Well I am new to PC gaming (the hermits on here are not very helpful, they just yell "cow" and make fun of me) but I have a lot to do still.
PC Pros (based off of MY experience so far):
-Framerate is much better, like 60 FPS in just every game I play. Console verisons often feel sluggish by comparison.
-It's nice to have game library on one system, including older games. Many of these older games still have strong communities for support and mods
-Modding is great and adds in lot's of replay value. Your games never end on PC.
-Learning about PC's and tech in general is fun.
-Steam is very good with it's deals (lol at paying for online)
-You get out of it which you put in
PC Cons:
-It is expensive in the short term
-Can be a little frustrating sometimes to optimize or do things
-Playing on a monitor for too long sucks, you can use a TV but my PC does not work right. I think I may need to download something first.
-Some mods are bug ridden
-Hermits do over exaggerate things and downplay what consoles are capable of
-I have yet to see these WOW grapihcs between the vanilla versions of PC games and my PS3 versions, though this could be because my PC is not upgraded well enough yet
-Some aspects are confusing
-While you can play a lot of games with a console controller, I find they often have input lag
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