[QUOTE="XTy"]I'm just waiting for someone to come by and make a list of a bunch of games on the 360 that aren't shooters. My point is that these games are primarily selling only to people who already have 360s. Even Mass Effect was marketed by Microsoft as a shooter, because they knew it would sell more.You make an interesting point, but it is meaningless until sony makes those game or gets them.
in the meantime, 360 is doing fine with the market it cut out for itself, which is shooters, which I don't mind at all.
Sure, there is some nonshooters that are pretty sweet, but the system doesn't sell them nearly as well as the BIG AWESOME shooters.
I think ONLINE is a big deal for the 360 market, something JRPG's/Platforming/Adventure dont' do well, because its hard, whcih is fine by gamers like me.
Mass Effect is a good example. My buddy and my cousing played it with AUTOLEVELING turned on. They played it as a shooter. They wanted the cool story and some fun Shootin' action. Microsoft knows what they are doin'
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