Roger Ebert has taken on director, author and videogame advocate Clive Barker, reiterating his stance that games cannot be art-or as he specifies, "high art."
For complete article:
And I say he is definitely wrong, Why?
I think videogames have art in everything from writers to Directors to designers to composers to actors/actresses.
Writers: they are people who makes hundreds of great game-stories that make you feel emotionally sick.
Directors: from the name, they are the guys who animate the story and everything from beginning to the end of the game.
Composers: people who writes music, make you unstable in particular scenes in the game.
Actors/actresses: from their voice or their motion captions, they make that scene exactly perfect.
So tell me isn't that art, if you are not convinced, then I'll tell you what is the definition of art.
Art is a human activity, made intentionally to stimulate the human senses as well as the human mind, it is measured in quality by the amount of impact or effect or influence it has on people, the degree of their appreciation and the number of people that relate to it.
A videogame is an art( IMO ) that you can relate to it, feel it, experience what the artists what made of it, you can explore it and you play with the lead character, then when you finish the game you will appreciate the creators very much.
When you see a movie, artwork or reading a novel your feelings are limitless and your imagination also, this exists with videogames also.
Edit: Videogames consists oftwo points:
1- making the videogame : The creators of any game are people full of art and I think nobody will disagree with this point.
2- Playing the game : IMO I think playing the game is a form of the creators to show people what they made from their art, it is just like going to theatre to see a movie, or going to the library to read a book...etc.I think what Ebert reffered to is playing the game not making it and that is also wrong because when you play a great game, ask yourself, did it have impact on me? did I influenced with it? Can I relate to this? is this a form of art?
The answer is simple...yes, When you finish this game you go to your friends and tell them your feelings about this game or what make it a masterpiece or a clasic and that is the impact.When you see something special like great gameplay or great skills or movements or beautiful enviroments or unforgotten music, then you say "WOW I wish all games to be great like this", then you go to System Wars and compare it with other games, this is your relation and your influence with games, all combined to tell you this is art.
I don't thinki t is right to consider some genres as no art, I think all genres are forms of art, look at the enviroment, look at everything in a game, you are walking through art.
I think bad games are bad forms of art and great art is great games, but not genres of games.
this is some interesting articles about videogames.
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