Oh yeah because Drive Spamming Noel with mix ups, cross ups, and mashing in supers is really difficult lol. The games timing is not as strict as SFIV's. Hell I didn't even want this to be a SFIV vs Button Bash Blue thread but hey you wanted it. Button Bash Blue's timing is in no way as strict as SFIV's. Where you need to have strictly timed links in SFIV like Guilty Gear Button Bash uses chains. You just dial along the button or mash in your inputs for very forgiving results.
Hell pulling off an Inferno Divider on all three parts you can be mad sloppy with it and it still comes out. I'll get destroyed against anyone? lol yeah okay. Drive Tech with Noel and if you've pretty much made it a freaking guessing game on their defense where you can go for huge damage.
Ken Fighter IV? Haha now those noobs are the ones that anyone can beat.
Noel's drive has tons of delay that gives the opponent plenty of time to dive in and punish the hell out of the player. Spamming against someone who knows what they're doing is futile.
In Ken Fighter IV you just spam projectiles and win, or if you're playing Ken Fighter IV: The Third Zangief you just throw throw throw for insta-win.
And explain to me why you would just walk up and start spamming drive? What next you gonna tell me to walk up to someone in SFIV and SRK them with Ken lol. Also gives them enough time to dive and punish the hell out of the player? Um why would anyone start using Noel's Drive attack at a distance where an opponent can dive at them :|
You just need to look for the openings and once you get in Drive Spam boom. They either have to grab you in between Drives or know when to back off after certain drives but like I said this is a guessing game if the Noel user is good enough at mixing up as she can throwing a Guile like Flash kick, a cross up shoulder smash from behind, a point blank pistol shot or a hulligan esc grab type move. Just mash your Drive and finish off with the mix up.
Not only that if you hit D. Drive she gets that elevated arching gun swing and that will knock a diving opponent out of the air and then you can just drive mash as usual.
In Ken fighter you spam projectiles and win? LOL. Ken can't even throw projectiles worth a **** because his release is so slow and if you're just gonna spam thanks for giving your opponent a free ultra. Not to mention FB spamming isn't possible with Ken period.
Zangief you just throw throw throw throw. Well that's the opponents stupid fault for getting that close. You don't see me saying all you need to do with Iron Tager is Throw Throw Throw especially when his super does 70% damage :|
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