360: Freakin' Kinect! That's the only reason. If the next Xbox is too casual, I'm putting my middle finger to it.
PS4: None! I'll get it in day 1.
Wii: Nintendo is a casual business, so middle finger to that too.
TC, seriously, you have to be an idiot to not to buy the PS4 because BC is missing. BC is never any good, just keep the PS3 and play games on it.
sony has a history of not supporting their console the first 2 to 3 years. the ps3 was trash until 3 years has passed since its release and the psvita is going through the same thing the ps3 has went through. proper backward compatibility is a deal breaker for me. imo the wiiu is the best console next gen (im a big fan of platformers). as for xbox i like it but its dpad is limiting my gamin on the machine, now im buying fighting games again on ps3 because of how hard it is for me to play them on the xbox.
Well, I don't see it as a fact because I disagree. PS3 was awesome from day 1 for me.
The truth is that the picture quality from BC is bad because it is run by software emulation which is no where as close as the native console in terms of quality. No point bothering about BC. It's useless.
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