Lots of games to choose from thanks to indies and generally good quality AAA games.
Great graphics. Most games look really good nowadays even better than some the CG we used to see during the early days of the 3D era.
VR. I'm so happy it's finally a reality this gen and it has really given me some of the best gaming experiences I've ever had in my 29 years of gaming.
Mincrotransactions. I hate the fact that shitty publishers like EA, Ubisoft, etc. try to scam us with lootboxes and incomplete games.
The Destiny-like MP experience. Tons of bullet sponge enemies and shallow shitty gameplay/story sprinkled with a lot of hype and marketing. (see The Division. Destiny 2, etc.)
How every modern game tries to add in a multiplayer mode even when it's not needed and doesn't suit the game's style or narrative.
AAA Open-world galore. Every AAA game nowadays is trying to be open world even games that would benefit way more from smaller maps (see MGSV)
SJWs and politicians trying to push their agendas and screw with my games. Guys, I'm all about social justice and equal rights but please keep politics away from my games.
Battle Royale. It hasn't happened yet but I'm pretty sure every AAA shooter for the next decade is probably gonna dive deep into the whole battle royale craze. I'm okay with this as long as it doesn't affect the quality of the rest of the game. I'm not a big battle royale fan.
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