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Some sort of limited BC in the 720 would also allow them a great bragging point, even if minor support, over the PS4. Perhaps just supporting XBLA content at first.
New Halo (Halo 5) teaser trailer reveal. The game may release 2014, but showing that at the end of the conference, even a poor Kinect 2 focused conference, will ensure posters in SW will remember they actually loved the entire show. Even if the show was mostly riddled with explaining by the suits on why great Kinect 2/HD is so great, and how we are going to need it next generation. They will of course show Forza probably as well, maybe even GeoW something (no mas cliffy B tho).
Another thing they could do is put in 16GB of RAM, even if it's not BA GDDR5 RAM, and people will flip out in SW at least for the next say, six years based on the 16GB vs. 8GB. It's also crucial to remember that 720 Rumors did put the 720 at 4GB, but that I'm sure is changing now. Of course, I think with cost, they may just go 8GB matching the PS4 8GB, but perhaps not spending the dough to go GDDR5. The idea is their software dept. could make up the slack where Sony's hardware advantages come into play.
I think for sure now the idea of no used games will be killed off. The Wii U and PS4 support used games, M$ can't afford to be the only console in town not doing used games.
A low price point, probably two models will be revealed.
Also, perhaps a new Xbox Live Tier is introduced, like a suggestion of mine from 2005, Xbox Live Platinum.
Actually rumours were that the PS4 had 4GB RAM (but faster) whilst the 360 had 8GB (slower)
I think allowing XBLA games to transfer, and maybe even achievements to the new Xbox would be great. Would love a PGR5 as well. And a cheaper price. I think Sony is waiting on Microsoft to announce their price before they do. Perhaps see how Microsoft is going to handle the subscription model before copying it.
I guess they could announce the Nextbox will be a games focused,powerful console.I don't think anyone is expecting that.LOL
Shame Sony have already announced one of those though.:cool:
There are no bombs they could drop except timed-exclusive multiplats. ie showing me games I'll play on PC or PS4, which is nice of them.
TBH Micro aint doin **** bruh
Not hard to figure out. Plus there was a document release a while back on launch window games that Microsoft are publishing.
Project Gotham (Title unknown)
Alan Wake 2
Ryse (No longer Kinect required)
Gears Kinect title
Halo 2 remastered
Killer Instinct
New Rare Title (Probably Kinect related)
And a new studios title made by the team that did Microsoft Flight Sim and new hires.
"EA and T2 are belong to us" :oNow that we can expect a response from Microsoft officially detailing the XBOX at some point, what do you think Microsoft will do to counter SONY's early reveal - before AND after E3?
[What are your expectations?] ------- [and what would you personally like?]
If I had to guess, a unified Xbox game store across the Xbox 3, Windows and Windows Phone. It just makes so much sense: MS's big thing is "three screens and the cloud", it solves their exclusives issue overnight by bringing a sh*t-ton of otherwise PC-only games to Xbox, it would similarly bring a bunch of XBLA-type games to Windows/WP, and it gives them an instant, serious Steam competitor.
Hell, it could even solve their XBL subscription problem. Forcing people to drop $60/year for online multiplayer and Netflix just isn't going to work this time around, but saying "hey, give us $60/year and you can access all your games and data on any compatible hardware in the world" would be pretty damn appealing.
A large focus on kinect, I don't think we will even see a new xbox controller on the stage until the new COD appears.
the dashboard is entirely kinect driven.
call of duty respawn team.
Halo teaser.
forza will be there.
gears of war in some form.
Alot of kinect titles, almost all of the new IPS will have that focus.
All these years the thing that they managed to drop is the quality of their games
Fable is nothing like Fable 1-2 and Rare is making Sports games
They droped JRPGs like Lost Odyssey 2 and cancelled Cry On (still crying over this)
They killed XNA and indie development on xbox too
I expect a small disaster from MS part
All these years the thing that they managed to drop is the quality of their games
Fable is nothing like Fable 1-2 and Rare is making Sports games
I expect a small disaster from MS part
Looks like you found the solution for the lemmings.Weren't you a 360 fanboy at one point in time? Sorry, I haven't really been on SW for at least like a year and I seem to remember you being a 360 fanboy so it's weird to see you dissing on them like that. Or are you just losing interest in Microsoft systems/their direction in gaming?All these years the thing that they managed to drop is the quality of their games
Fable is nothing like Fable 1-2 and Rare is making Sports games
I expect a small disaster from MS part
All these years the thing that they managed to drop is the quality of their games
Fable is nothing like Fable 1-2 and Rare is making Sports games
I expect a small disaster from MS part
Weren't you a 360 fanboy at one point in time? Sorry, I haven't really been on SW for at least like a year and I seem to remember you being a 360 fanboy so it's weird to see you dissing on them like that. Or are you just losing interest in Microsoft systems/their direction in gaming?Microsoft don't have the first party studios that Sony do, so I'm not expecting much on the game front. Especially considering Halo, Gears and Forza have had games too recently. The hardware won't match PS4. Microsoft won't have an answer to the streaming service the PS4 has. I fail to see what a new XBL could do that the PS4 PSN isn't doing, and like I said the nextbox won't have a streaming service like PS4 has so it's likely the new XBL will have even less features than PS4 PSN will have.
With all this in mind, I fail to see what bombs MS could drop. The new kinect could end up getting a lot of interest from casuals, but core gamers won't care. Whether whatever they have planned for kinect 2 is enough of a bomb to make those casuals want to spend £300 on a new system remains to be seen.
[QUOTE="loosingENDS"]Weren't you a 360 fanboy at one point in time? Sorry, I haven't really been on SW for at least like a year and I seem to remember you being a 360 fanboy so it's weird to see you dissing on them like that. Or are you just losing interest in Microsoft systems/their direction in gaming?All these years the thing that they managed to drop is the quality of their games
Fable is nothing like Fable 1-2 and Rare is making Sports games
I expect a small disaster from MS part
Sure, xbox 360 gave me Oblivion console exlusive for years, Alan Wake exclusive for years, Mass Effect 1 first, Lost Odyssey (my top JRPG this generation by miles), Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4 first, Blue Dragon (loved this one), Kamoe, Banjo 3, Viva Pinata etc
All games i loved
I liked Fable 3 too, but the Fable atmsphere, monsters is largly gone and is not even remotly as epic and fairy tale like older ones and now they moved to Kinect
Rare is now in .... sports games (for the love of god, the guy that decided this must be mentaly unstable)
Also i dont see MS going for JRPGs again
In short, every single reason i loved xbox 360 for seems to be gone and does not seem any of them will make a come back sadly
I still am a 360 fanboy, i had like 90% more fun on my 360 than PS3 this generation and only now PS3 is gettign serious (excluding Demons Souls of coufrse), with Ni no Kuni and many other titles i want to play
PS4 is a different beast, it already has all the epic stuff (FF 15 Agnes, Deep Down, Witcher 3, Dark Souls 2) i want to play, plus best graphics
EPIC console already
So, yes, losing interest in Microsoft systems/their direction in gaming
Unless they announce some epic exlusive medieval RPG of course :)
Check it out now
I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous
You heard of us
Official queensbridge murderers
The mobb comes equipped with warfare, beware
Of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
For all of those who wanna profile and pose
Rock you in your face, stab your brain wit' your nosebone
You all alone in these streets, cousin
Every man for theirself in this land we be gunnin'
And keep them shook crews runnin'
Like they supposed to
They come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face
You're in the wrong place
Cowards like you just get they're whole body laced up
With bullet holes and such
Speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
You can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
Your simple words just don't move me
You're minor, we're major
You all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
Don't make me have to call your name out
Your crew is featherweight
My gunshots'll make you levitate
I'm only nineteen but my mind is old
And when the things get for real my warm heart turns cold
Another ni99a deceased, another story gets told
It ain't nothin' really
Hey, yo dun spark the phillie
So I can get my mind off these yellowbacked ni99as
Why they still alive I don't know, go figure
Meanwhile back in queens the realness is foundation
If I die I couldn't choose a better location
When the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
Getting closer to God in a tight situation
Now, take these words home and think it through
Or the next rhyme I write might be about you
M.O.B. deeeep
What advantages do they have over Sony now with the PS4 being built specifically to have the latest and greatest interface possible with multitasking in mind, downloading in background(or with the console turned off), live streaming, party chat, social gaming(even with single player games), etc... and Microsoft wont have the edge on 3rd party multiplats anymore either with the PS4 being built easy to develop for like a PC this time around with loads of fast ram, 8 core processor, and even another extra chip built-in made just for the OS/multitasking. And Xbox has never had an advantage over Playstation in terms of 1st party games, so you might as well just chalk that one up as a Sony victory. Seriously, I don't know what Microsoft can do to give the 720 an edge over the PS4 at this point. The PS4 basically fixes all of the problems Sony made with the PS3. It's hard to come up with legitimate complaints anymore. Microsoft might as well just go the casual route this gen like the Wii and focus on their Kinect technology, because I don't see what they can do to make the 720 have any advantages over the PS4.I think they are going back to what made them beat Ps3 last gen. The games and Xbox Live interface.
Sony suprised even devs with 8 gigs of ram with this weird unveiling event. Its like they are trying hard to react to something.
Would be hilarious if all the nextbox rumors were just smoke and mirrors, and they drop a fvcking beast in hardware, drop Kinect, show some great new IPs, and get rid of Live fees.
But, it won't happen.
Project Gotham Racing 5
Rare game. Maybe Killer Instinct.
Halo 2 Anniversary
2+ New IP's
Timed exclusivity on all the games that count
Minecraft updated to PC version
Kinect 2.0 (say what you want but my kids love it and so do everyone else's)
Some surprises !!!
RIP $ony
I dig your wizball sig :P
Project Gotham Racing 5
Rare game. Maybe Killer Instinct.
Halo 2 Anniversary
2+ New IP's
Timed exclusivity on all the games that count
Minecraft updated to PC version
Kinect 2.0 (say what you want but my kids love it and so do everyone else's)
Some surprises !!!
RIP $ony
I dig your wizball sig :P
Thanks! The greatest game of all time on the greatest gaming machine of all time. :cool:
Project Gotham Racing 5
Rare game. Maybe Killer Instinct.
Halo 2 Anniversary
2+ New IP's
Timed exclusivity on all the games that count
Minecraft updated to PC version
Kinect 2.0 (say what you want but my kids love it and so do everyone else's)
Some surprises !!!
RIP $ony
I dig your wizball sig :P
Thanks! The greatest game of all time on the greatest gaming machine of all time. :cool:
It was an awesome game... although if we're talking the greatest game it would have to be:
I dig your wizball sig :P
Thanks! The greatest game of all time on the greatest gaming machine of all time. :cool:
It was an awesome game... although if we're talking the greatest game it would have to be:
Good one! There's too many to choose from to be honest. I'm glad I was around though to witness first hand the true golden age of gaming. Wizball just sticks with me as it was the first game I fired up in my shiny new C64 on christmas morning. Good times! :D
Honestly, the biggest surprise to me would be if they announce launch date and pricing schemes. I already expect MS to come out with a more powerful system than PS4 at a sooner launch date (world wide).
And now that someone mentioned, I would be pretty pleasently shocked to see Valve show up (ala Playstations E3) and announce HL3 as an exclusive. If not that, I definitely see Bethesda making Fallout 4 a times exclusive (along with another big third party AAA game from EA or something).
Those are some of my guesses.
Oh, and I fully expect them MS to have deals with ISP's which kind of subsidize the price of the console as Next Xbox will essentially be a cable box (hence, why I said pricing schemes)
Yup.I'm not expecting much from Microsoft.
Well... some dancing, more Kinect shovelware, rehash existing IPs and an introduction of increased XBL fees.
Oh, and I fully expect them MS to have deals with ISP's which kind of subsidize the price of the console as Next Xbox will essentially be a cable box (hence, why I said pricing schemes)
You haven't been keeping up if you expect M$ Nextbox to be more powerful than the PS4.They will need too win some other way. Also only a fool would subsidize a console.
I'm not expecting much from Microsoft.
Well... some dancing, more Kinect shovelware, rehash existing IPs and an introduction of increased XBL fees.
I doubt it.
Honestly, the biggest surprise to me would be if they announce launch date and pricing schemes. I already expect MS to come out with a more powerful system than PS4 at a sooner launch date (world wide).
And now that someone mentioned, I would be pretty pleasently shocked to see Valve show up (ala Playstations E3) and announce HL3 as an exclusive. If not that, I definitely see Bethesda making Fallout 4 a times exclusive (along with another big third party AAA game from EA or something).
Those are some of my guesses.
:lol: Valve would NEVER do that, currently Valve is getting Steam on Linux and Gabe stated that he wanted every game running on Steam to eventually run on Linux because he doesn't like Windows 8 or the direction Microsoft OS's are taking. In addition in the past Valve has stated that the current Xbox Live policies regarding game updates conflicts with the way Valve needs/wants to update their games, which is why Team Fortress 2 hasn't received updates like the Playstation 3 or Computer versions of the games.
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