@Ant_17 said:
@-God- said:
I'm not sure what you're getting at. What I stated was quite clear.
UC4 is the best looking console game. So it's sadly our only real target for System Warring VS. gfx threads. What else are we going to attack, Halo5 or TLOU? They looks last gen during gameplay lol. I'd love more console games to look as good or hopefully better, but with large/real game worlds rather than on-rails sets. Maybe even 60 fps one day?
I've even said The Order 1886 is currently the best looking console title multiple times, with no regret. Which is actually quite sad.
I wish the two HD twins released with better hardware. It would make SW a tad more interesting, rather than hearing about the same on-rails game hyped for gfx years on end, while PC gets several.
Care to name a few.
PC only.
What has been named Gfx King throughout this gen so far, by fans/critics:
games on PC: *Witcher3, Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *PC version on Ultra.
games on PS4: The Order 1886, UC4.
PS: (I never mentioned exclusive, so not using your arbitrary rules. Some of the top gfx-champions or even gfx-kings every gen are vastly superior multiplats version of games on PC (Crysis, Crysis3, Witcher2, Witcher3, etc.) Are you going to sit here and tell me I can't Crysis1/3 as PC GFX KINGS of last gen because Consoles got a terrible looking version? Please stop your made up rules. I won't use them.)
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