners like myself because it's free.
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