Arma III and Space Engineers modded both look better than even the unrealistic in engine trailer. In all honesty, Uncharted 4 might look better than these games assuming it doesn't tank the inevitable downgrade. I also limited myself to naming games that are out. Another would be Star Citizen.
You also seem to be excluding multiplats that have been modded for the cheap reason of their "being on consoles too, so they don't count," a lot of the time modded multiplats look 3 times better than their consoles version, pushing games literally 2 gens ahead Have you seen witcher 3 and Skyrim modded. They're pretty damn impressive, with mods they're almost an entirely different game.
I'm not sure what you're getting at. What I stated was quite clear.
UC4 is the best looking console game. So it's sadly our only real target for System Warring VS. gfx threads. What else are we going to attack, Halo5 or TLOU? They looks last gen during gameplay lol. I'd love more console games to look as good or hopefully better, but with large/real game worlds rather than on-rails sets. Maybe even 60 fps one day?
I've even said The Order 1886 is currently the best looking console title multiple times, with no regret. Which is actually quite sad.
I wish the two HD twins released with better hardware. It would make SW a tad more interesting, rather than hearing about the same on-rails game hyped for gfx years on end, while PC gets several.
Care to name a few.
PC only.
I never mentioned exclusive, so not using your arbitrary rules. Some of the top gfx-champions or even gfx-kings every gen are vastly superior multiplats version of games on PC (Crysis, Crysis3, Witcher2, Witcher3, etc.) Are you going to sit here and tell me I can't Crysis1/3 as PC GFX KINGS of last gen? Please stop your made up rules. I won't use them.
What has been named Gfx King throughout this gen so far, by fans/critics:
games on PC: *Witcher3, Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *PC version on Ultra.
games on PS4: The Order 1886, UC4.
You say you didn't mention exclusives , but The Order and UC4 are and then you put PS4 only games so again , you ain't got shit but 2 3 games on your list that are PC only that they have couterparts on the consoles.
I will give you the better/pretty visuals/ like dangling keys to an infant/ but the fact you are all scared of a console game is the most fun i have this gen.
Both of those statements are lies, lol hermits and their shameless jealousy showing blindly flinging out last gen arguments to bash the Uncharted franchise that don't pan out anymore.
Uncharted 4 linear? Nope not Pt 4. Must mean Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Not much going on screen????????????? LAMO the most idiotic argument you could try to make against Uncharted 4. Your over spammed last gen bashes against UC have played out. Time to get new material buddy.
Fail. Get rekt. and try again!
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...???????????????
Loading Video...
Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content right?
Let's talk about that deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
**** outta here.
Loading Video...
WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
You say you didn't mention exclusives , but The Order and UC4 are and then you put PS4 only games so again , you ain't got shit but 2 games on your list that are PC only/for now/ that they have couterparts on the consoles.
I will give you the better/pretty visuals/ like dangling keys to an infant/ but the fact you are all scared of a console game is the most fun i have this gen.
1. Because No one praises multiplats on PS4 as gfx king. Multiplats don't look very good on it. Why would I list bad looking games?
2. Being scared of =/= being the only form of "competition". The rest of the upcomming console games look like trash. Wiiu/Xbone have been absolute failures in anything graphics related. It's not our fault. Get more games with better gfx and we'll use them in our "vs" threads. Last gen we trashed UC2,UC3,TLOU before and after they came out, and failed to be close to PC. It was fun as hell. Cowpacolypse.
3. I answered your question, why did you ignore it? PC has many more games with better gfx this gen:
games on PC called gfx king : *Witcher3, Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *PC version on Ultra.
games on PS4 called gfx king: The Order 1886, UC4.
@kinectthedots: Aren't we all just going "click, click, click"? Well, in the case of UC its more like. "Button press, button press, waggle stick, pull trigger, repeat".
You say you didn't mention exclusives , but The Order and UC4 are and then you put PS4 only games so again , you ain't got shit but 2 games on your list that are PC only/for now/ that they have couterparts on the consoles.
I will give you the better/pretty visuals/ like dangling keys to an infant/ but the fact you are all scared of a console game is the most fun i have this gen.
1. Because those are the only good looking games on PS4, or that have been called gfx kings. Multiplats don't look very good on it. Why would I list bad looking games?
2. Being scared of =/= being the only form of "competition". The rest of the upcomming console games look like trash. Wiiu/Xbone have been absolute failures in anything graphics related. It's not our fault.
3. I answered your question, why did you ignore it? PC has many more this gen so far:
games on PC called gfx king : *Witcher3, Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *PC version on Ultra.
games on PS4 called gfx king: The Order 1886, UC4.
How about you show me a game that is not on consoles.
Can you do that , or is your Sony hate so big you only look at stuff what they have and have never played a game in your life?
Both of those statements are lies, lol hermits and their shameless jealousy showing blindly flinging out last gen arguments to bash the Uncharted franchise that don't pan out anymore.
Uncharted 4 linear? Nope not Pt 4. Must mean Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Not much going on screen????????????? LAMO the most idiotic argument you could try to make against Uncharted 4. Your over spammed last gen bashes against UC have played out. Time to get new material buddy.
Fail. Get rekt. and try again!
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...
Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content.
Talking about some deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
Deal with it!
Nice crying like a 12 years old kid. Your fanboism is inspirational. But Uncharted is still linear though just like Tomb Raider, Quantum Break and Gears of War. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with being linear but not much is going on on screen compared to Total War games. It's also not our fault if you suck at complex games. Deal with it.
games on PC called gfx king : *Witcher3, Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *PC version on Ultra.
games on PS4 called gfx king: The Order 1886, UC4.
Just because the gfx king happens to have an ugly version on console doesn't make it disappear from reality. IE: Crysis 1 and 3 still were gfx kings, but just the PC version.
Is there a new rule I'm not aware of? Link it to me. I don't see it in the sticky.
Oh snap, you heard it hear. The word of "god" at that.
" no other console games are really up to par"
In a round about way you've given highest complement a third party observer can give to a game (on consoles) for an individual system. Haha I think I hear a stampede of rodents coming to devourer your flesh for that statement, but we all thank you for our gracious thoughts.
I think I can have sum fun this in a few console related topics for the luz.
*post saved*
I'm not sure what you're getting at. What I stated was quite clear.
UC4 is the best looking console game. So it's sadly our only real target for System Warring VS. gfx threads. What else are we going to attack, Halo5 or TLOU? They looks last gen during gameplay lol. I'd love more console games to look as good or hopefully better, but with large/real game worlds rather than on-rails sets. Maybe even 60 fps one day?
I've even said The Order 1886 is currently the best looking console title multiple times, with no regret. Which is actually quite sad.
I wish the two HD twins released with better hardware. It would make SW a tad more interesting, rather than hearing about the same on-rails game hyped for gfx years on end, while PC gets several.
Care to name a few.
PC only.
What is your question exactly? There are plenty of PC games that can rival or surpass Uncharted 4 level of graphics.
The Witcher 3, Crysis 3, Star Citizen, Far Cry 4, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Crysis 1 (mods), GTAIV (mods), Far Cry 3, Battlefield 4, TESV: Skyrim (mods), Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Crysis 2 (mods), Metro: Last Light, Battlefield 3, The Witcher 2, GTA V (mods), Metro 2033.
@kinectthedots: Aren't we all just going "click, click, click"? Well, in the case of UC its more like. "Button press, button press, waggle stick, pull trigger, repeat".
@Ant_17: Most PC games that has been modded in the past 6 years.
but those obviously don't count because reasons, you want vanilla games don't you?
Herms and their canned responses to cover for no real answers. "Bu but we can play console multiplats in high res."
Get tire of seeing cop-out responses from a group of who always want to talk down, but what do they have to show? SHIT!
The only thing you guys have that comes close to UC4 is that 10 year demo multi-transaction pit of hell simulator Star citizen and is worse in every department gameplay wise compared to UC4, but hermits will hype any broke half playable POS on PC to damage control against the real quality games that are available on consoles.
PC : Star Citizen, ARMA III: Tanoa, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront,*Witcher3, *Doom4. *FO4 W/ Mods (*PC version on Ultra)
PC : *Witcher3, Star Citizen, ARMA III: Tanoa, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *FO4 W/ Mods (*PC version on Ultra)
Why are you on system wars if you think making posts about why their system is the best makes an individual a fanatic? That said, Mister Two Opinions One Cup up there isn't a PC gamer.
The comparisen rubed the wrong way.
So many games to capmpare this to , he picks the Sony exclusive.
Can't blame him since sony exclusives are the only games that make hermits insecure about their beloved platform's over hyped superiority status and the $$$ they spend for little actual advantage on gfx when comparing best looking games.
Ps4 would never handle the on screen AI mate, it's CPU would melt trying to cope with a game like Warhammer.
I find it funny how you cows seem to be set to 'graphics mode' by default, You guys are so shallow you think graphics are the be all and end all which is why you still worship the order.
'bu-bu-bu teh grafix'
'little actual advantage on gfx when comparing best looking games.'
yes, because the Ps4 can run games above 1080p at 60fps with with 4xMSAA right?
I find it kinda funny that you use Resolution as the standard when comparing graphics between consoles but you all seem to forget that even an average Pc can run games in resolutions that would make a Ps4's eyes water at twice the FPS with far more AA.
I find it laughable to be honest, you tout uncharted 4 as being better looking than anything on PC yet modded Crysis still wipes the floor with it.
Hell, even modded Skyrim looks better in my opinion
PC : *Witcher3, Star Citizen, ARMA III: Tanoa, Unreal Tournament, Total War, *AC:U, *Deus Ex:MD, *Ryse, *BattleFront, *Doom4. *FO4 W/ Mods (*PC version on Ultra)
PS4 : UC4.
So,all PCs can play those games on ultra?
More than the number of PS4's sold :)
And since this is a gfx thread I'm sure we are talking about those PC's rather than going off-topic about what low end PC's can do.
@kinectthedots: Aren't we all just going "click, click, click"? Well, in the case of UC its more like. "Button press, button press, waggle stick, pull trigger, repeat".
No no no...teh PC exclusives haz da deep, intellechual game playaz.
This is the monologue of PC brats is it not?
It's time to blow the whistle on this BS.
I mean, if you want to play nice and be objective as an individual then that is cool, but I am talking about the mass of hermit blow hards who got life messed up because console players pattern of not wanting to step on their fragile toes.
I am kind of tired of seeing their BS so I am just putting it in perspective. And no, we aren't all click, click, click, but that is EXACTLY what you do in the games I pointed out and of the upcoming game being compared to Uncharted.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...
Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content.
Talking about some deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
Deal with it!
Nice crying like a 12 years old kid. Your fanboism is inspirational. But Uncharted is still linear though just like Tomb Raider, Quantum Break and Gears of War. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with being linear but not much is going on on screen compared to Total War games. It's also not our fault if you suck at complex games. Deal with it.
Aww, I said mean stuff about yourgames, now it's fanboyism!
There is no fanboyism dimwit.
This is where I call you out on your stupidity and hypocrisy. How is my criticism of the shit tier looking games PC clowns like you hype "fanboyism". I am criticizing the games on what I find to look like crap.
My criticism is based on the NON-GAMEPLY shit looking games I see. There is nothing fanboyish about anything I said unless you admit every criticism you PC goofs create against Uncharted is pure fanboyism.
I spoke on how I feel about your games and you don't like it, "wwaahaaahahah fanboysim" lol that is your argument now after hermits made this dumb thread? Yeah, tell me more hypocrite...tell me more.
And if you think point, click, point, click is "complex" then you really should stay your simple mined ass on the PC because you're clearly too dumb to deal with the complexity of console dedicated gameplay.
@Ant_17: Most PC games that has been modded in the past 6 years.
but those obviously don't count because reasons, you want vanilla games don't you?
Herms and their canned responses to cover for no real answers. "Bu but we can play console multiplats in high res."
Get tire of seeing cop-out responses from a group of who always want to talk down, but what do they have to show? SHIT!
The only thing you guys have that comes close to UC4 is that 10 year demo multi-transaction pit of hell simulator Star citizen and is worse in every department gameplay wise compared to UC4, but hermits will hype any broke half playable POS on PC to damage control against the real quality games that are available on consoles.
Get, rekt.
1 hour ago...
@skelly34 said:
Arma III and Space Engineers modded both look better than even the unrealistic in engine trailer. In all honesty, Uncharted 4 might look better than these games assuming it doesn't tank the inevitable downgrade. I also limited myself to naming games that are out. Another would be Star Citizen.
You also seem to be excluding multiplats that have been modded for the cheap reason of their "being on consoles too, so they don't count," a lot of the time modded multiplats look 3 times better than their consoles version, pushing games literally 2 gens ahead Have you seen witcher 3 and Skyrim modded. They're pretty damn impressive, with mods they're almost an entirely different game.
wait a minute... I'm not a lemming now? Ha! Exposed you troll!
How does it feel? For your shallow game's only selling point being graphics, and then not have the best graphics?
There are PC exclusives with not only better graphics, but without boring linear gameplay too.
Like DriveClub, Infamous, Knack, The Order, Destiny, etc? Heh.
PC: Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total Warhammer, DreadNaught, Fort Night, BlueStreak, Over Watch, Starcraft, Arma, Heart of Thorns, Torment, Pillars, Lost Ark, Anno, Roller Coaster World
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...
Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content.
Talking about some deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
Deal with it!
Nice crying like a 12 years old kid. Your fanboism is inspirational. But Uncharted is still linear though just like Tomb Raider, Quantum Break and Gears of War. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with being linear but not much is going on on screen compared to Total War games. It's also not our fault if you suck at complex games. Deal with it.
Aww, I said mean stuff about yourgames, now it's fanboyism!
There is no fanboyism dimwit.
This is where I call you out on your stupidity and hypocrisy. How is my criticism of the shit tier looking games PC clowns like you hype "fanboyism". I am criticizing the games on what I find to look like crap.
My criticism is based on the NON-GAMEPLY shit looking games I see. There is nothing fanboyish about anything I said unless you admit every criticism you PC goofs create against Uncharted is pure fanboyism.
I spoke you your games and you don't like it, "wwaahaaahahah fanboysim" lol that is your argument now after hermits made this dumb thread? Yeah, tell me more hypocrite...tell me more.
And if you think point, click, point, click is "complex" then you really should stay your simple mined ass on the PC because you're clearly too dumb to deal with the complexity of console dedicated gameplay.
Get rekt.
You already lost your credibility when you posted video from 11 years old PC game Dawn of War to compare it to Uncharted 4. Sorry but I can't take your meltdown seriously. Again, it's not our fault if you can't play complex games. Improve your skills and come back when you are ready.
Like DriveClub, Infamous, Knack, The Order, Destiny, etc? Heh.
PC: Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total Warhammer, DreadNaught, Fort Night, BlueStreak, Over Watch, Starcraft, Arma, Heart of Thorns, Torment, Pillars, Lost Ark, Anno, Roller Coaster World
PS4: Uncharted4,
Haha Sony.
Wow , so much fear you had to put Roller Coaster world on your list.
"Erect the the great wall of China now , there is a cat approaching"
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard. Trying to even pass that "buh-buh console gamers have more fighting game experience" is not even going to work here. We'll see some console veterans and that'll be it.
Herms and their canned responses to cover for no real answers. "Bu but we can play console multiplats in high res."
Get tire of seeing cop-out responses from a group of who always want to talk down, but what do they have to show? SHIT!
The only thing you guys have that comes close to UC4 is that 10 year demo multi-transaction pit of hell simulator Star citizen and is worse in every department gameplay wise compared to UC4, but hermits will hype any broke half playable POS on PC to damage control against the real quality games that are available on consoles.
Get, rekt.
1 hour ago...
@skelly34 said:
Arma III and Space Engineers modded both look better than even the unrealistic in engine trailer. In all honesty, Uncharted 4 might look better than these games assuming it doesn't tank the inevitable downgrade. I also limited myself to naming games that are out. Another would be Star Citizen.
You also seem to be excluding multiplats that have been modded for the cheap reason of their "being on consoles too, so they don't count," a lot of the time modded multiplats look 3 times better than their consoles version, pushing games literally 2 gens ahead Have you seen witcher 3 and Skyrim modded. They're pretty damn impressive, with mods they're almost an entirely different game.
wait a minute... I'm not a lemming now? Ha! Exposed you troll!
How does it feel? For your shallow game's only selling point being graphics, and then not have the best graphics?
There are PC exclusives with not only better graphics, but without boring linear gameplay too.
LMAO PC ain't got no fucking exclusive anyone talks or cares about.
You guys got the same batch of basement garbage crap that comes out every year that no one remembers or talks about that you ignorant hermits think are the best things ever becaue you aren't exposed to what quality is really like.
The closes things you hermits ever get to truely great graphics that also have great gameplay are console multiplats. That is why you bottom feeding, low quality exclusive playing hermits haven't had a single exclusive PC GOTY in over a decade LMFAO.
Just excuses and tears to cover the cold hard truth that your vast and hyped PC exclusive library is shit compared to consoles!
haha Show me this awesome PC lineup. What exclusive PC games hermits are hyping for 2016? We already know Star Citizen isn't being released next year so GO!
Like DriveClub, Infamous, Knack, The Order, Destiny, etc? Heh.
PC: Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total Warhammer, DreadNaught, Fort Night, BlueStreak, Over Watch, Starcraft, Arma, Heart of Thorns, Torment, Pillars, Lost Ark, Anno, Roller Coaster World
PS4: Uncharted4,
Haha Sony.
haha, what a list of complete basement level shit.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard.
Yes thats why they fear a player that avoids arcade sticks and uses a controller.
Like DriveClub, Infamous, Knack, The Order, Destiny, etc? Heh.
PC: Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total Warhammer, DreadNaught, Fort Night, BlueStreak, Over Watch, Starcraft, Arma, Heart of Thorns, Torment, Pillars, Lost Ark, Anno, Roller Coaster World
PS4: Uncharted4,
Haha Sony.
Wow , so much fear you had to put Roller Coaster world on your list.
We weren't discussing gfx in that quote chain. RCW seems damn fun.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard.
Yes thats why they fear a player that avoids arcade sticks and uses a controller.
ps:Curent SF4 champ is from Japan.
Yeah PC never competed. Like I said, we'll see some SF champs and that's all, well over half the competitors will be replaced by PC gamers.
You know, we have such things as controllers too, and better controllers than that wonky-tonky dualshock 4 toy *wink*
It's funny that Console gamers (90% of the time Cows) even bring up the topic of graphics, even though PC always gets best looking games every gen (exclusives and multiplats). As if this time things will magically change somehow. Apart from TW Warhammer, some of the upcoming high end PC Exclusives;
Unreal Tournament
ArmA 3: Tanoa
Squadron 42
This myth needs to die that devs don't take advantage of PC hardware and somehow Consoles will magically start to make better looking games out of thin air despite being underpowered. Last gen, no Console game looked better than Crysis Warhead and Witcher 2.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard.
Yes thats why they fear a player that avoids arcade sticks and uses a controller.
ps:Curent SF4 champ is from Japan.
Yeah PC never competed. Like I said, we'll see some SF champs and that's all, well over half the competitors will be replaced by PC gamers.
You know, we have such things as controllers too, and better controllers than that wonky-tonky dualshock 4 toy *wink*
To bad you will have to play on consoles.
And whats with the stupid brain-fart about the DS4? I said "controller".
And unless EU and Japan start playing on PC ,yeah sure you will replace the current roster of champs.<This is sarcs by the way.
LMAO PC ain't got no fucking exclusive anyone talks or cares about.
You guys got the same batch of basement garbage crap that comes out every year that no one remembers or talks about that you ignorant hermits think are the best things ever becaue you aren't exposed to what quality is really like.
The closes things you hermits ever get to truely great graphics that also have great gameplay are console multiplats. That is why you bottom feeding, low quality exclusive playing hermits haven't had a single exclusive PC GOTY in over a decade LMFAO.
Just excuses and tears to cover the cold hard truth that your vast and hyped PC exclusive library is shit compared to consoles!
haha Show me this awesome PC lineup. What exclusive PC games hermits are hyping for 2016? We already know Star Citizen isn't being released next year so GO!
1. Basement garbage? PC has more aaa/aa/a at GS and MC than any console thi s gen. Exclusive or otherwise.
2. No one remembers or "talks about"? PC has more/bigger communities than console, with more active/concurrent/total users than all consoles combined. The most played games on the planet are PC and PC genres. PC has more hardware/software sales than all three consoles combined. None of this is including social/web games.
3. Low quality exclusives? See #1
4. The PC line-up is insane compared to consoles. I already listed you it.
PC: Star Citizen, Unreal Tournament, Total Warhammer, DreadNaught, Fort Night, BlueStreak, Over Watch, Starcraft, Arma Expansion, Heart of Thorns, Torment, Pillars Expansion, Lost Ark, Anno 2155, Roller Coaster World, Battlecry, XCOM2, Black Desert, Grim Dawn.
PS4: Uncharted4, Persona 5?
No wonder PC demolishes PS4 at Metacritic and Gamespot!
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard.
Yes thats why they fear a player that avoids arcade sticks and uses a controller.
ps:Curent SF4 champ is from Japan.
Yeah PC never competed. Like I said, we'll see some SF champs and that's all, well over half the competitors will be replaced by PC gamers.
You know, we have such things as controllers too, and better controllers than that wonky-tonky dualshock 4 toy *wink*
To bad you will have to play on consoles.
And whats with the stupid brain-fart about the DS4? I said "controller".
And unless EU and Japan start playing on PC ,yeah sure you will replace the current roster of champs.<This is sarcs by the way.
Who says? A PC is faster, has more options and can easily be hooked up to TV? What the **** do consoles hold over PC in that regard? Wait a minute... are you telling me that there are characters exclusively on the PS4 roster...? LOL what a fucking joke, that's borderline pay to win. What respectable competitive game would sell out and do that shit? Only LoL (which I think is a huge joke) could be compared to that kind of casualness.
Referring to the PlayStation 4 controller.
Oh I know we won't actually win. It's not so much a PC or PS4 gamer is going to win so much as an Asian (or simply a hardcore SF veteran who is probably Japanese), and PC gaming isn't too popular in Asia. I'm merely saying that outside of the very top-tier players console gamers will get owned hard.
Either way, try to argue that fighters are higher skill than RTS, I need a good laugh today.
Both of those statements are lies, lol hermits and their shameless jealousy showing blindly flinging out last gen arguments to bash the Uncharted franchise that don't pan out anymore.
Uncharted 4 linear? Nope not Pt 4. Must mean Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Not much going on screen????????????? LAMO the most idiotic argument you could try to make against Uncharted 4. Your over spammed last gen bashes against UC have played out. Time to get new material buddy.
Fail. Get rekt. and try again!
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...???????????????
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Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content right?
Let's talk about that deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
**** outta here.
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WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
Deal with it!
You literally picked the two quite successful games in the RTS genre and at the same time picked two games that he wasn't talking about. That is not part of the total war series, those are games that are built off of the company of heroes engine (which was also an awesome game).
UC4 will be good, but you guys probably need to let it go that it won't be the best out there, I mean these guys didn't even think it was best in show at E3.
I don't think the hardware really matters if the result doesn't justify it.
This game will be cpu intensive and will be TECHNICALLY impressive, but not aesthetically impressive. Consoles may not be able to run it even at sub-HB resolution, but if they can run a game that LOOKS better (e.g aesthetic quality and not "amount of polygons on screen"). Uncharted 4 looks better than any PC game I've ever played and yet does it so much more efficiently because optimization.
You're just riding your pride right now like most of this parasitic board. Everyone is just too insecure and blind to actually analyze things impartially.
Aesthetics is opinion though. TW is able to achieve quite a bit more technically and graphically.
I think many PC games look better than UC4, as do many others. Pretty cutscenes and faces aren't everything.
Uhh... yes. Music taste is also opinion, and that's why there is no "superior" music producer. The amount of beats and chord variations they can put in their song deosn't mean shit if the music itself is meh. Same applies to anything aesthetic. The main argument might be subjective, but that's the very nature of this whole discussion. "Which game will look better?" to which I answer: Uncharted 4.
@Ant_17: Most PC games that has been modded in the past 6 years.
but those obviously don't count because reasons, you want vanilla games don't you?
Herms and their canned responses to cover for no real answers. "Bu but we can play console multiplats in high res."
Get tire of seeing cop-out responses from a group of who always want to talk down, but what do they have to show? SHIT!
The only thing you guys have that comes close to UC4 is that 10 year demo multi-transaction pit of hell simulator Star citizen and is worse in every department gameplay wise compared to UC4, but hermits will hype any broke half playable POS on PC to damage control against the real quality games that are available on consoles.
@kinectthedots: Aren't we all just going "click, click, click"? Well, in the case of UC its more like. "Button press, button press, waggle stick, pull trigger, repeat".
No no no...teh PC exclusives haz da deep, intellechual game playaz.
This is the monologue of PC brats is it not?
It's time to blow the whistle on this BS.
I mean, if you want to play nice and be objective as an individual then that is cool, but I am talking about the mass of hermit blow hards who got life messed up because console players pattern of not wanting to step on their fragile toes.
I am kind of tired of seeing their BS so I am just putting it in perspective. And no, we aren't all click, click, click, but that is EXACTLY what you do in the games I pointed out and of the upcoming game being compared to Uncharted.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
It's just those superior controls we have man, *click*click* > wiggling your thumbs XD
Uncharted 4 is linear. Stop dreaming. There is nothing wrong about being linear but fact is fact. Please don't come up with same old "Multiple ways to approach objective" BS. It's just an illusion. Alternate paths are blocked by buses or enemies that force you to keep moving in straight line. And there isn't much going on on screen as well, just handful of characters shooting at each other VS thousands of troops fighting each other.
Compared to games like this...
Top down, point click, PS1 looking garbage? This is the kind of garbage you hermits play year after year and fap to as PC's almighty exclusive content.
Talking about some deep, involving and complex gameplay.
Point, click, point, click, point, click, click, click, clink x10
WTF is this shit? it's embarrassing you clowns have the nerve to try to talk down on UC4 while hyping shit like this.
No wonder the sight of UC4 drives you herms mad with of damage control and desperate rants about how PC gaming makes you a better perosn.
Uncharted linear, nothing going on, movie game? Hell the shit you guys are "playing" isn't even good enough to be called a movie game, it's a damn power point slide show presentation.
Hyped PC exclusive gameplay:
Point, click, point click, point, click click click, point, click, click, click, click click click point, click, click, click click click, point, click, point, click, click, click,click, point, click, click, click..... *rinse was repeat*
You can keep that basement reject demo looking crap.
UC4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any PC exclusive in 2016's lineup and I don't even like UC that much.
Hermits love shoving their overblown opinions in console players faces with tons of ignorant and false statements that console fans take and try to be nice and be objective but if you idiots want to have an open discussion criticizing others games, well here it is hermits. Get, rekt...
Deal with it!
Nice crying like a 12 years old kid. Your fanboism is inspirational. But Uncharted is still linear though just like Tomb Raider, Quantum Break and Gears of War. As I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with being linear but not much is going on on screen compared to Total War games. It's also not our fault if you suck at complex games. Deal with it.
Aww, I said mean stuff about yourgames, now it's fanboyism!
There is no fanboyism dimwit.
This is where I call you out on your stupidity and hypocrisy. How is my criticism of the shit tier looking games PC clowns like you hype "fanboyism". I am criticizing the games on what I find to look like crap.
My criticism is based on the NON-GAMEPLY shit looking games I see. There is nothing fanboyish about anything I said unless you admit every criticism you PC goofs create against Uncharted is pure fanboyism.
I spoke on how I feel about your games and you don't like it, "wwaahaaahahah fanboysim" lol that is your argument now after hermits made this dumb thread? Yeah, tell me more hypocrite...tell me more.
And if you think point, click, point, click is "complex" then you really should stay your simple mined ass on the PC because you're clearly too dumb to deal with the complexity of console dedicated gameplay.
Get rekt.
To be fair man, Dawn of War came out 11 years ago, Dawn of War 2 came out 6 years ago. At the time they were pretty decent looking games, were never meant to be graphics kings. Technically quite cool games and fun as hell though.
How the **** hermit going to try and criticize UC gameplay when hyping games like this? It's cool, I'll just put it all on the table.
Well RTS/MOBA/TWITCH and a few MMO do have a considerable higher skill cap than press A to win movie-games, heh.
You wouldn't fucking know.
PC players are going to be viciously destroyed against PS4 players in SFV. FACT.
Get Rekt.
Dear god, I can only begin to imagine how many PS4 gamers are going to cry oceans once that game comes out.
PC gamers take competitive games much more seriously than console gamers do, it's like, not even funny. The tournament, if there is one, is going to get dominated by PC gamers so hard.
Yes thats why they fear a player that avoids arcade sticks and uses a controller.
ps:Curent SF4 champ is from Japan.
Yeah PC never competed. Like I said, we'll see some SF champs and that's all, well over half the competitors will be replaced by PC gamers.
You know, we have such things as controllers too, and better controllers than that wonky-tonky dualshock 4 toy *wink*
To bad you will have to play on consoles.
And whats with the stupid brain-fart about the DS4? I said "controller".
And unless EU and Japan start playing on PC ,yeah sure you will replace the current roster of champs.<This is sarcs by the way.
Who says? A PC is faster, has more options and can easily be hooked up to TV? What the **** do consoles hold over PC in that regard? Wait a minute... are you telling me that there are characters exclusively on the PS4 roster...? LOL what a fucking joke, that's borderline pay to win. What respectable competitive game would sell out and do that shit? Only LoL (which I think is a huge joke) could be compared to that kind of casualness.
Referring to the PlayStation 4 controller.
Oh I know we won't actually win. It's not so much a PC or PS4 gamer is going to win so much as an Asian (or simply a hardcore SF veteran who is probably Japanese), and PC gaming isn't too popular in Asia. I'm merely saying that outside of the very top-tier players console gamers will get owned hard.
Either way, try to argue that fighters are higher skill than RTS, I need a good laugh today.
About the console thing:They are played on 360 because its much easy to set up and now Sony has a deal for future tourneys to be on PS4.
So call it bullshit or not , thats how the cookie crumbles.
And if you think point, click, point, click is "complex" then you really should stay your simple mined ass on the PC because you're clearly too dumb to deal with the complexity of console dedicated gameplay.
Get rekt.
"Complex" and "console" used in a sentence. Hahahaha.
You should probably have a look at any flight sim game and see what "complex" really means.
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