@m3dude1 said:
@Cloud_imperium said:
@AM-Gamer said:
@Cloud_imperium: UC3 and TloU still have some of the best animations in gaming to this day and they were created on hardware that's 10 years old. You can blabber all you want but ND track record speaks for itself. The gameplay demo is already unmatched from an animation standpoint and SC hasn't shown anything remotely close to that in regards to animations.
Its not all about hardware power when it comes to animations. It matters but it's also about time and talent. And ND has proven time and time again they are some of the best in that department.
Sorry but things don't work like that in real life. No is one denying what ND managed to achieve on weak hardware in the past but sooner or later you are forced to hit a wall because of hardware limitations. Uncharted series and TLOU had some of the most blurry looking character models when compared with PC games. And when it comes to animations, other companies have already done a better job while displaying more action on screen because hardware allows them to do so.
link to media showing off this amazing animation in star citizen. and for historical precedent, the most recent example of a pc exclusive having stellar animation.
AM-Gamer's alt??? Anyways, Star Citizen's animations are currently not fully implemented in playable builds yet and proper stuff will probably be shown next month at Gamescom. But the tech that they are using is better than anything out there. They have talent and hardware to achieve what they want to achieve. Some WIP stuff is already look great and huge improvement over what we have right now. Squadron 42 was shot at Imaginaruim studios, which is founded by Andy Serkis, and worked on movies like Star Wars Ep 7, King Kong, Planet of the Apes, Lords of the rings etc.
As for existing games, there are a lot of multiplats that have better animations than Uncharted trilogy. If you are talking about exclusives then Total War games are way more impressive in animation department because you don't only see 5 people shooting at each other but thousands of troops fighting each other. Here is 4 years old game:
With Warhammer, they are going further. Now it's not just Samurai vs Samurai, or Samurai vs Spear Men or Knights, Ninjas etc. Now they have better hardware and more variety in units as well like Orcs, Giants, Trolls, Spiders, Dragons, Griffins, Goblins, Dwarfs etc. Hard to imagine how they they will handle different combat scenarios between X vs Y units but people who saw the demo were impressed. Will see how it goes in real time trailer later this month.
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