was it a game, hardware, accesories, or some other reason.
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my original reason for buying the 360 was when rare announced a new Banjo Kazooie that was going to be exclusive to 360 so I bought it. Now Id keep it for various other games though as well.
oh crud I forgot about my other platforms
DS- mainly pokemon :P
PSP-too many games to specifically narrow it down to 1 but the first game I DID get was Daxter.
Wii-it was a gift so there wasnt any reason for it
PS3-going to get it c uz of the KZ2 bundle.
DS: Pokemon.
360: Most of my friends game on the 360, so I figured I'd go with that one instead of the PS3.
Wii: I'm hardcore Nintendo nerd.
PC: I was going to get a new PC anyways since my old one broke down, so I figured I'd get one with a good enough processor and throw in a good video card there too.
Other than the Wii (sorta), I dont regret buying any of these.
A game Final Fantasy 13 for the PS3. I did own a 360 but sold it when i thought FF would not come to that console so i owned myself a little bit! On a side note i have mates and friends more friends own a PS3 so i like to stick with them.was it a game, hardware, accesories, or some other reason.
My friend got a ps3 and I liked it better than my elite.
Considered buying a new 360 but then I got a gaming rig.
Wii - All the Nintendo exclusives and thesurpirses third parties deliver, besides VC.
PS3 - I wanted a multiplat console and this one have Metal Gear Solid 4, so that was enough reason.
PC - I like tweaking and tinkering, and being able to play multiplats in there true form is always nice.
PS3- I decided that I would only get one console this gen, but I also wanted to get a blu-ray player some time in the future.
Because it's an American made game console, Plus - The japanese consumer refusal to buy an 360 really upset me, i'll never buy an japanese product again.
The sole reason I got any of my systems was games, but lets be more specific
Wii: I bought at launch along with Zelda:TW, RRR, and Marvel:UA. This was always a day 1 purchase for me as I love most Nintendo first party and the quirky games.
DS: I bit when the DSL was released along with NSMB and Brain Age. Again, I love Nintendo games, and over time, this has become my goto platform. I don't think I've ever broken 100 games purchased for one system before, yet now I'm almost to 150 I'm sure. I did get a DSi, mainly for the DSware, plus I could pass my DSL on to my partner.
XBox360: I knew I would get this eventually for Banjo (back before the final product was announced). Since I didn't have an Xbox last gen I wanted to try some games like Fable. I started buying used 360 and XB games before I got the system. I was waiting for a price drop, and bit when TRU had a $50 gc w purchase. Main games I wanted were Kameo, Fable and Banjo.
PS3: This was last console purchase. I mainly wanted LPB, but also want DC Universe Online. Best Buy had an offer for a $50 gc plus GH:WT so I figeured the time was pretty good. (Still haven't played GH)
PSP: Mainly I just had some extra money and started checking Ebay to get a cheap one. I've got over 20 games for it, but can't say there was a "must have" for me.
Bought ps1, loved, bought ps2, loved it more, so I knew the ps3 was gonna be awesome and I'm pleased with the outcome : )
I wanted a truely next gen console that wasn't overpriced that didn't nickel and dime you just so you can play games, so I went with the PS3
Wii: Because I want the games DS: Because I want the games 360: Because I want the games.OreoMilkshake
exactly this
I wanted the wii because Brawl looked Epic, and i loved Zelda and knew one would come out sooner or later.
PC - because I love RTS, a great backlog of games and I prefer sitting down than slouching on a couch.
:? doesnt that make you just like them?Because it's an American made game console, Plus - The japanese consumer refusal to buy an 360 really upset me, i'll never buy an japanese product again.
DS: Dragon Quest 4 & 5 and the Castlevania's, and I figured there was probably a lot of other good games for the system
Currently considering another system. I'm just not sure which one yet. I like the DS a lot, but I feel like I might be missing out on other good games on other systems. The PSP would probably be the cheapest route, but I'm torn between the various versions and the new digital distribution that's being pushed. Seems the system's fanbase will be split somewhat. I seriously considered an Xbox 360 but don't want to deal with the red ring of death issue. If it wasn't for that, I'd consider it. The PS3, maybe. It just doesn't have too many games at the moment, least of all ones I'm interested in. Maybe when it's been out for a few more years, its library will have built up some. Either way with the new systems I'd feel like I need to buy a new TV to take advantage of their power, and that's rather expensive. Seems like it might just be cheaper sticking with the handhelds and getting a PSP. Oh well, no rush. I can think of at least 30-40 DS games I wouldn't mind adding to my collection before moving onto another system.
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