I understand the point your trying to make but I still believe its merely singling out one group of fanboys. You as well as most of the posters in this thread are well aware that neither console is going anywhere. We are also aware that both groups of fanboys have been dishing it out and taking it. I am still not sure what kind of response you were looking for but I guess the answer to your question is in the same place the answer to the question "If the PS3 is doomed why is it still here" and thats inside fanboys imaginations.Javy03
well adobe singled out a single fanboy type because these fanboys were the most adamant in calling for the death of a particular console. the ps3/360 fanboys also called for the death of the wii saying its not a true next gen console (which is true to certain extent) and all console fanboys have been calling for the death of the pc for years claiming piracy is killing pc gaming. that statement is not only fallacious, but its down right idiotic. most of these fanboys that claim the death of pc gaming due to piracy apparently forgot about the massive amounts of console game piracy and even ms in 2004/2005 claiming that when the 360 comes out, it will be hack-proof and thus killing console piracy.
you are right in saying that console gaming at this moment in time is going nowhere. the reason for that is price and saturation. at this price point for all the consoles, the consumer willing to pay that particular price (be it $349 for a 360 premium, $399 for a ps3, or even $249 for a wii) have all bought the console. what the makers need to do is lower the price and they will see, as well as we will see, a massive influx in the amount of console and game purchases.
all fanboys have played the "console death game" at one point or another; it's the fanboy way.
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