So now T.V. is ok with cows. Who Knew?FoxbatAlpha
Um no, have you realized this device allows you to play Vita/psp games on a TV screen? Its far from just "TV".
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So now T.V. is ok with cows. Who Knew?FoxbatAlpha
Um no, have you realized this device allows you to play Vita/psp games on a TV screen? Its far from just "TV".
If it's cheap, I'll commit seppuku out of sheer joy.
Otherwise, I'll just buy a Vita if it ever gets a little cheaper.
Let's face it, Vita is one incredible piece of handheld. It's largest and only real problem, is that it has to deal with the DS family.
So excited for this. It isn't perfect but if it sells well you can bet people will try to make an even better product. Seriously, the thing is the size of a deck of cards. Imagine one day in the future being able to walk around with your ENTIRE downloaded games library. I imagine when I'm old and wrinkly kids will walk around with some usb drive that carries EVERYTHING digitally and projects 3D images anywhere. I dunno what the controller would evolve into though, hopefully not something stupid.
It's actually quite a smart move by Sony. Cannibalize your own business. PS VITA TV essentially allows Sony to protect its console business from low cost devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Ouya etc. It support PSP and PSOne games AND Sony's said they are going to patch it for DS4 use meaning you'll be able to play every VITA game, even if it has touch screen functionality. It might never be a huge hit but it'll definitely keep VITA alive as a platform for much longer then people expected especially in Japan. Nonstop-Madness
that's what I had said MS's problem with the Xbone was. They're focusing on all these multimedia and TV-esque features, but people that aren't interested in games are definitely not going to go out and spend $500 on a games consoles when a Roku 3, Apple TV, or Chromecast can all be had for under $100, and doesn't lock things like Netflix behind a paywall.
The PS Vita TV looks like an awesome addition to the streaming box market and is a very attractive one for gamers.
But do the games run at Vita resolution? Some only run at around 400p which would look like blurry shit on a big TV.SaltyMeatballsApparently it can output in 720p, 1080i, and 480p so I have no idea but tbh, games will probably be 480p.
the biggest competitor to this might be xbox 360/ps3 because they will be very cheap by the time this comes outÂ
Whats the point tho its Japan Exclusive -_-
It could come over. I mean didint the psp have the wires to play your games on your tv. So this isint to far fetched. Though its still hard to recommend since some games my not work that actually use touch in thier scheme.
It might make the PS Vita handheld redunant. Â Who would want to buy the handheld when they can simply just buy this cheaper device and play it on a much bigger screen? Â And it does seem kind of odd having 3 home consoles PS Vita TV, PS3 and PS4 exist along side eachother.
So Sony basically is releasing the worst console ever created in Japan and somehow they are going to save the Vita? Why wouldn't you just pay the extra $50 and actually have a Vita? That would be a much better deal.PurpleMan5000If you have a Dual Shock 3 it is only $100 instead of $150.
But the only problem so far is that you can't play all the Vita games until they patch it so you can use the Dual Shock 4 on it.
If you have a Dual Shock 3 it is only $100 instead of $150.[QUOTE="PurpleMan5000"]So Sony basically is releasing the worst console ever created in Japan and somehow they are going to save the Vita? Why wouldn't you just pay the extra $50 and actually have a Vita? That would be a much better deal.Nintendo_Ownes7
But the only problem so far is that you can't play all the Vita games until they patch it so you can use the Dual Shock 4 on it.
That's the only problem? I can see several more. 1. These are handheld games you are playing on your tv, so don't expect any local multiplayer. 2. Expect the resolution to about the same as your PS2. 3. You don't have a touch screen, which these games are designed to be played with. Sure, the DS4 has a touch pad, but that's not really the same. 4. The library is lacking. Most of the exclusives that would work well on a tv are very short and you would just be much better off paying $100 for a PS2 so you could play better games with similar graphics and actually have local multiplayer.I'm a cow now?lololol. Is this what cows are hyping now. Who is stupid to pay 150-200 dollars to play vita games on their tv. Dumb.
This device is a Vita, though. And maybe if the install base grows the 3rd party companies will start seeing it as a vailable option.I wonder if they just killed the Vita with this.. A lot of people might only pick this up and not bother with the handheld.Â
Edit: ie they effectively introduced a cheap home console and killed the handheldÂ
[QUOTE="bbkkristian"]I mean best library of games in its class. Or are you telling me that something like Ouya/Apple TV/Roku have a better library than Vita? I missed that, this does everything a Roku does?"best library of games" :lol: Now you can play your console multiplats on your TV! :lol:
But I digress, if I already didn't have a Vita, $100 is a good price to play P4G.
You know, I am liking the idea. I've never been a fan of handhelds due a lot of reasons I've stated numerous times. But with this device the entry point price and "playing in my tv" variables are being solved. There are a few Vita games I really want to play. I'll see how it goes. [QUOTE="trugs26"]This device is a Vita, though. And maybe if the install base grows the 3rd party companies will start seeing it as a vailable option.I wonder if they just killed the Vita with this.. A lot of people might only pick this up and not bother with the handheld.Â
Edit: ie they effectively introduced a cheap home console and killed the handheldÂGiancar
hate on sony all you want but this is an excellent consumer-friendly move. a ps3 controller itself costs around 40$ so this price is reasonable to access vita games!Ribnarak......lolol thanks for the laugh.
No Gravity Rush
No Uncharted
No Little King's Story
No Wipeout
No Sly Cooper
No LittleBigPlanet
No Katamari
No Virtue's Last Reward
No Guacamelee
No Rayman Legends
No DjMax
No Oddworld
No MGS Collection
etc. etc. etc.
VitaTV - "If you thought the Vita's library was small already, then take a look at this"
VitaTV - "If you thought the Vita's library was small already, then take a look at this"treedoorlol
word of advice, try and wire it ethernet, because this type of device definitely can suffer from lag from a wifi connection.  I guess you have no choice with the vita handheld, but you could go ethernet to ethernet with the ps4 and that should cut down on your lag time.   Anywhich, pretty cool product if it works.
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