Nintendo might be OK, third party devs won't. They will have to move to other services. Sony pulling out of the handheld business will severly damage the smaller Japanese devs.
As I said. Nintendo might be able to keep a small niche audience alive for the handhelds but then comes the question if they shouldn't team up with some other company.
It doesn't really matter as the dedicated handheld is screwed anyway in 10 years or so.
The smaller devs are already moving on, you don't need those to keep Nintendo handhelds afloat.
Yes the Mario Tennis and 100k niche RPGs are important, but the key titles are big hitters. Mainline RE/MGS. MH. Pokemon. Mario. Those titles are the reason why consoles sell 10, 20, 30 millions. Low tier games from the small J devs are a small factor in the big picture, they help by releasing something during droughts, but their business doesn't impact handheld sales at all.
Here's the thing though, the damn system would suck if it only had Nintendo's games on it. No one except for a very small audience would buy it. The Nintendo handheld might be alive but who cares at that point?
The big publishers prefer 3DS and its successor over other types of platforms because that's where the money is.
You can bet that they will make a last stand and the platform of choice will be 3DS. Capcom did their part. Now it's time for other publishers that played the waiting game to jump on board.
A popular $40 cartridge game generates much more revenue than a popular iOS/android game.
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