The only game Rockstar made this gen i cared about was Red Dead Redemption, GTAIV and Max Payne 3 was a yawn fest, they bored me to tears. Watch Dogs too however, while it looks ambitious, may also fall into that open world stupid side quest boredom gallore, Assassins Creed 3 was just an open world that was boring. I think generally as well, people overhype open world games as if its some win button for games, Crysis 2 and 3 were sandbox, boring, Infamous was also open world, tediously boring. So far the only open world games i have played this gen that nailed it are Red Dead Redemption and Far Cry 3, the rest are just fan overhyped BS
As i completely agree with you on most things you say, i found red dead redemption a bore fest, i mean there was hardly any towns to visit the wildiness got boring fast, in the towns you had so little to do, i mean it's the wild west forgod sake i can think of 10things i'd of liked to do off the top of my head but the only thing you had to do was play poker, no bar fights but you could get drunk :S, hookers was a massive thing, that should of played some sort of role, duals were few and far between i mean in my play through i got about 2 people wanting to dual, wanted sidemissions got boring, the side quests were useless, not many people in the towns, wildness you didn't really meet many people, and at the end of the game you was free to roam about but there was nothing to do afterwards, even tho you was a different person.
I understand what you mean, perhaps the reason i enjoyed it more was because of the dynamic illusion of things happening in the world which in my opinion was a fresh move on that genre, guys trying to rape women, men almost getting eaten by dogs in the wild. I think it depends on how you played it per se. Because i actually got most of my Gun duel as a side quest, something about who was the fastest gun in the west and then there was those sherriff side quest about someone eating people in the hills, also i got thrills with the undead nightmare expansion too. I do agree that most open world games dont do good justice to what they try to achieve, it seems more to be open world just for the sake of it rather than create a world were one can get immersed in. Hopefully i can convinced that would not be the case with these incoming installments
Exactly great example of this is GTA 4, that game looked amazing so many streets so many houses, and the map was massive, but you couldn't go in any of the buildings hardly, they spent more time making up fake tv channels than exactly doing anything in game, i mean the shows were funny, but i would of rather had a smaller map with all the buildings having something in them to do, thats where i want sandbox games to go in the future, i want to go and steal a tv from a house, i can get in, i want to nip to the shop, i want places what have mini games, i want to feel as tho the people are going about there day properly, i'd rather have small and more than big and nothing, red dead was good but the next one can be so much better, i mean i'd like to be a bandit or a sheriff. be good
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