It was dissapointing to put all that work into it only to not get a sticky but oh well. My joy of seeing Vanquish score a 9 far out-weighed the dissapointment.
Not getting it stickied isnt a big deal since this game was only stickied for like half a day. Your thread rocked, it was informative and it had alot of comments/activity, thats all that really matters.
I tried to compile all the info I could, but I could have organised it better and threw some more pictures in there. I think I will just let someone else handle the hype thread for the sequel, if there is one (I hope to god there is). There's alot of talented folks in SW.
I hope the sequel lets you upgrade the suit powers. I feel like they had a missed opportunity. Also now that I've seen one of the enemies. **** you Makami I want to fly. LET ME FLY DAMN IT!!!
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