Excuse me? Geow? It is an important shooter no doubt. but within theis gen more games have done more.
CoD altho not really loved in here (and slightly coldly recived by me) did more then Geow did, with the instant gratification and leveling systems, it did not create any new exciting things, it just put them together well. And since both cover AND 3rd person has existed for a whole lot of years before Geow, it must count the same way.
In the techincal areas Crysis and Stalker stands out:
Crysis stood out mostly for Graphics around here, but thier pathing ai and response to a destructive world, was and still is a landmark in ai coding, nomatter how much people are unaware, simply put Crysis have done ALOT for shooters, but most of it was under the hood, and what a shiney hood that was :P (Gameplay I didd'nt like tho, prefered Far Cry (not 2))
The Other wouls be STALKER: which pushed AI in none destructible envioments, sleep, hunger, and exploration cycles were some of the best Ive ever seen, incredibly belivable, basicly in terms of pure ai Ive never seen better then in the STALKER games, when allowed to freeroam and not in scripted envioments) and in combat that ai seemed second only to FEAR 1.
In Visuals, Stalker also landed a landmark due to a few reasons. It is the first game I remember that integrated light and shadow in the way it did, sure Doom 3 did it before, but the scale was mindnumbing, aswell as th STALKER games always were on the forefront of usage of the DX engines (altho I would debate that this point is rather sad, since it mattered little).
Flawed but important-
RAGE: Look I know that rage is not the most well liked game, but it is likely the oly game where bullet impacts create a new set of ai behavior, and i mean EACH hit. it was incredible to see, aswell as the pure technical attempts that were in that game, Ultimately I think RAGE failed in what it set out to do, but autoscaling res, and graphics setting ingame running, and fairly sucessful, megatextures, aswell as the phenominal lifelige opponants due to damage, and behavior, stands as atleast deserving a mention.
GeoW is however as I mentioned one of the most important titles, while we had seen coverbased shooters before, they cracked the puzzle on how to implement it. 3rd person shooters however I do not give it, since Ive playied 3rd person shooters since 2001 (and that worked just fine, in some aspects even better). Geow did like Cod and took alot of componants and placed them together in a way that really worked, and for that it DOES need alot of credit, it gave birth to the whole "cover shooter" line as we know them (altho there existed cover shooters before). So cred is due.
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