Hello friends,
Video games and Stories has been linked to each other since long time and many games tell great stories. Story driven games are easily some of my In this thread we discuss our top 5 best stories we encounter in video gaming.
heres mine.
Number 5
Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay

This game tells Incredible journey of How Riddick Escape from prison known as butcher bay. the story is so mature, deep and dark. its based on its movie yet its much better than its movie counterpart.
Number 4
Metro 2033

Metro 2033 offer amazing story that is based on book of same name potraying how artyom protect metro after nuclear war. artyom journey is very memorable and it will end in trilogy. amazing story especially in FPS
Number 3
Max Payne

Story of one badass Cop wage war against mafia and criminals for avenging his family murder and also frame for his own family murder and his best friend, running from both cops and criminal. this was one of the best story game when it was released and still is.
Number 2
Deus Ex

Deus Ex is still best game ever made and story play important role in it. story in original Deus Ex is oscar worthy. amazing conspiracy theories that even show reality of world today. how JC denton a one man who refuse to work for UNATCO hunted as war criminal but he continue to exposed the conspiracy theories about viruses and stuff. incredible story that no writer ever made again.
Number 1
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

Along with Max Payne this is best third person game ever. and story also play important role in it. its a journey of tommy angelo who forced to join mafia but maintain his morals. he is good guy working for bad guys. the writing in this game is what i say an art of writing. the dialouges the characters. its unbeatable still. danial vavra is a legend.
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