@AM-Gamer said:
1. ND has won best graphic awards on its past 3 games.
2. I quoted DF saying Ryse was the "Most Impressive" game on PC. And showing how little the difference between the X1 and PC version.
3. You have ignored all the facts in front of you and continue to blabber nonsense on SW.
4. Crysis 2 wouldn't even be in the top 10 when it comes to graphics. Much less touch UC4.
Your a hermit with rabbis nothing more.
Another reply full of lies. Let me repeat again.
Where did the DF say Ryse when it came to the X1 was the most impressive game on cryengine?
Since you haven't provided the quote after more than 48 hours it is settled that you were lying. I always knew you were a corporate tool. Glad you accepted.
Anyways, so it's settled, there's no game on 900pStation that came close to Crysis 2 as per DF and there won't be a game on 900pStation that matches it technically. LOL 900pStation.
LOL, Naughty Duds, don't have a single technical graphics award to show for themselves even after being for more than 30+ years in the industry and neither do they have a single research paper or rendering tech to their credit. They practically lives off the technology pioneered by PC devs.
LOL, Naughty Duds, have a history of overhyping and underdelivering since 2008. Now they have downgraded their games 4 times in a row. Shame! Shame! Shame! Hell even Sony recently acknowledged how they mislead the press with bullshit videos discussing the Last Guardian debacle on PS3. Burn cow burn and DC over it.
So, let's summarize Naughty Duds:
- No tech to their credit - Check
- No technical graphics award - check
- Bullshit trailers and downgrading games - Check
- Recent example of their backtracking: Surpassing 60FPS and original UC4 trailer bullshit
- No original game to their credit - Check
Naughty Duds just got lucky with UC2 with the casuals ala CoD style and ever since then riding that hype train. If they weren't exclusive to Sony the entire gaming world would be hating on it just like it hates CoD.
Burn Sony drone burn. :D
Oh and I should also throw TLOUR- to the list of achievemnts of Naughty Duds. Such an elite dev, they couldn't get the last gen port to run at a constant 60FPS, lel.
Yeah, remind me again why are we actually discussing a mediocre dev like Naughty Duds?
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